

You've waited and the door was opened. "Yes?- oh, Haneul-shi." You looked at him taking off your studying glasses. "May I?" You said not looking away. "Oh. Yeah. Of course-" Sehun stuttered and went aside to let you in. As you walked it, you saw that the whole room was completely occupied by furniture and a lot of books scattered around. "Have you been studying alone?" You looked back at him and sat near the kitchen counter. "Yes. My parents had agreed, so they've bought me a private tutor and I'll be in school to take the exams." He said sitting on the edge of his bed. "Why did you just leave me like that? Alone. After what you've did when you came just for 2 days. Then you started leaving again?" You said sadly. "Why did you leave me? What happened to you?" You asked not wanting to face him. He slowly rose up from his bed and walked towards you. Ever so slowly, he held you to face him. "You happened to me. You're the reason why I'm like this." Sehun said looking straight into your eyes. "You've made me this way, I've fallen hard for you. I know you don't feel the same way, that's why I left. I didn't want to see you nor meet you because I know I'll come running back and chasing for a girl that doesn't feel the same way. It hurts." Sehun continued with a small sigh escaping his mouth. "Why are you here?" He asked. 

You've felt your chest tighten. You didn't know what you were going to say but suddenly your emotions caught you off guard. "To look for you, Sehun. Oh Sehun. You've been away for days was okay for me. I thought maybe you were sick or something. But days they've turned into weeks, weeks became months, I've thought you were gone!" You stared at him while punching him lightly. "I've thought I've lost you.." You clenched your fist and looked into him. "I've fell for you.. But I didn't know what to do-" You were about to continue when he kissed you. Slowly, softly, you returned the kiss. You've felt relaxed for a while until Sehun broke the kiss. "I'm sorry." He placed his forehead onto yours. 

You ended up spending the night at Sehun's place. Talking, laughing and for once you've forgotten the burden of life. When Sehun's alarm rang you woke up, knowing that you weren't home. You've panicked and tried to sit up when you've felt an arm on your waist. You turned your head and saw Sehun beside you. You've remembered clearly about last night, you woke him. "Sehun, I have to go home and change. The exam is starting in an hour so, I need to grab my things." You said and he removed his arm and sat up. "Be careful okay beautiful? I'll meet up with you later." He smiled and looking at you with his sleepy eyes. You nod your head and walked out towards your car. 

When you pressed the ground floor, you've got a call from Saebyeol's mother. You've wondered what's wrong. "Oh, Sae omma. What's wrong?" You asked happily but then you've heard crying on the other line. "Haneul, my sweetheart. Saebyeol is no longer with us." With that, it broke your heart. You ended the call and called the school campus. "Hello, I'm Kim Haneul, I would like to report that I wouldn't be able to attend all my examinations. I would just like to be scheduled for the entrance examination next 3 weeks. Thank you." You ended the call and went straight home. Your mother opened the door and saw your face. "What happened?" She asked worriedly. "Saebyeol- she's gone." You broke down and cried your heart out. 

You've got a text from Saebyeol's mother about the address to their new place in California. "I need to go mom. I'm sorry but I'm going to California." You ran up and grabbed your things. "Dear, can't you wait another day and go tomorrow. Please? Don't be irrational today. You're upset and it's making your mind deciding the wrong thing! You have examinations to go through! Don't be crazy." Your mother nearly screamed at you. "Please?" You looked at your pleading mom but you knew what's best for yourself and ran downstairs with your suitcase. "Mom, I've called the campus. I've told them to just schedule me for the entrance exam. I'll be ready when I come back. Just let me please go to Saebyeol's funeral." You said still crying almost down on your knees. "Please." You've pleaded. All your mother can ever do was sigh and nod. "Fine. But I'm driving." You gave your mother a small smile. "Thank you." With that, you and your mother went to the airport in a speed of lightning. When you both reached, you kissed and bid your mother goodbye. "I'll be back in a week." You nodded and went straight to the counter. "One return ticket to LA please." The lady looked at you with concern. "May I have your ID card and passport please miss?" You gave the things she said. "Here's your ticket ma'am the flight will be off in a few minutes and ma'am don't be upset, you look really pale and unwell. Are you sure you want to go on the flight?" The lady asked you. You gave her a small smile. "I really appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. Just a rough day and I'll better be off now before I'm late." You bowed and ran to the departure area. You checked in and went. 

Sehun's POV: 
I arrived school with a smile though I see people giving me glances that I know the reason why. As the examination start, I wondered where was Haneul. I didn't see her at all. But I just continued my exams. After school, I walked up to the professor. "Umm. Sir, where's Haneul?" Professor Lee looked up to me and said. "She said she'll miss all the examinations but she'll be here for the entrance exam." I nodded and thanked him. "What happened to her?" I whispered to myself when I felt a tapped. "Sehun-shi! I haven't seen you in class for a while. I wondered if you were sick or something. I missed you." Sera said, kind of pouting. "Oh. No. I'm not sick, thanks for your concern but I have to go now. Nice chat." I said smiling at her. With the biding of goodbye, I went. I sat in my car waiting, I thought of maybe giving her a call. I dialed her number but I can't reach her. I started getting worried, I went to where she lived and rang the doorbell. "Hello there young man." A lady in the mid 40's answered the door. "Oh. You must be Mrs. Kim. I am Oh Sehun. Kim Haneul's friend." I said kind of nervous. "You must be more than a friend because she didn't come home last night." The lady grinned and me. I just smiled. "If I may ask, where is she?" The lady moved to the side and asked me to come in. I nodded and entered, we sat at the living room. "She went to her bestfriend's funeral, they've been friends ever since they were young. She was devastated to hear about the news, she'll be back in a week." I nodded and just smiled at the mother. 'No wonder she disappeared so sudden.' I thought. "You could go and visit her room if you want to see pictures of her and Saebyeol." The lady suggested. I took the opportunity to know her better. "I will then." With that I walked up to Haneul's bedroom. When I entered, I saw her books laying on her desk closed. She must've been in a hurry to forget cleaning her stuffs. I walked towards her memory wall and saw loads of pictures of her with her friend. "She must really miss her." I said sighing. I walked up to her desk and saw the journal that she always writes in. As I glanced through the shelf, I saw several similar books like the one she always brings. I took one of the books of the shelf and turned to the last page. It read, 
'Dear diary, 
I want to become a raindrop and by that I won't be afraid to fall because I know I won't fall alone..'
-Kim Haneul entry 110. 
"Hah. Interesting." I whispered and continued reading the books. After reading 3 books, I finally glanced at my watch and I thought it's the time for me to take off. "Umm. Ahjumma, thank you for letting me in. I think it's time for me to go." I said and bowed at the elder. She smiled and I just took off. 

-normal script- 

You've arrived at Saebyeol's house. You could see her parents and elder brother mourning upon her death. Saebyeol's mother greeted you and walked you to the casket. There, you stood and saw Saebyeol laying in a place she said she'll go through only when both of you go through it. "Saebyeol-ah.." You broke down, sitting beside her casket holding her hand. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when it happened. I'm sorry that you have to go through it alone. I'm sorry, that you had to bear with the pain alone. Byeol-ah. Sorry.." You cried and cried there. For the second time jn your life you've felt the pain of losing the person you love. The person you want to grow old with. Gone like the wind in the summer season. Broken. 

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JieunSparkleJunior #1
Chapter 2: Update soon!!:)