A Mysterious Beginning

*§* It Just Has To Be Me *§ *

“Hmm,” I sighed, checking myself out in the mirror. Life is boring everyday I go through the same routine. Sometimes I just wish that all of those mythical things like fairies, nymphs witches and goblins were not just my wild imaginations. The people that surround me ask for too much. And all the time I find myself escaping to the world of my imagination to run from their expectations.


Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I gathered my things and got on my bike and rode to school. After I finally got to school.I walked through those large doors and automatically knew it was gonna be a long day. I could feel it. But I also felt something I can’t explain. A presence, as if I’m being watched by someone or something.


A connection so strong I was sure it wasn’t my imagination. It was more. Something or someone's here. For me, whoever or whatever it is.







I could not stop thinking about it. It was on my mind all day, almost as if whatever it was intentionally placed itself there. I talked to Lee MiSung, my best friend, about it but she just shooed my thoughts away like they had suddenly taken up unwanted space. I swear sometimes she just doesn't listen at all.



I decided to isolate myself for a while to get away from her so before class started I went to the library. I sat down and placed my head upon the table. Then I heard something. A voice in my head kept telling me to fall asleep. I wanted to listen because another one told me not to.  For a second I thought I was schizophrenic. Just then the bell rang, shaking me out of my thoughts as I got up and ran to class. 



Sooner or later my 7th period class was over and I was on my way home riding my bike through the woods. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice my surroundings. Just then, the trees rustled. And down came the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. His hair shone as if absorbing light from the sun. His eyes were the brightest, deepest brown. And last but not least he had very pale but creamy skin. No matter how hypnotized I was by his beauty for some reason I had a feeling he wasn't human. I don't know...... maybe cause he just leaped from a tree?!



I backed away unable to defend myself. In a quick movement he was in front of me, breath on my face. In another quick second he was behind me with his arm around my neck. Ready, as it seemed to kill me.




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Okay , first things first , dude , you rock !!! ^_^ I fell in love with this story ever since I first laid my eyes on them
This is cool! I hope that you still continue on writing it. ^^
New reader! ^.^ this sound soo cool!
Omg I love the way you describe the story and you haven't reaveled who the dude is yet. This is a very interesting story. Waahhh<br />
Updateeee SOOOONN
You first chapter seems really well put together like no joke. You are good at describing people and you're sentences are very well constructed. I know one thing your story seems interesting. But I think it is somewhat rushed in a way I can't really explain it but I see what you are trying to do.<br />
Are you trying to make the interesting parts just come out quick. <br />
Same thing I did on my first chapter.<br />
:D <3 Please don't delete it ^^ Update SOOOOOON
No no don't delete it if any thing just renew it and make the description sound more interesting. Do things to promote your fanfic it actually sounds good so far.<br />
<br />
SHINeeSaranghae98 hwaiting!
SHINeeSaranghae98 #7
I might delete this after all.