Timeless Affection

To the Moon and Back


A ferocious gust of wind cuts through Jimin like a fine blade in the icy winter air. A chill creeps down his spine and soaks his bones to the core, but he doesn't mind. There is not even a flinch indicating reaction capabilities from the young man who keeps his eyes affixed on the busy traffic down the street. Warm fingers meet his cold skin and weave themselves perfectly into his hand, and his eyes meet irises full of light. He sees a timeless vortex in them, his past, present and future, and wonders if the other can detect the same.

"Hyung, it's green light." But Jimin couldn't care less and kisses the younger, lips molding together. The stream of humans is thick and crowded and people jostle and bump into one another as they struggle across the thin strip of road, but the two are immune to any surroundings.

All they feel is each other, and maybe that is for the best.


Memories hide in every corner and crevice in Jeongguk's home. Chaste pecks exchanged in the broom closet down the vacant hallway, innocent words of young love permeating throughout the kitchen, blissful giggles directed at one another in the living room, passionate kisses enveloping his very being in the bedroom. Disguised are sights that summon tears and laughs, some of which are beyond overwhelming for him if unarmed. Now they lay, Jeongguk's back pressed against the mattress with Jimin's lips bruising his own, tingling senses claiming the younger's body as his own, dominant, powerful. Bangs shielding looks of despair, limbs entangled, desperate grips on each other as they spiral into an inevitable oblivion.



"I love you."

The silence was deafening, and Jeongguk already knew Jimin's response before he even parted his lips to speak.

"You know I can't return that."

"I know, hyung."

And the tender love compacted into those three words, the concern, the comfort, the understanding all broke at Jimin's brick walls until he surrendered. Tears slipped out of his eyes, rolled down his cheeks and wet the sheets. His heart shattered and its glass shards littered the floor, glinting dangerously. His body quaked with effort as sob after sob overtook him, and he buried his face into Jeongguk's chest, blubbering I'm sorry I'm so broken, heaving why do you still love me with a hidden plea never stop, screaming leave me alone while begging internally stay with me.

The setting only brings emotions to a crescendo. The evening sky is smeared in vibrant streaks of ocean and gold, tendrils of compassion and remorse like chains weighing his wrists heavy and ultimately choking his heart. All Jimin can do is bawl and wail and break down until nothing is left of him but dust, apologizing profusely, but he doesn't even deserve that. All Jeongguk can do is hold the older boy, not knowing that he was the only thing anchoring the other to sanity, reality.

Terror is timeless, love is infinite, both unspoken of, but maybe that is for the best.

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