Drafting Your Success - Prologue

『 우유 : : MILK 』
Night after night I am here, sat in front of my computer screen, endlessly scrolling through the internet for hours.
But, why Minwoo-oppa? You need your beauty sleep~.
Well, my sweet princess, a number of things. I tell myself day-in, day-out that I need to stay up to do this and that. But, it’s usually an excuse not to go to sleep. You would think I would always have something to do. Busy, busy, busy, but no. 1, 2, 3 o’clock in the morning I’m just sat here wasting my time online. Isn't that how it starts? One minute it's 7pm, then you realise it's past midnight... Oh, how time flies.
The one thing that triggers this all is shopping. It has almost become an addiction. I've now bought so much useless crap, nothing is ever too big or too small for me. The items are never things I ever needed or wanted. But, somehow the online shopping malls grab me and force me to fill my cart full of these things.
Who needs a used cassette player?
Who even buys cassettes anymore?
The answer to both of those questions is me, apparently. That isn't even the worst of it, it seems like everyday something new arrives.
Is it really worth it?
Probably not. Minwoo-oppa isn’t as pretty as one would hope… But, fret not my dear princesses! The power of make-up and lighting helps me look as bright as ever.
My advice to you is this my lovelies,
Don't stay up all night! Especially if you're online all night! If you do you'll end up looking like a haggard troll that melts at the sight of sunlight. Those screens will damage your eyes you know?
Hypocritical? Me?
Yes, I know. Okay, you caught me. Why don't we both promise to get our beauty sleep. I want my pretty orange princesses to cheer me on brightly and shine like the stars.
But, not tonight. Tonight I'm here, yet again. As they say, old habits die hard and quite frankly this one is probably going to die with me at this point.
Hey, hey. Calm down there. It's not another useless cart dash tonight lovely, no, no, no. I, have a plan. Well, sort of. I have something I want to buy, whether or not my plan will come together is a difference story... But, we all need to start somewhere and I'm starting with this.
Now, saying that I actually have something I want to purchase is only half of the battle. You might be wondering what that means, I'll tell you. I don't know if what I'm looking for exists, I mean chances are it does, but I won't hold my breath.
Before spilling all my secrets I'll explain what it's for. Now, it's nothing fancy. Don't get your hopes up. I want to play a little game, but there's a chance that the other players won't know they're playing. It's nothing horrible per se, but I couldn't imagine them agreeing upfront so I'm doing it this way instead. There's always time for this whole thing to crash and burn, then suddenly I'm out looking for a new job... haha... just kidding.

I'm back from the dead and decided to rewrite this whole thing.
Please look forward to more chapters and feel free to comment below. :)

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i have writers block atm, so idk when im going to update this ㅠㅠ


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