|| Ashlee224 || - Done

WILDFIRE ADVERTISE SHOP - finishing requests - closed

[CONTENTID1]Hurt Enough to Heal[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]Author: Ashlee224

Story link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1041026/hurt-enough-to-heal-genderbender-snsd-taeny-yulsic-taengsic-characterdeath-domesticabuse

Genre: drama/ tragedy
Status: Completed
Rated: M
Characters: SNSD

Description: Taeyeon was the medicine Jessica took grudgingly; Jessica was the poison Taeyeon drank desperately. Yul watched them burn, wishing he was the one on fire, while Seohyun huddled in the icy darkness and Tiffany brought the end of the world. [/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3] pack 5 = done [/CONTENTID3]

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_Sanctum_ #1
Hello are you guys still open? I looked but the comments haven't been for a few months.. Anyway is it just stories that you guys do or could I pay kp to have my roleplay advertised as well? Sorry if you said it and I missed it.
Author: cutetani66
Author link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/774511
Story title: Filling the Gap
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1073930/filling-the-gap-donghae-eunhae-eunhyuk-fluff-romance-superjunior-hyukhae
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Idolverse
Status: Complete (ONE-SHOT)
Characters: Lee Donghae, Lee Hyukjae

During their almost two years of military services, Donghae and Hyukjae met many times, under various circumstances, with or without people around them. But their first meet in that cold December evening was the one Donghae can never let go of- not from his memories, not from his heart.

Poster: http://i.imgur.com/kbo2kQ2.jpg
Blog about the shop: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1103145
How should your adv mess sound: Missing EUNHAE?
This story will be perfect for you!!
Trailer code(if any):
Anything else: No
Pack: 7
TurbulenceTenshi #3
Chapter 5: Huh? I thought this was done already.
Author: BlackSahara

Author link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/812431

Story title: No Exit

Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1012093/no-exit-angst-apink-top-exo-eunji-baekhyun-exopink

Genre: Dark Angst; Romance; Action; Violence

Status: On-Going (Chaptered)

Characters: Eunji (A-Pink); Baekhyun (EXO); Daehyun (B.A.P); Yongguk (B.A.P); Kai (EXO); Suho (EXO); Chorong (A-Pink); Others

Description: They were trapped in a street without exit. A bullet stressed the low notes of the sick triad that was toned by the disturbing cries that cut through the dead air. Blood dripped down, and tears burned into the lost eyes of the breathless boy. He was lost without direction in an exitless labyrinth, and his stare was transformed by the emptiness that trapped his heart...
...but every start has an end, every life ends in death, and every entrance has an exit. Jung Eun Ji is the exit, but after different directions will he encounter the exit before it turns into another lane of his labyrinth?

Poster: http://i.imgur.com/uMO8M42.png

Blog about the shop: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1100233

How should your advertisement message sound: Description

Trailer code: None

Anything else: None

Pack: Wildfire Pack

Author's link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1038053
Story title: Marriage or Revenge
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1049164/marriage-or-revenge-angst-fluff-romance-exo-chanyeol-originalchracter-arrangemariage
Genre: Romance,fluff,angst
Status: Ongoing
Rated: Yes
Characters: Park Chanyeol,Oc
Description:Oh Se Ha hates Park Chanyeol to the core,for ruining her bestfriend's life 6 years back.Now that she gets the chance to ruin his life for good-she gladly accepts the marriage proposal with notorious Park Chanyeol,leaving her innocent boyfriend in dilemma.She thought of marrying that jerk while loving her boyfriend secretly!
Little did she knew,Chanyeol's charm is too strong to ignore for long!!
Poster link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t34.0-12/1917918_964921770244926_1858573457863563909_n.jpg?oh=887852532ba5d085e91e878e23248e46&oe=5690A541&__gda__=1452259324_d58a25492335595dcbe521cfbf385372
Trailer code (if any):
How you want to sound your adv message( this will be the actual message on the walls max 1000 caracters): Just as description
Blog: Same as description
Anything else:None
Pack: 8
shineeinfinite #6
Hello, is my request being accepted?
Author: chibiterasu
Author's link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/841156
Story title: Break One, and its Goodbye
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/921707/break-one-and-it-s-goodbye-drama-romance-luhan-krishan-chanlu
Genre: drama romance
Status: completed
Rated: Yes
Characters: Kris, Luhan, Chanyeol, Tao, Xiumin, Mom
"I'll do everything to make you turn and leave."

The sooner, The better.

They were arranged to be married; forced to live together under one roof.

Luhan cherished the idea, Kris didn’t.

Kris wasn’t willing to let go of his bachelor life and he would do everything to make Luhan give him up.

Poster link: http://i.imgur.com/5kDBcjV.jpg
Trailer code (if any): none
How you want to sound your adv message( this will be the actual message on the walls max 1000 caracters): just like the description
Blog: same as description
Anything else: none
Pack: V.I.P
shineeinfinite #8
Author: shineeinfinite
Author's link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/394934
Story title: The Redemption
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1049288/the-redemption-action-angst-bigbang-romance-seunghyun-top-tenderrose
Genre: romance, angst, action
Status: completed, chaptered
Rated: no
Characters: Choi Seunghyun and Hwang Aerin (OC)
Description: Seunghyun was a brilliant agent that never believed in love until he met Hwang Aerin. Series of events made him quit his job to live a happy life with his girlfriend. However, like every beginning, there is its ending. One day, Aerin was kidnapped and Seunghyun had to find and save her in 48 hours. It would be either his or her redemption.
Poster link: http://i.imgur.com/AnYC8Lq.gif
Trailer code (if any): -
How you want to sound your adv message( this will be the actual message on the walls max 1000 caracters): Just like the description...
Blog: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1097707
Anything else: Thanks in advance
Pack: 10