All I See Is You


A short story in which Yongguk is jealous of Zelo because he keeps getting Daehyun's attention.


Hello, AFF people! : ) I am alive and am back. I wasn't able to update my other only story on here because work swamped me like ZRRWWETCCQQWYUVXERIIOP. Anyway, even though I'm not as good as most authors on here, I felt like putting up a new fic, a oneshot, because I'm inspired by how much Zelo turned into a man + the pepero game B.A.P did recently. : ) 


Hope you guys like this one! : )


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Chapter 1: This is so adorable and gives me so much feeelllsss <333 loving this. Thanks authornim
Riska_dwi #2
Whoaaa..this FF is so cute..make FF bangdae again
mamizu #3
Chapter 1: It's so cute. Please write BangDae again ^_^
Daeppyongie #4
Chapter 1: Aww this is adorable!! love it!!