
The Raven


Guess what?!?!??!?!

I'm on my way writing the sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally, an enlightment from my desperation of new fanfiction updates and my currently winter reading assignment.....

I still don't know whether the sequel be one shot or chaptered; but, I'll make sure to post it before the winter ends.....

pls comment if you want a sequel (it's an encouragement for me)


ps: sorry for excessive exclaimation marks.. ><

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Lacoursiere #1
Chapter 2: yeeeaaasss~~~~ i'd be greattttt~~~!!! sequellllll
Chapter 2: YAASS DO A SEQUEAL.. I still don't understand what happened. All I know was that Wonwoo came and talked to Mingyu before flying away and then BAM IDK WHAT JUST HAPPENED
Muknip #3
Chapter 1: Please do a sequel! I'm really curious about wonwoo and everything
Chapter 1: Have you think to make a sequel of this story? I kinda didn't get the (?