ii. Fool

Subtle Touches - A Jeongcheol Fanfic Collection

Choi Seungcheol and Yoon Jeonghan has been friends since they were in there mothers' womb.

Although Seungcheol was born 2 months before the latter, they share almost everything. Hobbies, food that they like, dreams. Everything. Seungcheol and Jeonghan easily became bestfriends.

But Seungcheol's feelings for Jeonghan started to change, from friendship to something else.

Sure, Jeonghan has always had that delicate-looking face that earned him a lot of questions about his gender.

But when Jeonghan decided to let his hair grow long. His beauty just became out-of-this world, making people call him call him 'angel''

But for Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan is HIS angel. His angel that lights up his world.

The problem is,


Seungcheol has loved Jeonghan since they were sixteen, and how old are they now? 21? 

Five years is no joke. Five years of dropping hints that unfortunately go straight to the drain.

Seungcheol taught all of this while looking at his angel beside him, singing,

You and I calling each other friends is awkward
It’s better to use the word, lovers
Oh, I will confess my heart for the first time
I will bring the stars in the sky for you, whatever you want,
Oh I can do it for you

I’m a fool, I’m a fool who only sees you, I love you
No matter what anyone says or teases, I will be a fool who only sees you
I’m a fool, I’m a fool who only sees you, hold my hand
Hug me, I’m a fool who only loves you

Do you love me? You, idiot!, Seungcheol taught

'What stars? I'd even give you the whole galaxy for you to realize that I.LOVE.YOU' Seungcheol taught once again

"Cheol, do you have a problem with a guy liking a guy?" Jeonghan asked

"Uhhh. me? No." Seungcheol stuttered.

"Good. You know what, Cheol? I like someone." Jeonghan confessed.

Seungcheol's senses went on full alert. Has Jeonghan finally realized Seungcheol's feelings?

"Oh? W-who m-might be the lucky girl?" Seungcheol asked.

"It's not a 'she'. It's a 'he'." Jeonghan started, " You know that guitarist on the choir? Jisoo? It's him" Jeonghan finished.

Seungcheol couldn't think for a whole 3 minutes. He just stared blankly on the green grass that they were sitting on. How come? Was what he did for these 21 years go to waste? How could Jeonghan like someone and not him? 

Obviously, Seungcheol knew the answer. He can't dictate Jeonghan's heart

"Cheol? Why aren't you answering? Are you grossed out? You said you don't have a problem with a guy liking a guy." Jeonghan asked.

Seungcheol snapped back to reality when he saw Jeonghan staring at his face, moving closer to him. He jolted from his trance and poked Jeonghan's forehead and pushed the long-haired boy away.

"Tsk. Of course I know Jisoo! Well..w-well, h-he's l-lucky!" Seungcheol stuttered obviously, hoping that by some miracle Jeonghan won't notice.

And he didn't. He was busy hugging Seungcheol until the latter fell on the grass while holding Jeonghan.

"Oh my god! Thank you Cheollie! Thank you for the support! I.LOVE.YOU" Jeonghan said.

If only you meant that. Seungcheol thought.

"O-of c-course. Why wouldn't I support my bestfriend?" Seungcheol said, struggling to get up and detangle Jeonghan from him.

When they got up and arranged themselves, Jeonghan leaned his head against Seungcheol's shoulder and Seungcheol smelled Jeonghan's hair. A scent that is oh-so familiar. If only they could stay like this.

If only Jeonghan could realize how much Seungcheol loves him. How much Seungcheol is willing to give him.

"Cheol-ah, you know how great it feels to love somebody,uhm? That jittery feeling you feel in your stomach when he is around." Jeonghan said.

I know. It's how I feel when you are with me. Like right now. Seungcheol thought. 

Seungcheol kept this words inside and just nodded. To his surprise, Jeonghan immediately sat up straight and looked at him with eyes full of curiousity.

"Ooooh~ So YOU are inlove. The almighty Choi Seungcheol has been finally bitten by the love bug! MANSE! MANSE!" Jeonghan shouted

"Shut up Han." I glared at him and he sat down straight again.

"So... Who is the lucky girl? Or the lucky guy?" Jeonghan asked, raising his eyebrows up.

Its you. IDIOT Seungcheol said

"Ya!" Jeonghan shouted

"Its a guy." I said, matter-of-factly

"Ooooooh. Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?" Jeonghan asked, pouting like a baby

Aish stop it before I kiss you right here, right now, Seungcheol thought

"You." Seungcheol mentally chastised himself. The word has slipped out of his mouth before he could even think about it.

"Ya! Stop joking! Come one! Let me treat you ice cream!" Jeonghan said as he pulled Seungcheol up and towards the cafeteria where their other friends are waiting.


"So you almost confessed to Jeonghan-hyung but he thought it was a joke." Mingyu asked

I nodded

"Woah. Fate sure likes to play with guys eh? And who's the other guy? Hisu? Jesus? Oh! Jisoo. Hong~ Jisoo" Mingyu said, emphasizing Hong.

"Yes yes whatever." I said

"But hyung, aren't you really gonna confess, I mean, what if Jeonghan hyung likes you too? More than he likes that Jisoo fellow." Mingyu said.

"I don't know. I really don't know. But I think that I will do now will be futile since he has some one he likes." I said, keeping my head bent low as I played with my fingers.

"Whatever hyung. It's your fault since you are such a baby coward." Mingyu teased.

"Gee, thanks." I said with full sarcasm

"Oh well, I need to go. Wonwoo is waiting for me, we have a date today~" Mingyu chimed.

"Don't you go to dates, like almost everyday? I feel sorry for Wonwoo's wallet." Seungcheol teased the younger one.

"Oh shush." Mingyu said as he exited the room.

Seungcheol sighed. Maybe Mingyu is right. Maybe he is indeed a coward. But what can he do? Everytime he sees Jeonghan, he loses his resolve and gets drowned by the angel's beautiful brown eyes.

As Seungcheol is getting ready to sleep while waiting for the bell to ring, Seungkwan bursted from the door, panting.

"H-hyung." Seungkwan said, panting.

"Ya. Why do you look so tired? Did you run?" Seungcheol asked the younger.

"Jeo-jeonghan h-hyung.." Seungkwan coughed

Seungcheol quickly got up from his chair and approached the tired Seungkwan who is now seated by the door pane.

"Why?! What happened?" Seungcheol asked, worried written all over his face.

"We were about to practice for a song presentation but we can't find Jeonghan hyung. We already looked everywhere for him but we couldn't find him. So I searched for you since you might know where he is." Seungkwan explained panting.

Seungcheol wasted no time and ran to find Jeonghan. He went to the music room, gym, the elementary department. 

Panting, Seungcheol taught of where Jeonghan could be.

And then it hit him. Of course, the art departments rooftop, the highest rooftop. Jeonghan's favorite place.

Seungcheol quickly ran and sure enough, he found the long-haired boy on the rooftop. Sitted on the far corner, with arms hugging his knees. And shoulders going up and down-- wait, is he crying?

"Knew I'd find you here." Seungcheol said, sitting beside Jeonghan.

"C-Cheol..." Jeonghan said, crying.

With disheveled hair and red shot eyes, Jeonghan faced Seungcheol.

"W-what h-happened?" Seungcheol asked as he pulled Jeonghan closer and patted the latter's back.

"I-i c-confessed to J-Jisoo," Jeonghan started, "but he said he is straight and he cannot get into this kind of relationship." Jeonghan cried.

Seungcheol balled his fists in anger. How dare Jisoo hurt his angel? 

"You know what. Forget that guy,focus on other things," Seungcheol started, "or on other persons."

"H-how c-can I do that?" Jeonghan asked.

"I'll help you." Seungcheol said, looking into Jeonghan's eyes.

Jeonghan looked puzzled but continued to look to Seungcheol.

"I've loved you since, what, 5 years ago. I don't know how, when or why. But I have loved you since then, others might think I'm a coward or an idiot." Seungcheol started, "but the truth is, I'll always be your idiot. If you give me chance, I will always stay by your side, give you the stars and even the galaxy.I will be a fool who only sees you, angel. If ever you are having hard time, just hold my hand. Let me help you fall in love again." Seungcheol said, looking into Jeonghan's eyes.

Jeonghan's expression changed from sadness to extreme fondness. That soft glow in his eyes were back. With tears still flowing, but now it is tears of joy. Jeonghan crept into Seungcheol's arms and hugged him.

"Let's do that, Cheol."



--- ^^ ---



A/N: I wrote this while watching Bangtan's recent weekly idol. was laughing so hard that's why this update took like 4 hours. ahahahahah. ohwell, it's now christmas vacation and must i share that my friend gave me that book that i was really really longing for. hahaha my christmas vacation will be so fuuuun ^^


anyway, this is based on Juniel's Babo(Fool) ft. Jung Yong Hwa. 

Really love this song <3~ 









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Junie_Jjang11 #1
Chapter 12: C U T E !!!!!!!
Chapter 12: aww good for you!! I only have 17 Carat, haha...

Chapter 12: Classic simple story but so fluffy and lovely. So gooood
Vamps56 #4
Chapter 12: How cute jeongcheol baby
Chapter 12: Oh god jeongcheol plus mpreg the perfect thing ^^
lamahef #6
Chapter 11: Hey author-nim, I really love your one-shots!

I subscribed a long ago but I got to actually read them only today, sweet, so sweet!

I had to make a suggestion though, I think it would be better to inform in the beginning of the chapter that it's a sequel for a past one, I got kind of confused when I read them but found out that they were sequels at the end.
Good luck!
OhMy_JerMy #7
Chapter 11: Oh my God!! my feels it's overflowing!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!
Chapter 11: Yoon jeonghan why dont you refuse seungcheol first? And accept the kiss??? You must be love him so much... Ahahahaha