Day 23

Super Christmas


“I think this is an appropriate time to turn on a Christmas move.”


“I think Chullie is right.”


“I think your Christmas is not suitable for certain people in this household.”


“Actually, Kangin, I was thinking of a family film.”


“A very innocent family, I hope.”


“’Home Alone’?”


The dorm was quiet or a few seconds. All eyes turned curiously towards Donghae, who only shrugged innocently.


“I think it’s a nice film,” he said simply. “It’s funny, about Christmas, and really cute. Best of all, it’s completely children friendly.”


“That sounds unfortunate,” Kyuhyun mumbled, earning him a small smack from Sungmin.


“I think it’s a good idea,” Leeteuk agreed, nestling himself comfortably in the corner of the couch, halfway on top of Kangin. “We saw ‘Love Actually’ last year, didn’t we? This one will be a nice change.”


“I’m not sure I’m following here,” Shindong interrupted with a frown. “Is that the film where the kid turns his home into a deathtrap for Christmas?”


“More or less, yeah,” Eunhyuk replied as Donghae nodded and draped himself over the older, nuzzling his neck slightly. “Although I don’t think that’s the most appropriate way to describe it.”


“Come on, Shindong-hyung has a point,” Sungmin commented. “It’s basically what he does, after all.”


“It’s not deathtrap, but dangerous, yes,” Zhoumi agreed somewhat eagerly, surprising the room. Henry, in particular, looked at him incredulously.


“Gege, you know this film?” Zhoumi shrugged in response. “It’s good.”


“Well, I love it,” Henry continued, smiling cutely at the rest of the room. “I vote for! How about you other?”


“Sounds interesting,” Siwon smiled. Kibum nodded quietly, though his lips curled up slightly.


“I’m all in,” Shindong grinned, already running to the kitchen to find himself a snack.


“So are we,” Eunhyuk replied for himself and Donghae.


“I’m good with whatever,” Kangin said nonchalantly, and it was blatantly obvious to everyone that he did not really care all that much about the film, as much as cuddling with Leeteuk while they watched. The leader also voiced his agreement eagerly.


“It’s good inspiration,” Kyuhyun nodded to himself, making the rest of the dorm roll their eyes.


“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him in check,” Sungmin stated confidently.


“Yesungie, what do you think?” Ryeowook asked his lover anxiously; he had never heard about the film before, but it sounded sort of… Not good.


“It’s good, Wookie,” he assured the eternal maknae, his voice having improved slightly over the past few days. “Though ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ is better.”


“It doesn’t sound any better,” Kyuhyun remarked dryly, but Yesung ignored him.


“Alright,” Ryeowook agreed hesitantly, eyeing Yesung cautiously. “We’re in.”


“Sounds fun,” Hankyung remarked. “Chullie, come on. It’s fine, right?”


Finally, the diva snorted, but flashed a beautiful smile to the members. “Fine, since you’re all a bunch of retarded kids, I’ll agree with you.”


Everyone cheered; it had been surprisingly easy to agree on this, at least compared to how discussions usually went at the dorms. Eventually, they all sat down trying to make themselves comfortable in various chairs, on the couch or, for Yesung, Zhoumi and the EunHae couple, the floor.


Some people were just born to be unfortunate, they reasoned. Fortunately, their dorm had soft carpets.


Like usual, they did not manage to watch a film without commenting at just about everything on the way, making it rather difficult for some of them to follow the action.


“Seriously, how can they forget one kid?! Seriously?! Isn’t that impossible? Teukie-hyung, you’d never forget one of us, would you?”


“Find the booze, kid. Find the booze.”


“Ew, that Santa is creepy. Where is the real Santa?”


“These guys must be the most retarded things I’ve seen since Kangin tried to cook.”


“What about the shaving scene? I wanna see the shaving scene.”




“That woman’s hair looks terrible.”


“I hope those guys go to jail…”




“Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.”


“Holy – , did he just - ?”




“Is Yesung-hyung asleep?”


And indeed, the turtle-lover had, for some unfathomable reason, fallen asleep in the midst of the most noisy and entertaining scenes, complete with an audience that would not shut up. Ryeowook was staring intently at the screen, trying to pay attention to the film despite the disturbances, and only threaded his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair gently, not once looking down at the head situated on the edge of the sofa between his legs.


“He’s asleep,” he confirmed absentmindedly, not caring to elaborate further. He was, after all, strangely engrossed in the film.


And because of this, Ryeowook failed to see Eunhyuk sneak up on the subject of their discussion, bending down mischievously to flick a finger against Yesung’s forehead. Chaos erupted after that.


Yesung immediately woke and pounced on Eunhyuk, making Donghae laugh himself senseless before the fray stumbled over his legs. Thus the fishy got included in the fight as well. It did not take long before some of the other members stopped paying attention to the film and instead turned to watch the trio intently. Remarkably enough, Ryeowook ignored them and continued staring at the screen instead.


When Heechul finally cried out for them to either stop (or rather, as he shouted, “either sit the down or take your retarded outside!”), the banter turned oral as well, finally including some of the other members.


Kibum and Hankyung tried to resolve the non-existent issue, while Sungmin and Zhoumi were watching with a mixture between mild amusement and disbelief. Shindong was busy trying to protect his snack from the wild group. Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world in their own little corner. In the end, only Ryeowook, Henry and Kyuhyun were paying attention to the film. Siwon thus dubbed it a children’s movie, just in case anyone ever doubted that.


In the end, very few of the members noticed that the film ended. Only the maknae trio saw it until the end, and they were all very intrigued by it. Henry, who had seen it enough times to know it by heart, and Kyuhyun, who found the child’s antics ridiculously entertaining, not to mention Ryeowook, who had probably seen the least innocent film of his entire life. They still ignored the rest of the members causing mayhem – even Ryeowook.


Normally, Ryeowook would be out of his mind with worry for Yesung, despite the fight only being a friendly matter between members. Particularly considering the older’s condition as of late; Ryeowook had somehow turned extremely overprotective, which was a weird sight indeed. However, now, he was too taken with discussion the film with Kyuhyun and Henry, and since Yesung could not use his voice to cry for help, he was somehow stuck between his dongsaeng bullies. Sans Heechul, who was just simply the worst hyung ever


And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch.


In the end, the youngest trio did acknowledge the raging battle going on… More or less right behind them. At first, there had only been stares from the three. Then…


“It has three sequels, want to watch one?”


Well, this was lame.

I was going to have them watch "Dinner For One" - the world's most viewed sketch - on this day, until I realized that only Norwegians are weird and watch this on the 23rd. Really, it makes sense; it's a New Year's sketch, after all. Yet, somehow, we are weird. xD So random other film we watch a lot. During Christmas. *facepalm*

I thought I'd be able to finish the 24th today as well, though sadly, I did not. >.> SOON.




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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*