Confession | I

Confessions Of Kim Taeyeon


Confession | I

[T.S. The Wicked Game by The Weeknd]


I will be the first person to admit that a gorgeous caught my attention but never made me faithful. A beautiful face got me to commit but never changed me. It was that one funny girl with an amazing personality, million dollar smile and a heart of gold that left me in tears begging for a second chance. Her name was Miyoung Hwang and until this day, I still couldn’t express to her in words how grateful I am for our little infinity. She was the one I loved, the person who eventually becomes the definition of romance and unknowingly sets a template for what I will always adore and try to find within other people, even if some of those qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable.


The day she left me behind along with all our plans and dreams, I've gained a life long lesson I shall never forget. At the age so young as seventeen, I have learnt that one day, you might wake up and realise that you have lost the moon while you were counting the stars and probably the only piece that held it all in place.


She was the one that got away and since that fateful night, I have never view women the same way again.




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Chapter 6: I like how you arranged your words. Good job!
xx7nick #2
Chapter 6: Beautiful.
Chapter 6: That was deep... It amazes me how you are able to just stir up all kinds of negative emotions from inside me through the chapters and yet to feel content but still sad whilst reading the last chapter. ^^
I really do love this story of yours, I hope and wish you all the best - I don't know what for but I just feel like doing this... n,n
Bless, ^.^
#HIMNAE kekeke #SuchRandomness
Chapter 6: Godspeed
Until next time
iamout #5
Chapter 6: I've always admired how intricate the lines fall through my eyes, how such a wide vocabulary makes the emotions poignant and always bittersweet. Knowing this is the last confession saddened me, but I can accept it.
I'll be here to support you again! :)
This has been an emotional blast. Damn.
Chapter 1: Wow your words is so perfect ^_^