Keep smiling, and the pain will go away?

Daegu Bros United

It was a chilly Sunday morning and the maknae line were enjoying a walk at the park near Hangang river.

“Hey, I’ve noticed this from earlier on, but isn’t that Yoongi hyung’s?” asked Jungkook to Taehyung, pointing towards the muffler that was snuggling warmly around Taehyung’s neck.

“Yeah, he gave it to me last time. I told him how it’s really warm and smelled like him and he said I can keep it! Isn’t my hyung sweet and kind?” chirped Taehyung, beaming proudly at the muffler.

“That’s weird.  Yoongi hyung never like to share his thing. Once, I accidentally wear one of his beanies, he didn’t talk to me for like about a week. Why would he gave you his muffler then? said Jimin, frowning a bit at the memories and the way Taehyung just casually called Yoongi, HIS hyung where technically he is THEIR hyung.

“I guess that he just like me better than you” shrugged Taehyung carelessly, not aware how his remarks ignited something at the pit of Jimin’s core.


Meanwhile, the rapper line had a busy day in the studio and Seokjin was just there to make sure they had their meal and keep their sanity intact.

“What’s so funny Yoongi?” asked Seokjin curiously as Yoongi keep smiling amusingly at his phone screen.

“Nothing, just that Taehyung-ie keep sending me pictures of some random cute puppies as his tribute to me because I gave him one of my muffler last time” replied Yoongi, smilling fondly as he’s recalling the memories.

“Why did you give him yours? Doesn’t he had his own?” asked Hoseok, distractedly at the familiar nicknames that Yoongi use for Taehyung.

“Well, he keep on insisting that the muffler smelled like me and it reminded him of his home so it helps to calm him down. So why not?”

“Wow, I can’t believe that Yoongi hyung actually being nice to somebody, is the world coming to an end?”  said Namjoon, eliciting a big laugh from Seokjin.

“Shut up both of you, that cute kid can be really persuasive at times” groaned Yoongi, but still smiling absentmindedly as he was scrolling down on the picture that Taehyung sent to him, not knowing how his words had trigger something inside of Hoseok.




It was really easier to keep on smiling, even when your heart was broken beyond repair. And the smile feels like temporary glue that somehow makes the heart whole again. It is temporary pain reliever, but Yoongi will take whatever he can at this point.

And to him, Taehyung is just like that glue. A very much welcome distraction. He keeps on making Yoongi smiling. With his weird videos, random puppies and all cute rectangular smiles. And that’s great.

But sometimes Yoongi wished that he could keep smiling because of that someone else. That someone else who is just like Sun and Yoongi is the lone planet that revolves around it. That someone else who aren’t meant for him. And Yoongi is slowly learning to accept the fact.


And to Taehyung, Yoongi is like that warm muffler on a chilly winter morning. That gray muffler that looks rough from the outside but actually made from very soft and fluffy materials. The kind that makes you instantly smiles when you wrapped it around you.

It could not warm him down to his bones and cold brittle heart, but provided just enough warmth for him to get through his day. At least until the spring comes by.

Sure, Taehyung would prefer being in warm from being in somebody else’s embrace, but he’ll just settle to wear the muffler for now.


So, to both of them, yes, the pain is still there, but it is a kind of dull pain at this point.  





P/S: Unbeta'd. There's not much going on here, just like a filler chapter. Both Yoongi and Taehyung are starting to move on.Hope you enjoy! :)

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MinMin_SL #1
Chapter 3: please tell me this aint over, i need more
Chapter 3: Moooooooaaaaarrrr

Id love for the daegu boys for the endgame in here but its ok if their closeness will just be a way for hobi and chimchim to realize their own feelings... Either way really. ^^

Looking forward to the next chaps!
GDragon1288 #3
Chapter 3: Wow!!I love this fanfiction.Taegi is so cute♥Please continue and update this!!!This Fanfic literally brightened up my day^^
Persont #4
Chapter 1: By the way, I could fix any grammar mistakes/ edit for you if you needed.
I do that a lot.
Just ask me if you need it, I'd love to help.
Persont #5
We need an update aaahahhaahhaahahha (goes insane)
(Grabs hold of sanity, yanking it back into body)
Anyway, the story is amazing, and I love the fluffy parts of it.
TAEGI FTW (I love vhope and yoonmin, but taegi is just -#goals-
....I sound insane, sorry, ^^
zylazmi #6
Love the taegi feeling.. they starting to move on..
Chapter 3: taegi is giving me the feels
La_Noir #8
Chapter 3: Yoongi and tae are really that jimin and hoseok...cant wait for more cute episodes....this fic will end up in taegi or their first love interest? I want taegi of course heheheh
Chapter 3: This fic gives me such fluffy cute feelings ^___^
Shiningold #10
Okay let's be a bit more sophisticated...
I find ya story very interesting and I hope dat u can update soon!!! :)