If Only Love Ever Existed

His Story, Her Story... Their Story


Over the next few days nothing was mentioned about the kiss. Or the fact that he said he liked me. I’m so curious to find out the truth about why he kissed me that I slyly mention it during outings and such. Does he really have feelings for me? Or was it just drunk Khunnie talking?

“Vic, can I ask you something?” Taeyeon asks I walk out of the hotel restaurant with some tea. I stop and turn to face her.

“Wooyoung and I want to spend the day together before we go back to Seoul. Do you mind watching Chansung again? He had a lot of fun with you last time so I was hoping you’d say yes,” she explains, her eyes plead me to agree.

I was going to take Khunnie up on his offer of showing me around Paris today but maybe we could both take care of Chansung instead.

“Sure, I’d love to,” I reply.

“Great. We were going to take him to Disneyland today since we bought tickets but I guess you and Nichkhun could take him,” Taeyeon says happily, taking three tickets out of her purse and a list of things that could be dangerous to Chansung. Wow, she is really prepared.

I’d always wanted to go to Disneyland but I have never had the chance. As I grew up, I understood that life doesn’t go the way you planned and sometimes dreams don’t come to reality.

Taeyeon goes back to her room to get Chansung ready while I go back to my own room to get my things ready aswell. Nichkhun is still lying in bed, making no movements, which proves that he is still asleep or so I think.

A while later, as I pack some things I will need during the day, I hear a knock on the door only for a small figure to walk towards me. It moves slowly, taking small steps, walking up behind me.

Just as it holds up its hands to scare me, I say, “Hi Chansung.” A deep sigh comes from as if he was angry that I ruined his plans.

“Hi Victoria. Can we go yet?” he asks curiously as he takes a seat in one of the chairs that sits near a TV. Ah, the curious, excitable younger generation. I used to be like that many, many, many years ago since I’m so old now.

“Not yet. Your Uncle Khun needs to get up and ready first,” I say as I walk back to the bathroom.


Nichkhun’s POV

The same scene continually replays in my mind. I can’t believe it happened but I was glad that I did it. Those sweet lips against mine felt amazing.

There it was, coming up again. I pull up the pillow next to me, my eyes still closed. I set my lips down on it, just like I did at the wedding with Vic, and kiss it passionately.

“Ewwwwwwwwwwww!” I heard my pillow shriek as I let go. Pillows don’t talk. Oh my god, did I kiss Victoria again?

I open my eyes slowly to see a familiar face giving me a disgusted look. I can’t believe I just did that.

“CHANSUNG! Why are you lying in my bed?” I ask angrily as I push him away from me. An uncle kissing his nephew would be classified as and being gay. Ugh, I just hope no one finds out!

“I was going to wake you up when you lifted me up and kissed my cheek,” he answers. Thank god for that.

“Why did you want to wake me up?” I ask curiously as I leap out of the bed. Chansung has a huge smile on his face. Oh god, we don’t have to take care of him do we.

“You and Victoria are taking me to… DISNEYLAND!” He shriekes. Oh great! We need to take him to Disneyland? I would rather be in my office than do that.

My many experiences of our Disneyland trips hadn’t always been pleasant. As children of a wealthy family, Wooyoung and I were taken to Disneyland once a year ever since we were 4. The trips had always started out fairly nice but after that problems would occur. Once our grandfather had a heart attack and we had to rush home, someone attempted to kidnap me, dad had to fly home because of a business conference, I got sick and the list goes on.

“We’re almost there, come on,” Chansung said as he draggs me and Vic towards the entrance. It’s obvious he’s excited. I’m surprised they’ve never brought him here before.

“Okay, we’re coming,” Victoria replies as we followed him closely.

The whole amusement park gives off an exciting, energetic vibe that made me feel the same way. The drama from the previous visits escaped my mind and all I want to do today is have fun.

“I feel dizzy,” I say as I clung onto Chansung for support as we come off from one of the rides and walk towards Victoria. She is laughing hysterically as she watches us make our way over, trying not to fall down.

I love her laugh. It sinks into my heart and gives me a warm feeling inside. She can light up the whole world when she laughs. That’s what we need in this cold, dark world- people like Victoria. That sounds so cheesy but it’s true.

“That was amazing,” we exclaim as we sit down next to her. It’s a shame that she can’t go on the rides since she’s pregnant. At least the entertainment is keeping her amused. Note to self, when the kid is old enough bring them to Disneyland.

“Do you want some ice-cream?” she asks as she points over to the ice-cream stand. The sun had just come out and the temperature was increasing by the second so we nod desperately.

After going on most of the rides in the park, we go off to the gift shops before we will get something for dinner (we had lunch in the hotel before we left).

 “Oh can I have this? Please please please,” Chansung pleads as he points at some stuffed toys. I lift them up and inspect them closely. It’s just a piece of junk. Who would really want that?

I glance over at Victoria who was also looking at some stuffed toys so I take them over and paid for them. One for Victoria, one for Chansung and one for me. Yes, I think they’re stupid but I want to make Victoria happy. Plus, it will remind me of the great day I spent with her (and Chansung).


Victoria’s POV

“I’m so full,” I complain as I rub my stomach. The dinner was delicious but now I regret ever eating it. Ugh, I feel so fat!

“Here, I got you this,” Khunnie says from across the table, handing me over a bag. I take it eagerly from his hands and look inside. It’s that cute toy I saw!

“Thanks,” I reply happily as I lift it out. This is the first time he has ever given me a gift before. Oh it’s so sweet!

He hands one to Chansung who is busy devouring some chocolate fudge cake.

“Why don’t we take a walk before we go back to the hotel?” he suggests as we walk outside.

“Be careful!” I shout to Chansung who is running freely around the park as I walk with Khunnie.

The landscape looks so beautiful. There are small twinkling lights that hang from trees giving it a romantic look. The trees are very green for the time of year and the air is comfortably cool. The moon shines in the sky as do the stars. The whole place feels very romantic.

 I wonder why he brought us here. Omo, he’s going to tell me he likes me! But I don’t have enough courage to tell him. Come on Vic, you can do it! Just tell him!

“I need to tell you something,” Nichkhun and I say simultaneously. We both let out a small giggle. Aw, he looks so cute when he laughs.

“You go first,” I say, giving him my full attention so that he can tell me. This is it! He’s going to tell me he likes me more than friends. Nothing can ruin this moment.

“You know how I kissed you and said that I really liked you at Jonghyun’s wedding,” he starts. I nod, patiently waiting for what he is going to say next. Uh, why doesn’t he just tell me already? I guess he must be nervous.

“Well you should know that I didn’t mean to kiss you or say that. I was drunk and I didn’t know what I was saying. I like you but as a friend. I’m sure you probably already know that but I just wanted to make it clear,” he finishes.

 My heart sinks and breaks into a million pieces. I don’t know whether or not I should cry.

I’m so stupid. Of course he isn’t in love with me. I’m sure all those times he was jealous has no real meaning or nothing to do with me.

“So what did you want to tell me?” he asks curiously, flashing me a cute smile. My mouth is dry and my throat aches as I try to hold in my tears.

“Oh I just wanted to let you know that I only think of you as my friend and nothing more. I wasn’t really sure why you kissed me either,” I lie, taking small sips of water to help hold my tears back.


Nichkhun’s POV

Why did I say that? I should have just told her the truth.

 At least it saved me from embarrassment though. She only thinks of me as a friend. That’s all we’re ever going to be. Just friends. I guess that’s what I should expect but that didn’t stop me from feeling upset when she told me how she felt. I believe the only word to describe how I was feeling is heartbroken.

Girls like Victoria don’t fall for s like me so I’ll just have to admire her from afar. But s fall for pretty, sweet girls like her.

Ahhhh, Victoria what have you done to me? I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve put me under your enchanting spell.

The ride back to the hotel is completely quiet and awkward except from Chansung’s happy squeals and shrieks. Not to mention cries since we are going back tomorrow. The whole time I want to tell Vic my true feelings but I’m too much of a coward to do so.

The same feeling keeps me awake. I can’t sleep all night or on the flight back. I’ll tell her the truth when the time is right. I have no idea when that is.

Hi everyone. I didn't notice how long I haven't updated this for so I have done so today. 

133 subscribers! I'm so happy! you can't tell how much I am smiling right now!

Thanks for reading and I'll update soon :)

love from coolgirlaamy xxx

Started a new fanfic with my friend - Once upon a kidnap - so please read it!

p.s I don't have time to reply to your comments but I love recieveing them so please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Working on the new update as we speak :)


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faye0813 #1
Chapter 29: Are you not gonna update this anymore? :(
Kalyntsx #2
Chapter 29: No more updates here? :((
Chapter 29: Interesting!! Update pleaseeee
chunna #4
Chapter 29: it was already 2015 hehe. no more updates i suppose
Maudimooo #5
Chapter 11: Haha u reply my comment unnie:) thanksss
unfortunately_ayu #6
Author-nim, it has been 1 year of me waiting for you to update! Update fast please??~~~~<3<3<3
Please Update soon! ^^
nandoo #8
update soon :(
Chapter 29: Plz update soon! :)
Chapter 9: Whoahh.. Juzzyliciouss? Was that me??hehe

Anyway, I like your story.. Victoria always look strong.. She's the best!
Going to read the next chappie now.. ;)