your warm melody ;;



That’s your idea?”

Woohyun sceptically raised an eyebrow, leaning his elbows on his knees as he looked at Sunggyu. The shy cellist shrugged his shoulders, glancing at a dazed Ari. Myungsoo was off chatting with Sungyeol.

“I think applying as a band would be more fun than a string quartet.” Sunggyu continued, fidgeting with his fingers. With a bashful smile, he shrugged again.

Ari was snapped back into reality as Myungsoo came back to join them.

“A band? That sounds fun.” He gave a half smirk, and strummed his air guitar. Woohyun’s frown was still evident on his face.

“What would she,” He pointed his thumb at Ari “do? Can she sing? Play drums?”

“She plays piano!” The cellist grinned. The girl’s jaw dropped; he couldn’t just share her secret like that... He was the only one who was supposed to know she played piano!

Why didn’t I tell him to keep it a secret?! She cursed herself. I thought he was joking about the band idea!

So much for another friend.

“Is her skill as good as her violin skill?” Woohyun was warming up to the idea, but he didn’t want to just kiss his chance at BOTB Champ away.

“No, she’s amazing. I swear on my life.” Sunggyu put his hand on his chest, and grinned even wider, missing Ari’s death glare.

“Let’s hear it then.” Myungsoo stood and glanced around the room for the keyboard. He pointed to the front left corner, opposite Mr. Kim’s desk, and made his way down. Sunggyu jumped up, took Woohyun’s elbow, and dragged him. Ari dragged her feet and followed the three.

Seunghyun looked up from his sheet music, curious to see where they quartet were going. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw them approach the keyboard.

“Hold on a sec, guys.” He handed the papers to Minhwan and walked to the four.

“Come on, play!” Sunggyu nudged Ari. The girl froze, and stared at the keyboard. To put it in plain words, it was .

She couldn’t play on this piece of junk.
Keyboards weren’t pianos.

Her shoulders tensed when she felt an arm snake around her waist, but she relaxed when she saw it was Seunghyun. Sunggyu frowned.

“What are you guys doing at the keyboard? I thought you were a string quartet.” Seunghyun pulled the girl closer to him, and glared accusingly at the other three.

“Sunggyu had the brilliant idea of turning us into a band.” Woohyun snickered. He and Seunghyun often sat together at lunch, but they weren’t exactly close. Seunghyun was always neutral with him, but ever since his temper tantrum, had decided he was a bad person.

He frowned, and turned to Sunggyu, who had wide eyes, wondering why he had suddenly become the villain in this fiasco.

“You want Ari to play piano for your band?” He had a very bitter tone, nearly spitting on the group. Myungsoo had, of course, lost interest, and wandered to find Sungyeol, again.
Have you even heard her play?”

“Yeah, I heard her practice this morning...” Sunggyu was very lost. Seunghyun was never like this to Ari, and the cellist knew. He’d watched over Ari for quite a while now.

I’m not a stalker.

“Okay...” Seunghyun removed his arm from Ari’s waist, but put it around her shoulders instead. “I won’t let her play.”

Woohyun frowned. “Why not? It’s not like her piano can be much worse than her violin.”

Seunghyun threw the punch he had been holding in for a while.


“I can’t believe you did that, you’re an idiot!” Ari tended to her twin’s injuries, dabbing his face with a Kleenex. “You’re lucky you’re not getting suspended!”
He grumbled, but held her hand softly.

“I can’t believe you can just let them throw you around like that.”
“I don’t.” She stopped, and pulled her hand away. “I’m bad at violin, and I know it. You know it. They know it. I can accept their insults.”

“I can’t accept it, ‘Ri.” He looked at her and squinted a bit. The white walls, sheets, and curtains of the infirmary were blinding. He could hear Woohyun’s grumbling from the bed beside him, along with a ‘tch’ing Hoya.

“Whatever. Don’t ever do that again, alright? I won’t be there to break up the fight next time, and you’re going to ruin your fingers.”

Seunghyun grabbed her wrist as she was about to get up.
“Where are you going?”
“To get your stuff.”

He groaned loudly, but sat up, rubbing his eyes, wincing from pain.
“Let’s go together.”

Ari sighed deeply, but took his hand.


“... and he said that Ari was bad at violin, so I punched him.”

“You WHAT?!”

Ari and Seunghyun sat around the dinner table, facing their very upset parents. They were not very pleased when the pair came home, the boy with a black eye and bruised jaw.

“They full out fought in the orchestra room, it was horrible!” Ari elaborated, upset as well. “I had to intervene! Me!”

“Seunghyun, when I told you to take care of Ari, I did not mean to beat up everyone who says things about her!” Their mother stood up, and crossed his arms. Their dad sat, leaning back on the chair, with an angry face.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you know what this kid did yesterday? He full out exploded when he found out Ari was in his Battle of the Bands group. He was going to throw stuff at the teacher!” He tried to defend himself. “This guy is the jerk, not me! And anyways, he punched back! He fought back!”

“Just give it up,” Ari hit him lightly on the arm. “You’re in trouble because you punched him.”

He sighed but stood, and bowed to their parents.

“I’m sorry Mom and Dad. It won’t happen again.”

There was a hmph, but nothing was said. The twins took that as their cue to run upstairs.


“Gosh, I hope you know I’m still angry.” Ari dragged herself into their bathroom where the boy was brushing his teeth. She grabbed her toothbrush, and ignored his gurgles as he spit out the foam.

“I hope you know I did that because I love you.”

She looked up at him, her towering, six foot tall twin, and her heart softened.

“Thanks...” She mumbled, hoping it was muted by the toothbrush, but knew it wasn’t when he whooped loudly, and danced out of the room, singing ‘Ari loves me! Ari loves me!’

She sighed, but smiled.

Song Seunghyun, the biggest goof in the whole world, and the best twin she could ask for.


Sunggyu stood by the gates, waiting for Ari and Seunghyun. He knew they usually came by at this time, and that they always walked together. He knew.

I swear I am not a stalker.

“Ugh, I hate you!” He heard her laugh as the twins crossed the street and the cellist stood a bit straighter. Seunghyun saw him, and instantly covered Ari’s eyes.

“What are you doing?” She yelled out, still laughing. He led her past Sunggyu, shooting him an angry glance, before continuing to lead her into the school.

Sunggyu sighed.

He couldn’t understand why Seunghyun wouldn’t let her play piano for them. She was amazing, and he was positive he knew. Why wouldn’t he let the whole world know, as well?

He sighed again, and headed inside, confused about the entire universe. 


Chapter two background info is out!



chapter 3's bg/info will be up in a bit

word count: 1240

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YouDunnoMe #1
Sunggyu, you are so awkward! It's painfully cute, I just can't-- man up and confess, you're going to get her stolen from you if you continue! Can't wait till she blows their minds with her piano skills! ;u; The dynamic between siblings is just so adorable, I like it!
Really nice! :) I love music related story and I really like Ari, you've made her so loveable and insecure, it's hard to not get attached. I think there's going to be a Ari/Sunggyu/Myungsoo triangle going on, can't wait for this! Your writing is really pleasant, can't wait to read more!! ;u;
can't wait for more updates!!!! i'm super excited to see where this story goes!!
entertaemint #5
Great fanfic!
neither #6
Woah, first comment?<br />
Your story seems really interesting so far...update soon!!