
His Story, Her Story... Their Story



2 weeks later …


Nichkhun’s POV

“Yoona stopped texting me. How long do I need to continue this for?” Taecyeon asks curiously as he walks into my office. What is he talking about? Who is Yoona?

“I have no idea what you are talking about. Who is Yoona?” I ask, confused. I’m sure I’ve heard the name Yoona before. But who is she?

“That girl I met at the club two weeks ago. I asked you for advice and you told me to not answer her texts to seem mysterious but now she isn’t texting me anymore,” he answers in an annoyed tone. Oh that Yoona. Now I remember her. Thank god she stopped texting him. Now he can move on with his life.

“If she isn’t texting you anymore, she probably isn’t interested. There are plenty of other girls in the sea,” I reply with a smile. He looked even more annoyed than before. What is his problem? He comes closer and slams his fists onto my desk enraged.

“I liked her Khun. I really did and now she won’t text me anymore because of YOU. What kind of friend are you? I HATE YOU!” He shouts, leaving the office in a rush. I was doing him a favour. If he knew what she was like then he would be thanking me but he doesn’t know her well enough.

But maybe I was wrong. It would have been his problem anyway. Why should I have interfered? Maybe she isn’t as weird as I thought. Why did I even think she was crazy and weird in the first place?


Victoria’s POV

I feel sickly as I wake up. Just like I have been the last few days. I wait for a few seconds before running to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet bowl.

This is some normal routine for me now. I don’t want any of my friends or Yoona to find out. They would worry too much. It will go away soon.

I stare into my reflection in the mirror. My face looks sickly pale and there is puffiness under my eyes. Thank god I’m not working today. I look awful. There must be something seriously wrong with me.

“Vic unnie. What’s going on? Are you sick or something?” Yuri asks from behind me. I run towards her and cover , hoping no one else heard her.

“I’m fine,” I answer, trying to avoid any suspicions. Yuri stared at me. I don’t think she’s buying it.

“You are not fine. We should take you to a doctor. I’m not working so I can help take you. No one else has to know. This can be our secret,” She mumbles as she takes my hand, “OH MY GOD.” She stops in her tracks, widening her eyes. Her expression is very shocked.

“Yul are you okay? What happened?” I ask as I drag her to my room. is agape and her face still looks shocked.

“You could be pregnant unnie. Don’t you remember what happened that night two weeks ago?” she answers. I try to think back to what she was talking about. And then it finally hit me. I had with Nichkhun.

“Are you kidding me? There is no way I’m pregnant,” I whisper. I’m sure he was using some sort of protection. At least I think he was.

“You have all the symptoms. Vic, don’t worry. I will go out and buy a pregnancy test,” she reassures as she returns to her room. I can’t believe this is really happening to me.

After everyone else had gone to work, Yuri went out to the store, picking up a pregnancy test. We did everything it told us to do on the pack and were now awaiting the results.

I walk up and down the room nervously, sweating like an animal. What if I am pregnant? I can’t take care of a baby.

“Okay, are you ready?” Yuri asks as she held it in her hands. I cover my face with my hands, not prepared for what I may hear. This is it. The moment of truth.

“Unnie, you are ………………………Pregnant. Yayyy I can be an aunt,” she says excitedly. I’m not as happy as she is.

One, the baby’s father is an . Two, I can barely take care of myself. Three, I am not ready. I always expected to have a baby with Prince Charming after we got married. But maybe a baby could make my life better in some way. This baby is a gift not an accident. I will love this baby even if it kills me.

Yuri hugs me tightly. She probably knows how I was feeling right now.


Nichkhun’s POV

A few days had passed and Taecyeon still wasn’t talking to me. I can see why now. Maybe she did mean a lot to him.

 I sit in my office like I did everyday. I really need to find myself some kind of hobby to keep me busy. I can’t continue my life like this every day. Maybe I should paint. But I at painting. Play an instrument? I have never played an instrument in my life. Play a sport? I could do that. But then I would have to work with other people. Nah I’d rather stay by myself.

“Hi Uncle Khun!” Chansung shouts running into my office followed by Taeyeon. This kid can’t stop bothering me lately. What does he want now?

“I am really busy today so I was wondering if you could baby-sit. Wooyoung will be free in a few hours so you can drop Chansung off with him at lunch,” Taeyeon adds. Is this some kind of joke? How can I baby-sit if I m in the office and working? Actually I’m not even working but I can’t baby-sit. I’ve never baby-sat in my life.

“Fine. I’ll take the kid,” I answer as Taeyeon kisses Chansung’s cheek before leaving in a rush. He starts wandering around my office lifting my stuff and then dropping my picture frame.

“Sit down and don’t do anything. Play with your Nintendo or something,” I say sternly. He quickly takes a seat and sits there looking at me creepily.

I hate kids. especially babies. They are so annoying. All they do is cry and sleep and poop and cry some more. Eugh! I am never having kids!

“So do you have a girlfriend?” Chansung asks. What kind of 8 year old asks that? And why does he care if I have a girlfriend? He looks at me curiously as I try to get on with my work.

“No I don’t have a girlfriend,” I answer eventually to get him to stop staring at me.

“Really? That’s strange. You and my dad are the same age, he is married and has me but you don’t have anyone,” he replies in a shocked way. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

“My dad has a nice assistant. She is really pretty and nice. You could meet her when you drop me off,” he suggests. Why would I want to meet Wooyoung’s assistant? Someone pretty to Chansung won’t be pretty to me.

“What time is it?” I ask since it was like he had been here for hours.

“It’s 11,” Chansung answered. I still have an hour and a half. I swear I can’t last that long. I try to devise a way to get rid of him when Taecyeon walked past my office.

“Taec come here!” I shout. He ignores me and kept walking but then 2 minutes later he came in. See, he probably isn’t mad anymore.

“I’m still mad at you, you know,” he answers. I guess I’m slightly wrong there.

“I can get you back in with this Yoona girl. Reply to her text and ask her to dinner. And then call her and sing a song over the phone,” I say. He and Chansung look at me shocked.

“I never knew you know how to be romantic,” Taecyeon and Chansung say simultaneously.

“Yes I can be romantic if I want to. Now can you watch Chansung for me until I can take him to Wooyoung,” I ask hopefully. Taecyeon nods, leading Chansung out. Thank god! Some time for me. But what can I do now? Sleep? Okay. I rest my head on my desk and set an alarm for 12:30.


Victoria’s POV

I went to work like normal. I don’t want to fuss about going to work even if I am pregnant. I am completely fine working.

Yoona and Heechul insisted that I don’t (everyone found out I was pregnant since Yuri didn’t dispose of the pregnancy test properly) but after much arguing I finally got out.

“You’re late,” the other workers say, sending me sympathetic looks as I walk to my desk. It was tough working for someone as mean as Mr. Wooyoung Horvejkul. And I was stupid to take the job of being his assistant.

I do the normal stuff Mr Horvejkul gave me. It wasn’t as much paperwork as I would expect. Maybe he is being nice now.

“Hey there hot stuff. Maybe after I’m done with my meeting we could get some coffee,” Kyuhyun and Changmin say. They were Mr Horvejkul’s business partners. Ever since I had started working here, they became my fan boys, flirting and bothering me every visit. At first it was cute but by now it was freaky. I thought Kyuhyun had asked Sooyoung to go to dinner with him though.

I ignore them like I always do and they left me alone. It was like a normal ritual that we go through. Thank god, it’s lunch though.

I walk through the streets like normal, heading towards the café Heechul works in. Suddenly everything around me begins spinning, making my mind feel dizzy. My heart pounds uncontrollably. I feel myself suffocating. I can’t breathe!  It’s like I’m going to die. But I can’t die, I’m too young. What about my family?

My knees gave way and I fall to the ground. My heart pounds even more and my body shook vigorously as if I’m extremely cold. I try to relax myself. But nothing seemed to be working. Suddenly, I felt someone trying to help me up.

“I think she’s having a panic attack. We should take her back to the house and call a doctor,” a female voice says. I’ve never had a panic attack before.

“We should try and get her to the car first. Poor girl. She’s probably very scared right now,” another female voice replies. I can’t recognise any of their voices. But at least they will help me out.

My head became dizzier as they drove me somewhere. Everything became much darker as I seep into dreamland.


Nichkhun’s POV

I eventually wake up and took Chansung over to Wooyoung. Wow! His office building is really big. The show off. He’s trying to be better than me with a big company and everything. Like I care.

“I want to hang out with Uncle Khun,” he says to me, holding my hand as we walk in. Well too bad. You can’t get everything you want.

“Sorry. Uncle Khun is busy. Now let’s take you to dad,” I say, trying to get him to release my hand. He won’t let go. He really admires me. How cute! Wait, it’s not cute. It’s weird.

I am acting really strange today. First, babysitting, two, helping Taec get his girl back and now thinking Chansung’s cute. What is wrong with me?

We arrive at Wooyoung’s office but I can’t see him anywhere. I search for a while until I could hear his voice.

“Why is my work not done? I don’t care if she’s not here. Someone should have done it. And remind me to fire her tomorrow!” He shouts. Someone’s in a bad mood. I chuckle silently to myself.

“Nichkhun why are you here? Oh Chansung. How is my boy?” he asks as Chansung runs over to him. He’s not nice to me but he’s nice to Chansung, which is so rude. I’m his brother.

“What was with all the shouting?” I ask curiously. Why did I even ask that? I don’t even care.

“My stupid assistant went missing so I can’t find important files and stuff,” Wooyoung answered. He started to ask Chansung some things so I tried to leave.

“I need to go. See you guys whenever,” I say as I walked out.

“Wait! Uncle Khun needs to come to dinner at the house. Please,” Chansung pleads with his puppy eyed face. I have to resist. I don’t want to go to dinner.

“Fine,” I answer as I finally left. He always does that to me. But he was being good today so I might as well be nice and go see the family.


Victoria’s POV

I wake up in a large beautiful room. There is a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The bed sheets are made of silk. Gorgeous purple curtains were draped by the side of the window. This place is so luxurious. But where am I? Am I dreaming?

 I let out a huge yawn causing someone to run in. They place a cold cloth on my forehead. What even happened to me? I try to get up but they pushed my shoulders back down.

“Don’t try to get up. You are probably very dizzy and tired. I’ll go call the doctor in,” a nice woman says. She had brown hair which was tied up into a ponytail and a smiling face. She was probably the same age as me. She walks out allowing two other people in.

“I think you had a panic attack and then you must have fainted. It doesn’t normally happen to people who are pregnant but it can happen to anyone. Just make sure you rest and take some vitamins,” a doctor says as he checked me over. So it was a panic attack. Oh yeah, I used to have them when I was a kid.

 The two women look relieved as they sit down next to me.

“I’m Vera and this is my daughter in law Taeyeon. We were shopping when we saw you collapse so we definitely needed to get you some help. You are in our house just in case you were wondering.” She explains. She looks as though she’s in her late 40s but is still very beautiful and glamorous.

“Thank you very much. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t help me. I’m Victoria,” I answer. They are really nice for rich people. Most of them are pretentious snobs that look down on people like me.

“How long have you been pregnant?” Taeyeon asks curiously. She looks like she has had kids before. I don’t know how I can tell but I am sure she has.

“2-3 weeks,” I answer. Vera and Taeyeon both looked at me admiringly.

“That is so cute. I am sure you and your husband are delighted,” they say. Should I tell them that I am single and don’t know the father very well? They both cover their mouths in a shocked way. Huh, I think they can tell that I am single.

“Sorry. I am sure you are delighted and whoever is the father should be delighted too,” Vera adds instead.

“I don’t think he would be very delighted since he is a heartless who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce,” I reply without thinking it over. I should not have said that. They will think that I am so mean.

“There are so many guys like that out there. I hate saying this but I am sure one of my sons is like that,” she replies. They start asking me more questions. I glance over at the clock on the ceiling. I should really leave right now.

“I better get home now. I’m sure my sister and friends are worried,” I say, getting up and walking over to the door.

“Oh no. You need to stay for dinner at least. I am sure the family would love to meet you,” they say as they block the door. I guess it would be nice to meet their family since their family is probably as nice as they are.


Nichkhun’s POV

I get back to my office and sit down when Wooyoung and Chansung suddenly barge in. What do they want now?

“We were wondering if you want to get some pizza and watch a movie with us,” Wooyoung says. I’m really surprised. He knows that I hate hanging out with him. No way am I going. But maybe it would be good for me to spend some time with my family.

“Fine. Let’s go,” I say and we went out.

Girls keep staring at us. I know I am extremely good looking but I have never had them stare at me like that before. I brush my hair over to the side and wink at them before Wooyoung hits my arm. He’s just jealous.

 “What would you like to order?” the waiter asks when we went to the pizza place.

“Chicken and peppers with extra chicken,” Wooyoung and I say simultaneously. Maybe we do have something in common. We both laugh. I’m actually having a good time.

“Dad and Uncle Khun like the same type of pizza and now Chansung will like that pizza too,” Chansung says as he ate. We finish eating and go to see some kid movie in 3D. I normally used to hate doing this. Wooyoung would always steal the popcorn but he let me have it this time. I smile to myself. He is a better older brother now.

“I had a great day. We should do this again.” Chansung says. I agree. I feel so much better spending time with them.

“I hated it. Uncle Khun was copying my order and taking all the popcorn,” Wooyoung says as we walk into the house. Now he’s acting like such a kid again. I HATE HIM. I never want to spend time with him again. Now I sound like a girl.

I can hear my mom, Taeyeon, dad and someone else talking to each other from the living room. They haven’t set me up with a girl have they? I walk in and can’t believe who I see.

“Victoria?” Wooyoung and I ask angrily. What the hell is she doing here?




Also edited. Thanks for reading

love coolgirlaamy xxx



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Working on the new update as we speak :)


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faye0813 #1
Chapter 29: Are you not gonna update this anymore? :(
Kalyntsx #2
Chapter 29: No more updates here? :((
Chapter 29: Interesting!! Update pleaseeee
chunna #4
Chapter 29: it was already 2015 hehe. no more updates i suppose
Maudimooo #5
Chapter 11: Haha u reply my comment unnie:) thanksss
unfortunately_ayu #6
Author-nim, it has been 1 year of me waiting for you to update! Update fast please??~~~~<3<3<3
Please Update soon! ^^
nandoo #8
update soon :(
Chapter 29: Plz update soon! :)
Chapter 9: Whoahh.. Juzzyliciouss? Was that me??hehe

Anyway, I like your story.. Victoria always look strong.. She's the best!
Going to read the next chappie now.. ;)