
Pretty Cool
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With a remote in one hand and a kazoo in the other, he gestured to a two-seater table in the middle of his patio.

"Seungcheol," I turned to him, "I rode my bike all the way here -"

"No, no! I didn't even show you the fun part yet!" He messed with the buttons on the controls for a few long moments. "What's your favorite color?"

I frowned, "are you stalling or something?"

"No, seriously. Just tell me," he glances up at me for a moment.


Suddenly, the ordinary table glowed in to a sunflowery yellow. The umbrella was adorned in shimmering LEDs. I couldn't look away. He exclaimed another tadah and blew into kazoo.

"Okay, I admit it's pretty cool."

"Come on, babe~ Sit down," Seungcheol's smile was cheeky, glowing with satisfaction.

He took a seat and patted the empty chair next to him. So with a look of disapproval, I did.

"I set this whole LED thing up myself - I mean sure I had to make four calls to my Dad... and shed a few tears first, but it's working!"

I lost a few laughs to his comment, "this is pretty cool, man."

"Isn't it?! Check it out," he changed the colors just by the press of a color-coded button.

Blue. "For when I'm feeling sad," he pouted.

Red. "For when I'm feeling evil," he cackled.

"And this one," he pressed another one, the lights faded to black before blinking into a light show. The umbrella flickered through every

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Chapter 1: im going crazy. i need moreeee