D Sharp

your warm melody ;;


“I’m disappointed in a certain few people.” Mr. Kim started, glancing at Woohyun and Seunghyun, who glared at each other. “So today, I’m not allowing for BOTB practice.”

The class groaned, and a few called out sarcastic ‘thank you’s.

“We’ll be practicing for the Christmas Play today; take out your music for the Nutcracker Suite, and get into your seats.”

Everyone groaned in unison again, and made their way to their assigned chairs, folders in hand. Ari frowned when she made her way to the violin area, and her chair was gone.

Sungjong noticed, as well, but said nothing, only sitting down and setting up his instrument. Seunghyun made his way over to his twin, and held her shoulders.

“Who did this?” He asked sternly, and everyone stopped in their tracks to look at him. Snickers were heard, but no one stepped up.

“Who. Did. This.” He asked again, glaring at Woohyun. The violist held up his hands in mock innocence, and Seunghyun stomped over to him. Ari ran and wrapped her arms around his, holding him back.

“What are you doing, let go of me!” He yelled at her, but she refused.

“Stop it, Seunghyun. Stop it!” She yelled back, dragging the boy who was a good head taller than her away from Woohyun.

Mr. Kim went up to the two and held out his arms to keep the two a good distance apart.

“Ari, take your brother outside. Woohyun, get a chair for Ari.”

Seunghyun raised a fist at the violist, but was quickly pulled out by his twin. Woohyun gave a smug smirk, but was hit over the head by Mr. Kim.



“You are the biggest idiot I know!” Ari took the time to yell at her twin once again. “Next time, I’m just going to let you hit him, and get suspended! Then you’ll never be able to protect me from what really matters!”

He groaned, and put his arms around her.

“Ari, you’re my favourite person in the world.” He whispered. “Don’t let them put you down like that.”

“I don’t.” She frowned, pushing him away. “Stop doing this, you’re scaring me.”

“Whatever.” He smiled at her as widely as he could, and took his knuckles to the top of her head, laughing as she cried out in pain.

“You two,” Mr. Kim appeared at the doorway, and Seunghyun dropped Ari, who yelped as she hit the ground. “Are you calmed down yet? Come in when you are.”

The boy grabbed his sister, and carried her into the room, ignoring his classmates’ weird looks when he set her down on the chair, patting her face affectionately. She made a face, and shooed him away.

Sungjong looked at the girl and gave a sympathetic smile. She frowned at him, opened her music, and began to set up her instrument.


Saturday finally came around. Ari slept in until noon, until she was woken up by a six foot tree who sat on top of her.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty.” He cackled, and began to jump on the bed.

“I hope you break your damned head,” She grumbled, rolling out of her paradise, and onto the floor with a ‘thump’. Seunghyun laughed and pulled her out of her blankets.

“Come on, Dad wants to rake the leaves!”

Ari gave a groan again, and looked through the window. She hadn’t noticed before, but leaves were indeed falling from the trees in large quantities: the amount on her lawn was an indication of lack of care.

“Do it yourself, that’s a man job.”

“But that’s why I’m telling you to do it!”

She gasped loudly, and laughed, jumping on the boy and wrapping her arms around his throat.

“Take that back! Take that back!”

“NEVER!” He threw her off and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Mom! Mom! She’s trying to kill me!”

“She’ll kill you herself!” Ari yelled and laughed as she heard her mom agree. The girl made her way into the bathroom to clean herself up, grinning at the thought of her strange family.


The twins had raked most of the leaves into a huge pile, but had to restart every time either of them decided it would be a good idea to ruin a half hour’s worth of labour by jumping into it.

Seunghyun had done it twice already.
Ari, four times.

“Ugh, you’re so annoying.” Seunghyun complained as he wiped his sweat, looking at Ari sitting in the middle of the pile, throwing leaves into the air, and laughing. “Why do I even keep you around?”

“Because you love me a lot!” She laughed harder, and threw a few leaves in his direction. He retaliated, and they started a leaf fight.


“Hey, guys,” The two looked up when they heard the voice, Ari still sitting on top of her twin. Sunggyu stood, awkwardly watching the two, dressed in a light jacket and a scarf. Ari scrunched her eyebrows.

“Hello...” She replied hesitantly, falling as Seunghyun pushed her off of him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked accusingly, but the boy ignored him.

“I didn’t know you guys lived here.” Sunggyu continued, looking at their house. “It’s nice.”

“What do you want?” Seunghyun stood and approached the cellist, who began to back away in fear.

“I was just taking a walk! I swear!” He panicked, holding up his hands. “I’m sorry! I’ll go now!”

“Seunghyun, leave the poor boy alone.” Ari stood beside her twin, holding his arm. Sunggyu really was innocent; now that she thought about it, he didn’t do anything wrong. She never really told him to keep her piano playing a secret, after all.
“Are you cold? Here, come inside. I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”

His heart soared, and he agreed gleefully, following the girl into her house like a lost puppy. Seunghyun frowned, but followed the two in, anyways, craving some hot chocolate for his own empty stomach.


“This is really good.” Sunggyu smiled, holding the mug carefully. His eyes wandered around the house, taking in the delicate decorations and flowers.
“Oh, is it? It’s just the mix.” Ari pointed at a large container of hot cocoa mix sitting on the corner of the back counter. Seunghyun snickered, catching onto Sunggyu’s incentives.
“Do you want the brand? I can write it down for you.”

“Ah, it’s alright. My dad doesn’t like me drinking hot chocolate too often.” He waved his hand, no.

“Oh, okay then.” Ari shrugged. “That’s too bad. I really love hot chocolate.”

Seunghyun sighed loudly, exasperated by Ari’s obliviousness.
“Come on, hurry up you lovebirds. There are leaves waiting to be raked.”

Ari laughed, denying the ‘lovebirds’ name quickly, and put her mug into the sink while Sunggyu blushed furiously. Seunghyun was not the one he wanted to notice his love for the girl, but after all, it was hard to be more oblivious than Miss Last-seat-violinist.


“Are you trying to make a move on my sister?” Seunghyun asked Sunggyu as the two raked leaves. Ari was inside, washing the dishes, and had sent the two men out to finish the job. The cellist choked on his spit loudly, and turned to look at the six-foot giant.

“I’m just asking, dude. No need to have a heart attack.” He laughed, unfazed. “I don’t know you very well and I don’t think I like you yet. Ari likes me the most, so even if she falls in love with you, she won’t date you unless I like you. Just a tip.”

Sunggyu frowned. Seunghyun clearly didn’t like him at the time, so he had to get on his good side. He sighed loudly, raking the last of the leaves into the pile.

“Thanks for that, then. I guess.”

“No problem, buddy. Thanks for helping finish up.” 

“Will this count towards my likeability?”

Seunghyun chuckled. “Don’t count on it. You only did it because Ari told you to.”

He sighed loudly, again, handing him the rake.

“See you on Monday, then.”

“Seeya, Sunggyu.” 


merry christmas & happy new year!
sorry im so late lol 

comments would be nice :)))


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YouDunnoMe #1
Sunggyu, you are so awkward! It's painfully cute, I just can't-- man up and confess, you're going to get her stolen from you if you continue! Can't wait till she blows their minds with her piano skills! ;u; The dynamic between siblings is just so adorable, I like it!
Really nice! :) I love music related story and I really like Ari, you've made her so loveable and insecure, it's hard to not get attached. I think there's going to be a Ari/Sunggyu/Myungsoo triangle going on, can't wait for this! Your writing is really pleasant, can't wait to read more!! ;u;
can't wait for more updates!!!! i'm super excited to see where this story goes!!
entertaemint #5
Great fanfic!
neither #6
Woah, first comment?<br />
Your story seems really interesting so far...update soon!!