Lets start the show...

School Of Hell

I looked at the layout given by Namjoon and decided to go to the second floor. It just hoped this would just finish fast. “Hey, wait up!” I heard Hoseok started to yell at me. I turned to him with a glare. He caught up with me as his eyes darted all over the building. “We need to be careful. The teacher’s spirit might be here somewhere”, he continued.

“Stop thinking. As if this place is haunted. They are just rumors. A junk of rumor” I said as I pulled him to walk with me. He reluctantly walked side by side with me. I stepped slowly onto the stairs. The building was dark. I couldn’t see much.

“Hey, umm... I have a torch if you want” I heard Hoseok said, shivering under his breath. I looked at him and reached out my hand to him, signaled him to hand me the torch. He ruffled in his bag and took out a torch before handed it into my palm. I the torch and shone the path. I stood next to the window and saw Nara was the only one left. She ran into the building. I must admit she’s kind of courageous.

Suddenly, I heard a loud BANG at the end of the corridor. Hoseok screamed and jumped before running away from our spot. “HEY!!” I tried to chase for him but I couldn’t trace his silhouette anymore. The bang continued as if it was trying to ask me to go to it. I shone the path and walked slowly towards the direction of the bang. “Who’s there?” I asked but no one answered me. ‘HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHE’ suddenly a black, big shadow came into my view and knocked me out.


The sound of footsteps caused me to open my eyes. As I tried to sit up, a stinging pain struck my head. “Ugh...” I sat up while touching my head. What was that just now? A shadow? I looked all around me and realized that I was not at the same spot I was earlier. “Where am I now...?” I stood up and touched my head. The torch I had earlier was on my side. I took the torch up. I touched my pocket just to realize something. “Where is the layout and phone?” I sighed and started to walk.

I walked and walked when I suddenly stepped onto something squishy. It felt weird that I decided to shine on my feet where I saw human’s intestine with blood and maggots crawling around it. I gasped and shone along the intestine until I found the end of it-a human’s body, a large gash was on its stomach where the intestine and some other organs such as liver and minced meat had fallen all around it. The body was wearing a girl’s school uniform so I guess it was a girl.

I squatted down and investigated the body. I checked her uniform and saw a student notebook. Her name was Byun Haenji, a student of Star High School. “The same school as mine... But I’ve never seen her” I stood up and continued to walk. I’m not only didn’t know my whereabouts but I got into somehow a different school building. I’m sure this is not the old building behind the school. “This corridor is full of dead bodies...” I shone the torch all over the place- all over the dead bodies, skeletons, organs and blood. It smelled so foul I had to cover my nose.

Sound of footsteps once again trapped in my ears. “Who’s there?” I asked as I shone towards the direction. A silhouette got into my view. The long, braided haired girl was walking weirdly towards me.It was Eunji, the one which Namjoon should be paired up with. I gasped as soon as I saw her full body.

“Tae...Hyung... Help me” A large gash was on her stomach, blood was spilling out her body, . The blue dress she wore was colored into the color of dark red. She grabbed her waist, hoping that the blood would stop. I ran towards her and supported her. She fell into my arms.

“What happen?!! Eunji!!!” I shouted as she panted heavily. Her blood slowly colored my grey t-shirt. “Wait. I’ll find something to help you with!” I carried her on my back as I ran along the corridor, hoping to find a room to treat her wound. But unfortunately, all the rooms I’ve found couldn’t be opened at all. They are not locked but I couldn’t seem can open it. Not so long, I heard she stopped panting. I immediately knew what had happened. She had just died...

I stopped running as I put her down on the floor. Her eyes were widely opened. Blood spilled from her lips. I checked on her wounds when I realized, the wound she had almost the same as dead body I’ve found earlier. “...Why?” I asked myself but nothing came into my mind. I decided to leave Eunji’s body here. “As soon I found the way out, I’ll ask them to pick you up” I whispered softly.

 I checked her handbag and took out her phone. But, there’s no any connection here. I’ve found batteries in her handbag and decided to take them along with me in case the torch turned off. I put the handbag by her side and continued to walk along the hallway. Where’s everyone? Are they okay? I continued to walk and went downstairs.

I tried to open the entrance door but just like the other doors I just can’t seem to open it. I tried to kick it hard but it didn’t even move for an inch. I tried to open the window but just the same. I looked around to find something I could use to break the glass window. I found a long pole sticking into the head of the body. I was reluctant to take it but I have to. As I pulled the pole up, the sound of meat got tore up echoed loudly. Blood spurted out of the body.

After I had finally got it taken off, I slammed it as hard as I could towards the glass window but it didn’t even care to crack for even a tiniest bit. I was quite shocked but I realized that there was nothing I could do at this moment. I just needed to find others and avoid whatever deaths to occur. “How’s Nara doing, I wonder?”

I was walking by the cafeteria. I wanted to puke when I smelled the horrible odor of dead bodies from all over the dining area. I shone everywhere hoping to find something or someone but I couldn’t find anything. I was just about to walk away from the cafeteria but I stopped my pace as I heard the sound of a phone snapping pictures. I searched the direction of the sound and went directly towards it.

“Is there anyone here?” I asked. I took a closer look and realized it was Namjoon. He was snapping pictures of the dead bodies. The body was a male student. I found that the body was cut on its throat. The lower part of the body was horribly minced. I couldn’t even recognize the shape of legs at all. One of the eyeballs had somehow turned into soup with its socket as the bowl. “...What are you doing?”

Namjoon turned and looked at me. “Well, for references for my Biology Club” he continued to snap pictures from different angles. I waited for him to finish snapping pictures.

“How did we end up here?” I asked him. He pushed his glasses up as he slide over the disgusting pictures he had just snapped. “I don’t know. I was here after I got knocked out so suddenly” He said nothing else. So, it was the same as me. I wonder if he knew about Eunji.

“Well, I gotta go. I need to find Eunji. We got separated after I opened my eyes” Namjoon put the phone in his pocket and started to walk. I hurriedly stopped him from doing so. “What? You need anything else?” He looked directly into my direction.

“No. It just that... Eunji had died just now”

“What?” He furrowed his eyebrows as I started to tell about how Eunji died. “Show me Eunji’s body now!” he demanded me. I nodded and led the way to the second floor. He squatted down on Eunji’s dead body and started to take pictures. “Is there any other deaths you’ve found?”

“From what I’ve seen, I didn’t find any of our other friends died. Just people I don’t know about. But, they are all from our school but I’ve never seen them before”

“That’s great but we need to do a funeral for Eunji after we got out of this school” Namjoon slide through the pictures before opened his mouth. “I’ve realized that all of these bodies had one similarity to the way of their deaths”

 I started to furrow my eyebrows “What is it?”

“Female bodies were cut by their waists and the male bodies were cut by their throats”


“It’s just like the rumor” Namjoon sighed heavily. “I did this courage test just to show those kids those were nothing more than just a rumor but...” He hung his head.

“It’s not your fault” I tried to comfort him.

“We need to find the others fast before anything happened to them” Namjoon started to walk ahead of me.

“But, just for a record. We couldn’t open the entrance door or break the window or even open the door to the classrooms”

“Really?” Namjoon said as he swung open the door to a classroom.

“...” I found myself to be speechless.

“Maybe you are too tired from all of these”


Both of us walked into the classroom not knowing there was something waiting for us inside...


Second updateeee. What do you guys think waiting in the room? Give me your comments! See you for the third update XD

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Ifellforidiots #1
Chapter 3: Pls update this is sooooo good
Chapter 2: Oooohhhh~ So this has a thriller vibe. :)
I sometimes watch/read gory anime and manga too!
I'm anticipating this! ^^
See you can do a good story! Keep it up!
Chapter 2: It was HELLACIOUSLY awesome :)
Good job Mr. Author and update soon :]
Chapter 2: See you are a good writer!! This is really interesting~
Bellanagisa #5
Chapter 2: スゴイ(笑)^ ^ ホラーが好きだから