The Painful Memory

School Of Hell

As soon as I stepped onto the floor of the classroom, my pulse went crazy. My heart beat loudly in my chest as if it was trying to fly away from my ribcage. My breathing rate increased and my vision slowly blurred. ‘W-What.....?” I asked myself when suddenly a painful throb shot across my brain. I fell onto the cracked floor. I looked in front of me and Namjoon was groaning in pain.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind howled in the classroom. Tables, chairs, dried up corpses, white bleached skeletons and some organs and tissues flew all around. I held onto the crack on the floor tightly as I tried to contain the pain that kept throbbing in my head. I looked towards the entrance of the classroom and noticed the door earlier wasn’t there. We were completely trapped in this classroom.

“AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!” Without any signs, Namjoon’s hoarse voice echoed loudly in the classroom. I was shocked as I saw Namjoon flew across the classroom. The next thing I knew was his back slammed against the wall followed by the sound of bone cracking and Namjoon painful cries. I saw his leg had already twisted in the most abnormal way. It’s like his knee had been destroyed completely, causing his leg went weak.

I gulped at this weird scene in front of me. “.....Wind.....? In this closed classroom?” My thoughts immediately stopped as I heard a voice of a male right in the middle of the class. I turned my gaze towards the direction of the voice and saw a young male student stared directly into my eyes. I gasped as soon as I saw his feature. He looked almost the same as me. However, he was grieving. His brows were knitted together, his big eyes were teary in the color of red and his neck was crooked to his right shoulder.

He opened his mouth and his voice slowly reached my ears. “” I listened to his shaky voice, unable to make out his words. His voice sounded so innocent as if it was trying to comfort me. But, in the next second, his voice changed into one that could even shatter this entire school building. “SAVE MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!” He raised his hands and pointed towards Namjoon who was already unconscious from the terrible hit. Namjoon’s body flew right into the direction of the student. The student griped on Namjoon’s neck. His eyes were filled with hatred.

“Namjoon!!!!: I shouted but my movements were stuck with the strong howl of the wind. I couldn’t do anything. Namjoon’s face contorted as the student tightened his grip. “STOP!!” I yelled once again and this time, I managed to get the student’s attention. He glared into my direction. His death-filled eyes were penetrating into mine. I couldn’t turn my gaze away. Then, I felt a pain I couldn’t really put into words along my veins. It was like my veins were pulled out of my body through my skin. It was like my body could be tore apart in any second. I shouted on the top of my lungs but I couldn’t take my eyes away. Tears started to form in my eyes.

Not so long, my vision blackened. I couldn’t move my limbs. I could feel that my hands were being tied at my back as some giggles came into my ears. “W-What now.....?!” I thought to myself. Then, someone pulled something like cloth off my face. I was in a classroom. The room was dark. It was just lightened up by the moonlight and the candles around every corner. I was sitting in a chair, in the middle of classroom with an enormous circular symbol on the floor. And there were a lot of people surrounded me. They were wearing black cape. In their hands, I saw the photos of the male student I met earlier. Then, someone walked forward and stood in front of me. She held a candlestick in her left hand and a photo frame of the male student in her right. She put the candlestick on a table by my side and reached out her left hand towards me, slowly caressed my cheeks.

“You are handsome as always, Prince Baekhyun”

“Baekhyun...? That name somehow familiar....” I thought to myself. I was about to ask the girl in front of me but my voice wouldn’t come out. I felt a stinging pain in my throat as I forced myself to talk. Then, I heard a snicker from the girl. Slowly, everyone followed her suit.

“Does that hurt, sweetheart?” she asked me as she caressed my collarbones. I flinched at this action. Suddenly, her face gloomed. “I’m sorry to have hurt you!!” she burst into tears before she hugged me tightly. She then grew part from me. She set her passionate, filled of pity into my eyes. “...But, we have to.... For your own sake” She said and everyone started to cry out.

“THE ?!” I yelled in my mind.

“Since you’ve the teacher, the police wanted to take you away from us...”

“....Me....? .....?”

“Therefore, we need to take your life by our own hands!” She started to raise her voice so that everyone in the classroom would hear her. Everyone roared at this remark. “My prince, why don’t you take a look above?” She said. I followed her gaze and saw a gallows. My eyes grew big as I tried to run away but I couldn’t. “Baekhyun... Please, be calm. We’ll send you to heaven ourselves. We’ll never let anyone other than us to touch you.... We love you, Baekhyun” She said passionately. Her voice sounded so sweet. “Girls, it’s time!”

As soon as these words passed her lips, some girls came to me and force me to stand on the chair. I tried to shake them away but they held me too tightly, I couldn’t move. “Sweetheart.... Please remember everyone here.....” She smiled kindly as she stood onto another chair beside me. She slowly put the rope around my neck.

“How am I supposed to get away from here....?!!”

She jumped off the chair and looked me in the eyes. “I love you, Baekhyun...” She said these words before kicked the chair under my feet. Gravity pulled my body weight downwards, causing the rope to wrap tightly around my neck. It blocked my air pathway as I struggled like a piece of worm. I opened my mouth, gasping for air. I could feel liquid flowed out of my eyes and mouth. I coughed as my heartbeat thumped faster and faster.

“Anyone.....Save.....Me....!!” I begged in my mind before I realized I was on the floor, in the classroom earlier. I gasped for air and reached for my neck and I felt something wrapped around my neck. I guess it was bandage. I could feel a stinging pain. “What happened....?” I questioned myself since I couldn’t remember anything much as I looked to my side to see Namjoon was lying, unconscious, bandages around his neck and leg. His leg was still twisted in the abnormality. “So.... It wasn’t a dream afterall...”

“Are you awake?” I heard a very familiar voice above my head. I looked up and met a gaze of Kim Nara, the girl who always looked in my direction. She slowly walked and sat by my side, the opposite of Namjoon’s. “How are you feeling?” She asked me another question. She slowly touched my neck. I flinched as I felt the pain. She hurriedly pulled her hand away. “I’m sorry!” She said loudly.

“Did you save us?” I asked her and I saw Nara’s brows furrowed.

“...Maybe?” She said teasingly.



I peered into her face before I sighed audibly. “I don’t know what you are hiding, but... Thanks...” I said in a very low voice. She looked surprised but I could see she was smiling wryly at me. “How’s Namjoon?” I asked.

“He got injured even worse than you”


“However, somehow he managed to get over the critical moments”

“That’s a relief”

After those last words from me, we got into a moment of awkwardness. The whole room got silent that we could even hear a pin dropped. “....What happened to you, Taehyung?” It was Nara who broke the silence. Her voice sounded sp business-like, so serious.

“I’m not sure myself.... A male student attacked us... His name is.... I couldn’t remember...”

“I don’t want to make any assumptions but... Is the male student’s name, Byun Baekhyun?

As soon as I heard the name, the scene in a classroom where girls in capes mistook me as Byun Baekhyun hanged me in the middle of the classroom. My eyes grew bigger as my body reacted to the piece of memory. “AAAARRGGHHHH!!!! NOOOOO!!!”

“Taehyung??!! Why??!! Keep a hold of yourself, Taehyung!!” I could hear Nara screamed but I couldn’t stop. I wanted to cry. Somehow, the memory got a resemblance to my childhood memories. The memory when I got abused by my own biological mother. The traumatic memories from my childhood I tried to forget came back to the surface.


Sorry for the late update. thanks for reading and make sure to comment XD

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Ifellforidiots #1
Chapter 3: Pls update this is sooooo good
Chapter 2: Oooohhhh~ So this has a thriller vibe. :)
I sometimes watch/read gory anime and manga too!
I'm anticipating this! ^^
See you can do a good story! Keep it up!
Chapter 2: It was HELLACIOUSLY awesome :)
Good job Mr. Author and update soon :]
Chapter 2: See you are a good writer!! This is really interesting~
Bellanagisa #5
Chapter 2: スゴイ(笑)^ ^ ホラーが好きだから