Strange Boy

*§* It Just Has To Be Me *§ *

“Don't worry you won’t remember anything after this.” He said with a voice like a god’s.  I didn't know what he was. But I knew he wasn't human. Where had he came from?  There are only a few families in the town and I knew them all. So that could only mean one thing.He wasn't from here (Hi, I'm captin obvious). I had to get away.

became so absorbed in my thoughts, I idiotically forgot he was there. he put his hand on my forehead and suddenly everything went black.



The next thing I knew,  I was standing in front of my house. Totally clueless as to what the hell had just happened. When I got inside my momEunJungwas on the couch flipping through the channels to fast for any human being to actually see what's on.

“And you complain about me running the battery down?” I asked with my eyebrows raised. “Talk about ironic.”she just acted as if she didn't hear me


FI told her about what happened in the woods but she was un-phased. To tell the truth I get tired of how she nonchalantly puts off everything I say like I’m a stupid five year oldor a delusional old woman. “JiHye, by now you shouldn’t be surprised, in a world with so many boys you should only expect it. After all, boys will be boys.” She explained.“Well I still think something's off here.” I mumbled and just let go. Might as well go to bed.

Not too long after I fell asleep.



She slid the blade deeper into my pale skin, bright crimson  blood trickling down my bare arms. She slowly took the knife out of my forearm. The knife glinted a malicious red in her eyes. I thik she may have enjoyed my screams of excruciating pain. She smiled/sneered at me. It was a look too scary for her flawless  and beautiful face. Yet, it suited her perfectly Just as she was about to drive the blood stained dagger into my abdomen with a smug smile on her face, a flash of color stepped in front of me.

It was a boy. He was in a defensive stance as if he was protecting me. All I saw when he turned around were his eyes. His eyes held me there as if wanting me to stay; his told me a story of whom and what he was.though his eyes were mesmarizing, they told me to run and hide. I did as they told.

I fled through the forest at nonhuman speeds, occasionally looking back to see if I'm being followed. Panting, I stopped at a huge tree and strangely floated to the top. I waited and waited, shivering at the constant shrieking in the distance. But just as quickly as it began it stopped. And there he was suddenly in frot of me with not a scratch on his body...... The presence I felt, the voice that haunted my thoughts day and night, it was all him. “Are you alright?” he said. The words filled my head though his voice was but a whisper. The bond is so strong but the connection feels as thin as the rarest spider silk. I nodded, despite the fact that it felt like I may faint any second. On a weird impulse I kissed him as I heard the faint ringing of an alarm clock.



When I woke up my white sheets were bright red with blood and I could feel his lips on mine. Somehow I was convinced that it was More than just a dream. Reluctantly, I shook off myworries and fell asleep once again...... 

The next day the whole school was buzzing (well mostly the girls) because there was a new student in the school. Not just any student, the hottest guy ever according to everyone else. But I didn't see him though.

“Oh my gosh, did you hear?” MiSung gushed excitedly.

“Yeah but I haven’t even seen him yet.”

“Here's your chance, he's right over there look at him!!!”

“He’s probably just a normal— HOT DAMN! ! !


He was nothing like I thought he would be. When he turned around that strange but familiar feeling grew stronger. His eyes, those lips……… It was him, the guy from my dream.When he noticed me looking at him he hurried down the hall like he didn’t want me to notice him. In the process he trips over thin air and fell on his face.Psh wow is my life like the friggin Twilight Saga or what?I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. That girl……… she has to be some kind of clue to this weird dream. She has to be. Maybe she was some sort of —

Before I could think any further all I felt was pure agony. Screaming I fell to the ground and the ent  ire building went silent. A spell. I was under a spell. It must have happened in the woods when I ran into that vampire. I was coming lose but the more I tried to remember the more pain I felt. I screamed until I lost my voice then everything went black.




I was groggy, my head was throbbed, and I missed tons of classes as far as I know. I awoke to the nurse’s concerned face.

“I called your parentss a while ago so they should be here any second now. You were out all day. What happened?” she asked.

“I don’t know I don’t remember anything.” I said rubbing my head. Scaring the living hell out of me, my mom and dad came rushing in 'worried to death' I bet.

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Okay , first things first , dude , you rock !!! ^_^ I fell in love with this story ever since I first laid my eyes on them
This is cool! I hope that you still continue on writing it. ^^
New reader! ^.^ this sound soo cool!
Omg I love the way you describe the story and you haven't reaveled who the dude is yet. This is a very interesting story. Waahhh<br />
Updateeee SOOOONN
You first chapter seems really well put together like no joke. You are good at describing people and you're sentences are very well constructed. I know one thing your story seems interesting. But I think it is somewhat rushed in a way I can't really explain it but I see what you are trying to do.<br />
Are you trying to make the interesting parts just come out quick. <br />
Same thing I did on my first chapter.<br />
:D <3 Please don't delete it ^^ Update SOOOOOON
No no don't delete it if any thing just renew it and make the description sound more interesting. Do things to promote your fanfic it actually sounds good so far.<br />
<br />
SHINeeSaranghae98 hwaiting!
SHINeeSaranghae98 #7
I might delete this after all.