Chapter Six

Jedi Rising

Baekhyun watched as Jongin stood sedately against the wall, his attention dedicated to the files spread across Sehun's floor. Jongin was interested in the politics of the Jedi debate, but Baekhyun doubted that he understood the implications if they lost.

"So, it looks like the governor was on the fence. He mentioned that erecting Jedi schools would be expensive and Jedi had unconvential lessons. But he also seemed to think we'd be a good military force," Jongin scoffed and shuffled the papers and pulled out another.

"See, he even had an outline for both sides. I think he wanted to have a feasible plan for both. I don't know if he was really for Jedi or not."

"Probably not. He probably saw the benefit of Jedi though. We're not just people with powers though. It's like a lifestlye too. Speaking of, who taught you how to hold your lightsaber?" Baekhyun asked. Jongin flushed and bit his lip.

"I'm actually not sure. My parents noticed that I had potential in the force when I was pretty young. Seven I think? But they didn't think a Jedi academy was good enough so they asked a lot of Jedi to teach me. But they came and went. I know it's a little wrong, but I'm not sure how to hold it."

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah I noticed. But I can help you out. Having a Jedi Master teach you exclusively is best I think. But I hope you won't protest to me teaching you." Baekhyun grinned and Jongin nodded eagerly.

"I don't mind! Are you a master?" 

Sehun snorted as he walked past the room his phone held up to his ear, as he tried to contact somebody.

"No, I'm not a master, but it doesn't matter since you still need te basics at this point. Here let's work on your grip." Baekhyun stood and watched as Jongin scrambled up and held his lightsaber in a loose grip. Baekhyun smirked.

"Okay, so first things first you need to tighten your grip. Nothing is worse than your ligtsaber flying out f your hands and impaling a random person," Baekyun said sagely. Jongin nodded and tightened his grip on the lightsaber and Baekhyun nodded.

"Alright, you're definitely on the right track but I'm not sure how to begin. I guess we can start off with your stance. Are you defense, offense, or neutral?" he asked the young Jedi and Jongin seemed to think hard about that question.

"I guess I'm defense?"

Baekhyun looked unsurprised by this and stepped in front of Jongin before circling him and kickiing his legs wider.

"Okay, since you're defense you want to have a firm stance. You're tall though so you need to shift your center of gravity so that it's lower. Shorter opponents can get the drop on you that way." Baekhyun nudged Jongin forcefully and Jongin stumbled back, at which point, Baekyun knocked him down and placed his foot gently on his chest.

"Ouch," Jongin complained though Baekhyun was sure it didn't hurt.

"See that's why your stance is everything. Without a strong foundation, any building, any structure will crumble. Alright get up, we're going to fix your reflexes." Baekhyun said but just then Sehun came back into the room.

"What are you people doing making all this noise? I don't want the neighbors to complain," Sehun said. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"I doubt that's the weirdest thing they've ever heard in here." Jongin snorted behind his hand and Sehun hot the tall brunette a withering glare before pulling out his phone irritably.

"What, what is it?" Baekhyun asked suddenly, senseing the turmoil in Sehun.

"My friend Daeun. She's not answering my calls."

"The tech friend right? Maybe she's busy?" Baekhyun didn't look too worried, but Sehun's face showed well enough how much he worried.

"She might be...I don't know I just don't feel right," Sehun grumbled. 

"That's what she said," Jongin whispered with a seeaky grin on his face. Baekyun however, hear him and slapped the back of his head.

"Your friend is probably fine. We need to decide our next course of action. We have all this information, but we don't know what we're doing." Baekhyun said.

"What if we just...took it to your Master? You said that she knows about this kinda thing. Maybe she'll know what to do with it." Jongin suggested. Baekhyun sighed.

"If I knew where she was, that's be a great plan."

"I know someone who can see the future. She might be able to know where your master is," Sehun offered.

"Sure. Let's go. Jongin, put that thing away before you hurt someone." Baekhyun teased as Jongin brandished the lightsaber.

Daeun wandered in the library, her eyes darting over the call numbers to find what she wanted. She just rounded a corner when a tall figure stepped out and blocked her path.

Daeun looked up at the woman, whose full lips were pulled into a small smile.

"Hello. I've been looking for you." the woman had a somewhat husky voice and her dark and sultry eyes roving over Daeun.

"Me? What for?" as a friend of a Jedi mercenary, Daeun was suspicious of anyone who approached her so suddenly. The woman seemed to sense that and she stepped back, though that brought Daeun little comfort.

"You see a dear friend of mine told me that someone went poking around in his past and he did not like that."

A cold trail of fear crept over Daeun and slid down her spine. 


"You see you're not as good as you think you are. You were caught little girl, and now you're coming with me." The woman reached for Daeun's throat and began to squeeze the flesh under her fingers. Daeun clawed at the woman's hands but the woman only winced and kept going. Daeun reached for her cellphone and once her fingers wrapped around it, she swung in an arc, smashing it against the woman's head. Once she was let go, Daeun rushed down the aisle and turned the corner, rushing out of the library. She practically flew down the steps and hopped on her bike, tearing out of the immediate area, her legs practically on fire as she escaped. Daeun went all the way to Sehun's own apartment before she finally stopped, her legs aching and her chest burning.

She hid her bike behind the trash cans and took the elevator to his floor. She was in the middle of leaving him a message before the imposing figure of Choi Minho stoo before the open elevator doors and she gasped, pressing the button for the bottom floor. He stepped in quickly and smirked.

"Not so fast. So you're the one peeking at my personal records and telling your friend about me? Let's get to know each other, hm?" he covered and muffled her scream, knocking her out with cholroform as he did so.

`Sehun...this is all...your fault' she thought as she passed out.

Baekhyun drove this time, as Jongin and Sehun sat awkwardly in their seats. 

The GPS kept them on track, but Sehun's mind wandered. He was looking at his palms.

"Your friend is gonna be okay, Sehun. You said she's smart right?"

"Yeah, she's smarter than me that's for sure." Sehun laughed a bit and Jongin snorted.

"See, we don't even know if that's a compliment or a given." Jongin laughed. 

"Hey!" Baekhyun smirked but paid attetion to the road.

"So how'd you meet this Jinri person? Old girlfriend?"

"I hardly know her actually. She's a contact. I asked around. She seemed to expect me though," he shrugged. Jongin nodded.

"If she can see the future that's probably normal. I wonder if she knows how all this is gonna end?"

"Maybe. Some Jedi can't see complete images or they see things that aren't connected to them. We probably won't be able to get her input on this. Besides, even if it isn't what we want Jedi visions take into account everything tht happens between the present and when the event will happen. If we find out we were probably likely to do that anyway so it wouldn't affect anything." Baekhyun explained. Sehun looked out the window with a stormy look, his blonde hair whipping as the wind ruffled it.

"I didn't ask her about this outcome in particular, but she said that down the road, Jedi would be in a lot of trouble. At least that's what she implied. She said it was a long time from now though, so I don't know if that has to do with us or not." 

"Probably." Jongin grumbled. Baekhyun glanced at the young Jedi and raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?"

"The Butterfly Effect. The Ripple Theory. Everything we do affects the future. Who knows, maybe this conversation is affecting what we do a year from now."

"If we live that long. We're probably pissing off a lot of people," Sehun sighed. "How am I gonna get a job now? My clients are gonna think I'm too morally closeminded to do some jobs." Baekhyun snorted.

"Yeah, being morally sound is the biggest of your worries," Jongin rolled his eyes.

"Oh, turn in here!" Sehun interjected. And so they pulled up to the house. Sehun noticed the lack of animals and felt his figurative hackles rise. Baekhyun glanced over, sensing his unease."


"She had like ten pets. Where are they?"

"Inside?" Baekhyun asked. Sehun shook his head.

"I'm not sure." 

Nevertheless they all left the car, Jongin fidgeting nervously. Baekhyun noticed and bumped his shoulder.

"Relax kid. We're just going to see what she can tell us. I just wish I knew how to get in touch with my master so we didn't have to go to all this trouble."

"We get it. Your master is like a leader of the rebellion. I imagine she just drops in on you sometimes."

"Yeah. Most of the time she spends that time training me and guiding me. She took me on a few of her missions too. That was fun."

Sehun knockd on the door and it opening to reveal Jinri, who was dressed more causually than she had the first time in jeans and a hoodie. She was wearing thermal socks.

"Ah, right on time. I hope you both like tea." she grinned at Baekhyun and Jongin who were slightly to the back.

"I love tea," Baekhyun grinned. Jinri beamed and turned around, leading them through the house. She sat in the armchair across from a sofa with a coffee table in between. Tea was steaming and Baekhyun sat down hurriedly, sitting across from Jinri.

"I hope this is herbal," he said. She laughed and brushed her hair back.

"It's dragonfruit."

"Nice." Jongin sat down much more slowly, and Sehun glanced around as he did so.

Jinri shifted until she was comfortable and reached for her tea, sipping it with grace and elegance. Baekhyun sipped his own, with far less grace, but she seemed to enjoy it nonetheless.

"So. You've all come to ask me something. But first please know that I'll be leaving after this afternoon. As I'm sure Sehun as noticed all of my pets are gone. I placed them with new families. So if you would like to ask me questions, you should try to get them all out now. I'll be much harder to find in the future." Sehun nodded.

"Where is Baekhyun's master, Jea?"

"Jea is currently in Japan trying to get a short job finished so she can have more money for her next project. But she'll be in Seoul in five days. In her favorite restaurant." Jinri directly addressed Baekhyun and he nodded.

"I know the place. Thank you."

"Does that mean we can ask anything? I can ask where my brother is?" Jinri sighed and her perfectly composed expression crumbled and Sehun was struck by how young Jinri was. None of them here were old, not really. But they certainly weren't old enough to be fighting political wars.

"Your brother is shrouded by the darkness. I can't tell if he's a part of it, or encompassed by it. But I can't see him. I knew you would ask, but no matter how hard I look or how I try to see through it I can't. So pray, Kim Jongin. Your brother is beyond the help of the force." she said, rubbing her temple. Instead of lingering she stood up and nodded slowly, as if accepting something.

"What's going on?" Baekhyun sensed the change and Jinri walked to the front door.

There was a hurried air about her, a far cry from the elegance and cool attitude from the last meeting. There was the sound of a car pulling up and Dr. Kim arrived dressed similarly to Jinri, and he hugged her before continuing to a hallway out of sight.

"Is that her lover?" Jongin asked, his brow furrowing. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Who knows? Sehun sure seems to have strange acquaintances." Baekhyun teased, but Sehun wasn't paying attention.

"Give me a break, I met her like, less than a week ago." Sehu whined. Jinri simply waiteed by the door.

"What's going on?"

"By helping you, I've revealed my location to Minho. I'm sure that he'll be here to stop me from helping his enemies, but I have no intentions of letting him kill me. From here on out, I can't really help. But I can assure you that the fight won't be too long." she said, turning toward them, smiling. Dr. Kim came in and was carrying bags over his shoulder and on his back.

Dr. Kim recognized Sehun and nodded and him.

"You can let yourselves out. Try not to waste too much time."

Daeun wriggled his wrists irritably, ignoring the angry yells of Minho in the other room. The woman delegated to watch her winced at the sound of something crashing.

"Seriously how do you deal with all his ing racket?"

The woman grimaced and pursed her lips at once.

"He pays well,"

"Oh? So if I could pay ou off you'd help me get out?" Daeun asked. She had no doubt that she didn't ave the money but if she could somehow hack some billionaire maybe she could get out of here. Provided she could get to a computer at all. The wwoman smirked.

"Little girl you can't afford my rates. Besides, I haven't gotten the other half yet." she turned away and Daeun halfheartedly pulled at her bindings. She was only rubbing her wrists raw, despite the bindings being a smooth material, rather than rope. At least it wasn't zip ties.

Just then, Minho crashed through the room and dragged Daeun from the chair by her hair.

"Ouch! Let go, you !" she yelled, swinging her arms wildly. Minho took the hits with nary a complaint and threw her onto the floor.

"Shut up. Tell me what Sehun knows and you can live with all your fingers." he threatened, his neck veins nearly pulsing as he screamed.

Daeun tried to sit up and glared at Minho, despite her heart racing and her palms sweating. She didn't want to die here.

"I don't know I haven't talked to him i like, four days. For all I know he gave up trying to find you," she replied, but she knew that wasn't true but only because she knew him so well. Minho sneered and backhanded her with no preamble.

"Nice try. He was spotted leaving the home of one of my long time enemies. But let's try again. Does he know who my Master is?"

"I don't know. I doubt Sehun knows, but then again, he's better at snooping than I am." she shrugged, ignoring her aching face and Minho's piercing glare.

She'd purposely given a vague answer and took some delight in his annoyance.

"You think this is funny?" he asked quietly, leaning in so that she could hardly see anything besides his dark eyes.

"Honestly I've been to better parties. But besides that, it's nice to see someone like you get so flustered. Are you mad you can't beat it out of me?" she asked, smirking at him. He smirked right back and stepped back, fixing his hair which was disheveled from his previous bout of anger.

"Yeah? Let's put it to the test. Someone hand me a belt. We'll start off slow."

"Oh ," she cooed, though her heart was racing. She had been in a few hairy situations with people far worse than Minho because of Sehun but this was the first time she didn't know for sure he was waiting to burst through the door to save her. She was on her own with no way out.

Something wasn't right with Sehun. He felt it in his abdomen, pulsing through his spine and making his head ache just a little. With it came the phantom pains of an aching cheek, and the sharp sting of something on his wrists.

", what was that?" Sehun asked rhetorically, but he knew the others couldn't possibly know. They looked unfazed. Jongin rested a soft hand on Sehun's shoulder and Sehun felt grateful for the thought, but his body was starting to ache.

"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Baekhyun asked, reminding Sehun of his mother back when he was just a child.

"I don't know. I'm okay, but someone else. It's like I can feel them suffering." he mumbled. Baekhyun immediately grabbed Sehun's shoulders and forced the blond to look at him.

"Search your emotions. The Force is letting you feel it. Who is it?"

Sehun took a deep breath and let the actual pain slide to the back of his consciousness, allowing him mental space to search the source.

`You aren't the only person who can give me what I want. Tell me what I want to know,' the voice growled. `Or you'll suffer even more.`

`Never,' a voice whispered back.

No. Not a voice. Daeun's voice.

"Daeun. Damn. Do we have everything we need?" Sehun asked urgently, realizing why Jinri had warned them about time.

Daeun needed him and he was running out of time.

Guys it's been so long omg. I know, I know. But hey it's here. It's a modest length, what could go wrong? Besides possible grammatical and/or sentence errors. It's cool though. We're trucking along regardless.

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So I decided to post this story also on Archive of Our Own! That version is probably a bit more complete because this website gives me some issues.


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Chapter 7: this iss soo good i hope that you're not abandoning the fic...
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Ohhhhh, I'm so excited for what's next! I hope they save Daeun on time!!
Chapter 6: OOoooooo This is getting intense! Ughhh guys please get to Daeun ontime! D:
InfinityCall #4
Chapter 4: I'm excited to see what else you have in store! I haven't gone looking for starwarsAU fics as of late but it's good to read one in the works.