F Flat

your warm melody ;;


“Are we getting phones today?” Ari bounced excitedly down the stairs, hyped up by the strong smell of bacon and eggs. Seunghyun followed at her heels, equally as happy.

“Yes, you will be, if you finish all your work.” Their dad replied, sipping his coffee, holding out his plate for their mom to put eggs on.

“YES!” The twins high-fived; they’d been promised phones for a few months now, but had never actually got them. The day had come!

“Two hours of practice each, first!”



Ari rolled her aching shoulders and groaned, leaning against her tired twin. He laughed and poked her side.

“At least we’re getting phones.”
“I’m starting to question how much a phone is worth.”

The two sat in the car, waiting for their mom to finish getting ready. Within minutes, the four were off and heading towards the mall, a loudly singing Seunghyun entertaining the rest.

“Hey, your bruise is gone. Maybe I should punch it again and make you shut up while I’m at it.”


“Sorry mom, dad.”


“Hey, mom, I want this one!” Ari held up a cute, white, touch screen phone, shaking it in front of her mother’s face. She laughed and moved her arm away, taking the phone to see for herself.

“It’s nice. Should I get you and Seunghyun couple phones? There’s a black version of this—“

“MOM!” Seunghyun complained, appearing over his mother’s back. “I want an iPhone!”

“That’s way too expensive, darling.” She patted her son’s cheek, having to reach up quite a bit. “This one is just fine. I like it better than the iPhone.”

“...because it’s cheaper...” he mumbled, walking away sadly. Their mother snickered, and made her way to find a salesperson to help her.

“Oh, Ari. Hello!”

The girl turned around to see Lee Sungyeol waving at her, and Kim Myungsoo behind him. Puzzled, she waved back, and stepped back while she was at it. Why were they talking to her?

“Fancy seeing you here,” He continued, glancing around the store. “Are you here with Seunghyun?”

She nodded, and pointed, still wide-eyed. Sungyeol shot her a bright smile, and thanked her, pulling Myungsoo along with him to find her twin. Myungsoo turned and gave a small smile, as well, and her heart soared.



Seunghyun opened one eye and stared at his new phone.
A message? At this time of night? He groaned and unlocked the device.

I’m coming over.
- Ari

He laughed, and texted back “sure”. Finally, they’d have a way to make sure the other wasn’t asleep before they made their frequent visits. Or maybe just a way to wake up the other before they came over.

“Hey,” The door creaked open and he heard her tiptoe. He scooted over and let her lie down.

“I’ve been thinking.”

He frowned. This was never a good sign. Her life was simple enough for her not to think too hard about anything.

“Perhaps I should play piano for the Battle.”


The reply was quick. No way on Earth would he ever let her play. Never. Never ever ever ever.



“Seunghyun! Look, I don’t want to bring them down any further! You know my violin is bad, and everyone else knows it! They know it! If I play piano and they sing and play guitar, it’ll be better than what we would do if we were a string quartet!”

“Ari, no! You don’t even need to win!”

“Woohyun wants to!”

“To hell with what Woohyun wants!”

“What about what I want?”

He stopped for a second, and reached to her hair. There were very few times that she argued with him, and she never won. Why was she suddenly so adamant?

Was he willing to let his baby sister go like that?

He gave her head a final pat, and kissed it.

“Good night, Ari.”

“Does that mean—“

“Good night.”

He could feel her brighten up, and she hugged him tightly.

“Good night Seunghyun!”



The girl sat upright, surprised by her brother’s loud voice. She stared at her surroundings; her desk, her open laptop, and her unfinished scores.

“Oh shoot!” She finally muttered after looking at the time, pushing Seunghyun out quickly. “We’re going to be late!”

“You think I haven’t realized? Oh, God, hurry up!”

She ran around her room, pulling on her uniform while brushing her teeth while stuffing papers into her bag. 5 minutes later, a very flustered Ari appeared from her room, and her twin chuckled.

“Come on.” He grabbed her shoulder and gently guided her down the stairs.


“I think you have a bit of drool on your face.”

Minhwan peered at Ari’s face, and she hastily wiped with the back of her hand. Seunghyun gave a loud laugh, hitting Minhwan lightly on the side of his head.

“I fell asleep writing scores yesterday!” The girl defended herself. “I’m entering as a band!”

“What?!” Jaejin, Jonghun and Hongki looked over curiously. They were a band. Why weren’t they entering as a band?

“Oh, let her be.” Seunghyun pushed the three back from his twin. “Woohyun doubts her violin skills so she hopes her piano will make up for it.”

“Piano? You play piano?” Jonghun looked over. His cello hit him in the head as he moved quickly and he groaned in pain.

The girl blushed and ran off quickly through the gates. Seunghyun stared down his friends, giving Jonghun a slap to the head.

“Good job, kiddos. You scared her off!”


"Hey, can I talk to you?" 
Ari glanced up from her seat in the cafeteria. School started in a mere six minutes, but she was still finishing up her scores. Sunggyu stood in front of her, rubbing the back of his head. She nodded, motioning to the seat in front of her. 
"What's up?" She smiled, grouping her papers together and putting them back into her music folder. He smiled back and opened his mouth, about to say something, before he hit his forehead. 
"Ah, I forgot." 
She chuckled, grabbing her bookbag to put her folder away. He looked at her embarrassedly as she stood and then sat on the table. 
"I swear, I had everything planned out but--"
"Don't worry about it." She grinned and waved. "I'm off to class. See you last period. If you remember, you can tell me then!"
The boy watched her walk out of the lunchroom, and groaned, bringing his face to the table. 
I'm so stupid.
"Song Ari, right?"
The girl looked up again. It was lunch time, and she was out in the schoolyard finishing up her weekend math homework. Lim Hanbyul stood there, holding his violin. Why was everyone suddenly interested in me? She thought, scooting over so he could sit next to her on the small rock wall. 
"I heard that you guys are making a band instead of a quartet." He glanced at her, and she looked up from her trig question. Stupid cos(A+B), she cursed, and nodded.
"Yeah, Woohyun doesn't like my violin skill very much, and our whole group has talent in the applied music area, so it made sense.. kind of." She scrunched her eyebrows, spinning the pencil in her hand. 
"The answer is root 6 minus root 2 over 1," He pointed at her homework, and she rushed to write it down, thanking him. "Lucky you guys. I'd like to, too, but I'm the only one in my quartet who can play another instrument particularly well."
"Another instrument?" Ari looked interested. 
"Yeah, I play guitar." He had a proud face on and pretended to strum his air guitar. 
"Really?" Her eyes twinkled a bit as she stretched out her legs, swinging them a bit. "Your voice is very nice, too. I like it when you sing." 
Hanbyul gave a quiet chuckle, laying  back against the grass. The girl glanced over at him before returning to her homework. 
"Maybe I'll play and sing for you one day." He decided, sitting back up. "Oh, yeah, what instrument will you play in the band?"
"Piano." She replied simply, closing her textbook as she finished the last question. "And would you really? I'd love that." 
"Of course." He pat her arm and jumped off the wall. "I guess I'll see you around. Til fourth period!" 
"Bye!" She waved, recommencing swinging her legs. She hummed a tune to herself, before remembering her scores, and pulling them out. 
"Who was that?" Sunggyu appeared suddenly, and the girl jumped, sending her papers flying. She frowned before running after them as they blew in the wind. The cellist clumsily ran after her, helper her grab her sheets. 
When the two sat back down, the warning bell rang. Ari stuffed the scores into her bag, and waved at Sunggyu, before running off to her math class. He sighed loudly, dragging himself to history, unable to get the message of her smiling at another boy out of his head.
Smiling at him, so sincerely.
He groaned, slumping in his seat as he sat down. Woohyun looked over and rolled his eyes.
"What's wrong with you?" 




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YouDunnoMe #1
Sunggyu, you are so awkward! It's painfully cute, I just can't-- man up and confess, you're going to get her stolen from you if you continue! Can't wait till she blows their minds with her piano skills! ;u; The dynamic between siblings is just so adorable, I like it!
Really nice! :) I love music related story and I really like Ari, you've made her so loveable and insecure, it's hard to not get attached. I think there's going to be a Ari/Sunggyu/Myungsoo triangle going on, can't wait for this! Your writing is really pleasant, can't wait to read more!! ;u;
can't wait for more updates!!!! i'm super excited to see where this story goes!!
entertaemint #5
Great fanfic!
neither #6
Woah, first comment?<br />
Your story seems really interesting so far...update soon!!