Warm hug cures everything, even heartbreak?

Daegu Bros United

Sometimes Yoongi wonder why can’t it be somebody else. Take for example, maybe Jin hyung? Jin hyung is pretty, he cooks well, he is attentive to Yoongi needs (albeit maybe because of his motherly nature) and he definitely will not prancing around the room chasing the maknae asking for a kiss. If it Jin hyung that Yoongi likes, that would save Yoongi from a lot of heartache now.  But then it would also mean that Yoongi would never experience this kind of beautiful emotions; called love, just from staring at Jimin’s smiling face and listening to his tinkling laughter, even if it just one sided on Yoongi’s part.

Smiling dejectedly, Yoongi left the practice room lost in his own thoughts, not knowing that the laughter had abruptly stopped and there’s a pair of longing eyes following him across to the door.  


It is just another normal day in Taehyung’s life. It would always be like this, where Taehyung will tried his best at impressing Hoseok at his attempt in choreographing, dancing or doing the weird acting (including where he would try to rap to cypher) just to get a smile from his hyung . He would usually get an amused smile, or a pat in the back at most but that was about it. And it would be enough for Taehyung, really it is enough, if it not for the fact that after the forced smile or the awkward pat, Hoseok will deliberately turned his back on Taehyung and continue animatedly chatting with whomever on his other side, as if he was not there in the first place. Another normal day where he is left pining for Hoseok and being ignored in return.

It hurts, it hurts a lot, so he left the room and if only Taehyung would just turn back before he leave, he would see forlorn glances directed to his back.



And really, it was the heartbreak and rejection that bring both Yoongi and Taehyung to the rooftop to take a breather from all the drama in their head.

“Hyung, you’re here too?” said Teahyung while taking a seat next to Yoongi on the the bench.

“Yeah, I’ve been here for a while. Need to take some air. Why are you here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be practicing with Hoseok and the others right now?”

At the mentioned name, Taehyung sulked a little bit. “Yeah, I supposed, but he seems busy chatting with the others, so I’ll guess I’m not needed there anymore, and here I am”

“Oh” that was all Yoongi replied.

The two of them sit around for a while, silently, just taking in the sunset scenery of the city from their company rooftop. It was not really an awkward silence, it just that they have didn’t had a lot of chances to talk to each other, given their different personality and interests. It was the kind of comfortable silence, the kind that you need, when you had a lot of thinking to do and it calms you down.


It was the kind of silence that almost lulls Yoongi to sleep, if it was not for the sudden, loud sneeze from Taehyung.


“Aish, you startled me!” stated Yoongi, grumpy as he is being jerked back to the reality from his drowsy state.

“Hihihi, sorry hyung! I forgot to take my muffler this morning, and the air is kinda cold now. I’ll guess I’m just gonna head back in. Bye hyung! Don’t stay out too long though!” chirped Taehyung as he get ready to get inside for warmth.  

 “Wait, I’ll think I’m just gonna head back with you. I had enough air to clear my mind already“ said Yoongi as he checked the message from Namjoon in his phone. “Ah, they’re all already back in the dorm, so let’s just walk together, okay?”

“Okay hyung” said Taehyung, frowning a little bit because they left him and now he has to walk back for 20 minutes, in the cold.

“What is with that frown? You don’t like walking home with me?”

“What? no hyung! Of course I like being with you. This could be our precious bonding time. We should do this more often hehehe” said Taehyung as he’s squeezing the life of Yoongi with his hugs.

“Yeah, yeah I get it. Get the off me. Geez, you and your need to hug to convey your message”

“Everybody loves hugs, hyung. And everybody needs one! Especially in the cold weather like this!” chirped Taehyung as they making their way down the stairs to the street.

“Yeah, it’s really cold tonight” replied Yoongi absentmindedly, taking in the image of Taehyung trying to stay warm by huddling close to his side and his palm together every 10 seconds.


And it doesnt take Yoongi a long time before he is offering his own muffler to Taehyung. “You know what just take mine. Before you said anything that’s cheesy, remember that this is just business. Can’t have our vocalist had sore throat because of the cold, just a week before the comeback” said Yoongi as his wrapped his own muffler around Taehyung.

“Awwwwww is our Yoongi hyung  being kind right now? I always knew that the hyung have a warm, pure heart, like a maiden beneath all the cold exterior. Let me give you another hugs to show my appreciation!”

“Yah, stop or I’ll take it back and leave you all alone in this cold. I’m a cold hearted guy, my heart is dead long ago and nothing can’t change that” said Yoongi, but he can’t help a smile making a way to his lips, amused at the situation.

“Nonsense, my grandma said there is nothing that a warm hug can’t cure” said Taehyung as he’s tackling Yoongi for another hug.

And just like that, both of Yoongi and Taehyung walk home, smiling, and feeling much better than at the start of their day. 








P/s: So so sorry for the late update. I have no excuse for that. This is unbeta'd. So, please kindly ignored all the grammar mistakes. Hehe hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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MinMin_SL #1
Chapter 3: please tell me this aint over, i need more
Chapter 3: Moooooooaaaaarrrr

Id love for the daegu boys for the endgame in here but its ok if their closeness will just be a way for hobi and chimchim to realize their own feelings... Either way really. ^^

Looking forward to the next chaps!
GDragon1288 #3
Chapter 3: Wow!!I love this fanfiction.Taegi is so cute♥Please continue and update this!!!This Fanfic literally brightened up my day^^
Persont #4
Chapter 1: By the way, I could fix any grammar mistakes/ edit for you if you needed.
I do that a lot.
Just ask me if you need it, I'd love to help.
Persont #5
We need an update aaahahhaahhaahahha (goes insane)
(Grabs hold of sanity, yanking it back into body)
Anyway, the story is amazing, and I love the fluffy parts of it.
TAEGI FTW (I love vhope and yoonmin, but taegi is just -#goals-
....I sound insane, sorry, ^^
zylazmi #6
Love the taegi feeling.. they starting to move on..
Chapter 3: taegi is giving me the feels
La_Noir #8
Chapter 3: Yoongi and tae are really cute....eat that jimin and hoseok...cant wait for more cute episodes....this fic will end up in taegi or their first love interest? I want taegi of course heheheh
Chapter 3: This fic gives me such fluffy cute feelings ^___^
Shiningold #10
Okay let's be a bit more sophisticated...
I find ya story very interesting and I hope dat u can update soon!!! :)