
Teach Me How to Jam

It was Jisoo’s birthday, but Jihoon and Mingyu only remembered about it 30 minutes after midnight.

a/n: Special update to celebrate Jisoo's birthday! By the way, they are college students in this, if you're wondering.



Jisoo came back from his lesson with such a bright smile on his face. His birthday was coming and he already expected his housemates prepare all the birthday surprise: cake with candles, celebratory trumpets and hats, seaweed soup, and birthday songs. Even when he was actually carrying a pretty heavy guitar on his back, he was like skipping his way back to the shared apartment, because he just couldn’t wait anymore.

“I’m home!”

He walked into the apartment, still with a bright smile, only to find Jihoon and Mingyu in the living room, completely immersed in typing something on their respective laptops.

“Hey, what are you guys doing?” he asked as he put his guitar down and sat in front of the table, facing the two of them.

“We’re working on papers, Hyung,” Jihoon answered as if it wasn’t obvious enough.

“Why? Aren’t we just starting holiday?”

“We should be, but my supervisor told me to revise my final paper and submit it this morning. Same with him.” Jihoon pointed at Mingyu who was totally not bothered with the two’s conversation as he was totally focused on his laptop.

“Are you guys under the same supervisor or what?”

“Well, sort of.” Jihoon shrugged.

Jisoo realized that the two of them were probably busy right now, and probably didn’t have time preparing a surprise party for him, so he just nodded as he stood up, grabbing his guitar and went into his room quietly.

On the other hand, Jihoon and Mingyu were still at it as they kept working on their papers until past midnight. Sure enough, both of them were getting sleepy.

“If only I don’t have to submit it tomorrow...” Jihoon yawned as he looked at the clock on his laptop. “Wait, it’s already tomorrow.”

He glanced towards the younger boy, who looked like he was also totally done with his paper.

“How many revises you did?”

“Already half of them,” Mingyu replied as he yawned. “Oh my God, it’s 12:30 already. Should we work until the morning?”

“I don’t know...”

Jihoon glanced back at the clock on his own laptop. 12:30, December 30, 2015.

12:30. December 30.

“Oh my God.” Jihoon ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly.

“What is it, Hyung?”

“It’s Jisoo hyung’s birthday now,” he deadpanned.

“Huh?” Mingyu reacted strongly as he immediately stood up from where he had been sitting on the floor. “Oh my God. I forgot about his birth—”

“Keep your voice down! He might hear you!” Jihoon hit Mingyu’s legs as they were the ones that he could reach right now. “Why don’t you get seated again?”

Mingyu obediently sat back again on the floor.

“Aren’t there cake shop that opens 24 hours? We can just get a cake from there and then—”

“But what about the present?”

“I haven’t finished talking, you little—”

Jihoon stopped himself from letting out crude words as he tried to calm himself again.

“Okay, we’ll get the present first. What is it that he wants these days?”

Mingyu bit his lips, looking totally unsure. “I don’t know Hyung...”

“I know of something!” Jihoon raised his index finger, and with that finger, he signaled the younger to come closer. Mingyu obeyed him again, as Jihoon put his mouth closer to the younger’s ear. He started whispering to him, but after hearing Jihoon's whisper, Mingyu showed an even more unsure look.

“Well, that kind of sounds great, but...”

“Okay, let’s go then.” Jihoon got up from his sitting position without waiting for Mingyu to finish talking. Mingyu just sighed before following the elder boy.



“Mingyu-yah, can’t you just not?” Jihoon looked at the younger boy in annoyance.

“But Hyung, I want those macaroons!”

Jihoon sighed again. “You’ll get to eat birthday cake anyway, why would you want those macaroons?”

Mingyu pouted at Jihoon’s response, realizing that the elder’s saying was right.

“You might get indigestion if you eat too many sweets,” Jihoon added as he walked towards where the birthday cakes were located. Mingyu followed him, and immediately a black forest birthday cake displayed caught his attention.

“Hyung! What about this one? It looks delicious.”

Jihoon looked at the cake Mingyu pointed. “That’s... too much chocolate.”

“But Jisoo hyung loves chocolate!”

“I don’t,” he replies, effectively cutting the argument. “Vanilla is fine. Jisoo hyung also likes vanilla. Or maybe red velvet...”

“Give me that sweet ice cream cake!!!”

Jihoon was startled when Mingyu suddenly shouted the lines of the Red Velvet song.

“What the—”

“No, Hyung, I mean that ice cream cake!” Mingyu pointed at where a freezer was located, displaying variety of ice cream cakes. For a moment, there were also sparkles in Jihoon’s eyes as he saw the cakes.

“...ng? Hyung?”

Soon enough, Jihoon woke up from his daze, and as he turned to look at Mingyu, he uttered those words.

“Let’s get one of them.”



Jisoo was honestly trying really hard to sleep, but somehow, he just couldn’t tonight. He tried so many sleeping positions already, from curling to laying straight on his back to laying down on his chest. They all didn’t work. He also heard something like noises probably made by Jihoon and Mingyu in the living room long time ago, and he sighed. It seemed like they totally didn’t remember his birthday. Sure, if he also had to focus on working on his assignment, he probably would forget even his own birthday too. He sighed again as he turned to face the wall right next to his bed. He shouldn’t be mad if they forgot about his birthday. They would eventually remember it and then celebrated it with him later anyway.


The loud noise startled him out of his thoughts as he immediately sat up on his bed. What noise could that be? Did Jihoon and Mingyu get into a fight again? His mind wondered for a moment, questioning himself whether he should check it out or not. He decided not to as he started to lie on his bed again, but then suddenly the same noise was heard again, making him sit up on his bed for the second time.

Did Jihoon and Mingyu go to sleep already? He wondered again. If they did then what would that noise be? He finally decided to come out, grabbing his guitar on his way out.

When he looked outside, it was incredibly dark. That must mean Jihoon and Mingyu had called it a day. Didn’t they also hear the noise or had they gone to the dreamland after a tiring work?

Gripping on his guitar a bit tighter, he tried to look around the dark room while searching for the switch. He kept looking at his back and front many times, worried if it really was something like a thief’s doing. But how would a thief enter an apartment complex? Jisoo wondered again. It should be impossible though.

Without warning, he felt hands covering his mouth from behind him, reeling him into shock, and as a result, his instinct worked to swing the guitar to the person trying to hold him hostage.

“Argh!” A groan of pain was heard as the person let go of his mouth. Jisoo was ready to hit the guy for the second time before he heard a stream of blabbering then.

“Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Wait, wait, wait, wait, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me! Don’t hit me!”

Jisoo raised his eyebrows in the darkness. “Mingyu?”

A click was heard, and suddenly everything became too bright for Jisoo. He had to squint his eyes for a moment to adjust his vision, and after he did, he saw Mingyu on the floor holding onto his leg in pain, and behind him was Jihoon, who smiled awkwardly as he was holding a birthday cake, complete with lit candles.

“Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday Jisoo hyung~ Happy birthday to you~”

Jihoon did a self-cheer, earning him a side-eye from Mingyu.

“Hyung, I told you it was a bad idea!”

“At least Jisoo hyung didn’t beat you up to the pulp.” He turned to Jisoo again, who looked like he couldn’t hide his smile anymore. “Happy birthday, Hyung! We’re sorry that we forgot about it for a moment, but we did our best in preparing this surprise!”

“I see.” He looked down at Mingyu, who didn’t look as pained as a few minutes ago. “Mingyu-yah, are you okay? I’m sorry, I thought you were a thief or something...”

“No, no, it’s okay, Hyung.” Despite that, Jisoo helped the younger stand up and looked over his leg for a moment. “It really is okay, Hyung! Look, I can still move it!”

The three of them laughs. Then Jihoon tried to urge Jisoo to blow the candles.

“Hyung, hurry up make your wish and blow them, it's ice cream cake you know!”

“Ah, okay, okay!” He put his hand together and started praying, and it took a very long time that Jihoon was starting to feel cramps on his wrists. He side-eyed Mingyu to help him hold the cake, and the younger immediately lent his hands, literally.

“Done!” After that, he blew out the candles.

“Yay!” Everyone cheered loudly as the candles were blown, and Jihoon hurriedly put the cake on the table in the dining room slash kitchen.

“Now it’s time to eat the cake!” Mingyu declared happily.

“No, it’s time to give the present.”

Mingyu pouted as he watched Jihoon taking out the wrapped present from the plastic bag. “Here it is, Hyung.”

Jisoo accepted the present with a very pleased smile. “Can I open it?”


“But you better want to hurry up before the ice cream melts—”

“Shut up, Mingyu.”

“Yes.” He side-eyed Jihoon nervously as Jisoo started tearing through the wrapping paper. Inside of it was a box. When he opened it, he found a denim jacket with holes on the elbow parts in it.

“Wow! This is such a cool present, guys!” He held up the jacket with such a happy expression on his face. “It kind of looks like Mingyu’s jacket anyway.”

Mingyu tensed up as he slowly turned to Jihoon, who poked him in the rib stealthily, making the younger almost yelp in pain.

“Hahaha,” Mingyu laughed awkwardly, “Really? Hahaha, I don’t think it looks like my jacket...”

“But anyway! Thank you guys, it means so much for me.”

“Yeah, to us too. Happy birthday, Hyung.” Jihoon smiled seeing the satisfied look on Jisoo’s face.

“Happy birthday, Hyung! Now can we eat the cake? I’m sure it’s going to melt in a moment.”

Jisoo showed a look of realization as he rushed to the cake. It wasn’t melting just like what Mingyu said, but still, it was an ice cream cake.

“Okay, I’ll cut it! Where’s the knife?”

Jihoon handed a knife he got from one of the cabinets in the kitchen to Jisoo. In quick movement, he managed to divide the cake into three big pieces, although it was kind of hard to do because the cake was just like a rock. In the meantime, Jihoon also managed to provide medium-sized plates to put the cake in.

“For Jihoon. For Mingyu. And for me!” He looked at the slice of ice cream cake, satisfied. “We’ll get really fat if we eat this right now though. I don’t want to get fat.”

“Who cares, Hyung? Let’s just dig in!” Just like what he said, Mingyu started to dig in the cake. Jihoon followed after that, and looking at how the two of them were eating so deliciously, Jisoo finally gave in and started eating a little piece of it.

“Wow, it’s so good,” Jisoo commented in between eating.

“Isn’t it, Hyung?” Mingyu smiled through his full mouth.

“By the way, how are your papers going? Did you guys finish it?”

Both Jihoon and Mingyu stopped eating and slowly turned to look at each other.

“We’re doomed!”


Hahaha I've always wanted to make more oneshot from this AU! In the future I might also randomly update with a new (random) oneshot whenever I get the inspiration. And lastly, happy birthday to Jisoo! <3

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Chapter 2: This fic is so cute XD
Chapter 2: Awww... Poor Jisoo ;-; #helpjisoo2k15
And this was so cute >< love it! <3 ^^
SakuraRose41132 #3
Chapter 1: Omg these guys are just too cute and funny as f!!~ XD Thanks for this oneshot authornim^^
u-wawa #4
Chapter 1: ack I need more;;
bachanhy #5
Chapter 1: ~I am Vietnamese . I really enjoyed your story. So cute~ I hope you can let me translate it into Vietnamese. To the Vietnam Seventeen's fans could read your story. Please ~
KpopWoozi_Furihata94 #6
Chapter 1: Sooo cute~~~~
It was so hilarious and so random 5555+
Thank you for the story and please write more stories, Author-nim