A Visit from Block B

Tick Tack (Sequel to Neverland)



You placed Eunjo in his bed. You smiled, kissing his forehead.

"Sleep well my son." You whispered.

You walked into your children room. All sleeping in their beds, taking their annual afternoon nap. Except for two...

"Will you stop bothering me!" Sanghyun hissed.

"Come on hyung, can't we do something. I'm bored! I can't tease Raine nor Haemi. Both of them are sleeping." Aden whined.

You giggled. "Why don't you help your mother clean the house. How's that?" You beamed.

The two boys groaned. "I hate cleaning." Aden muttered.

"What did you say?" A voice growled.

Aden's eyes widened, as he turned to see his father giving him the look.

"I mean, yes mom." Aden sighed.

"Oppas are home early." You smiled, kissing AJ on the lips.

"Of course, we don't want to leave our lovely beautiful wife home alone with these monsters." Eli smirked.

Just as Kiseop closed the door. A knock was heard from the outside.

Everyone looked at each other, before opening the door. Your eyes widened.

"Hello, my princes and princess." They bowed.

"B-Block B." Soohyun walked over, shaking hands with their leader, Zico.

"It's been a while Soohyun. I'm sorry for intruding. We just wanted to let you know we will be in the neighborhood. We are discussing some plans with the King."

"Come on in." Soohyun opened the door wider.

All seven of them piled in as one of them caught your eye, Jaehyo.

Dongho came down the stairs from checking up with Eunjo. "Yo, P.O!" Dongho smirked.

"Here to have a re-match Jaehyo." AJ grinned.

"Sup man!" Eli shook B-Bomb's hand.

Kevin and Ukwon nodded towards each other. Taeil and Kyung just smiled towards Kiseop and Hoon.

"Sanghyun, Aden! Come and greet our guests." Soohyun called.

Aden and Soohyun ran towards their fathers, bowing towards Block B.

Zico bent down to their eye level and smiled. "So you must be Sanghyun, Soohyun's son. I've heard a lot about you." Zico turned towards Aden, his eyes widened at the similarities between the two. "You look exactly like your father."

Aden rolled his eyes. You lightly pushed him. "Where are your manners Aden." You hissed.

Jaehyo looked over at you, then the others. "Where are rest of the kids?" Jaehyo asked, noticing only two.

Kiseop eyed Jaehyo. Ever since the ball, he has been keeping tabs on Jaehyo. Something to him, made him think twice of inviting them inside.

"They are taking a nap." You said.

You looked into Jaehyo's eyes. Again, that feeling. You felt you couldn't move, nor take your eyes away from his. P.O looked up at the second floor. His eyes turned black, with a mixture of the color red swirling in between. No one noticed anything, till Raine's scream filled the whole entire mansion.


Hoon bolted up the stairs, as everyone followed behind, leaving just P.O staring at the ceiling with the rest of Block B beside him.

"AHHH! APPA APPA!" Raine screamed in her sleep.

Hoon ran beside her, placing his arms over her shoulder.

"Raine, Raine!" Hoon shook her. Her tiny lids flew open, her small brown marble eyes filled with fear. "Appa!"

Raine wrapped her arms around her father, crying in his chest.

"Shh, its okay. It was just a bad dream." Hoon caressed her hair.

You walked over to her, rubbing her back.

Eli stood up, noticing a certain shadow underneath Raine's bed. His eyes grew black, as he froze the shadow. Bellow, P.O cursed. Eli titled his head, walking over to the shadow he tried to figure who it was, when he was pushed back into the wall. The ceiling cracked, dust and specks of wood falling to the ground.

Everyone backed away. Raine kept crying, saying something about a dark shadow chasing her.

"You don't think?" Dongho thought.

"No, he's dead." Hoon glared.

"WAHHH" Eunjo stared to cry. Dongho ran across the hall. His one year old son was up, crying his eyes out.

The rest of your husbands checked on their children, making sure nothing had happened to them.

"Sanghyun, Aden!" AJ and Soohyun called.

"HYUNG!" Aden cried.

Everyone rushed down the stairs. "Hyung, hyung!" Aden shook Sanghyun who had been suddenly shoved into the glass door. His entire right arm punctured with glass shards, with a scratch on his left cheek. Blood dripping to the floor.

"Sanghyun!" You gasped, rushing over to him.

Soohyun and Hoon ran towards him. Hoon pressed his fingers along his wound. "This is going to hurt just a little bit." Hoon hovered his hand over Sanghyun's arm, pulling it back. "AHH!" Sanghyun screamed in pain as all the shards were pulled out at once, falling to the floor.

Kevin washed the blood away from his arm with his water power, as Hoon closed the wounds.

"What happened?" Kiseop asked Aden.

"I don't know." Aden sobbed. "We were just cleaning the kitchen, when suddenly Sanghyun hyung was shoved into the glass door. This shadow ran out into the backyard, I tried to catch it but it vanished."

Everyone looked at each other with worried eyes. "Ah." You suddenly felt a pain run down your right arm.

Your husbands stared at you. You drew your sleeve up, your eyes widened. On your arm, was a burnt mark with some kind of symbol that no one knew.

"What's going on?" Kevin ran his fingers through his hair.

"We should consult with father about this." Soohyun said.

Kiseop nodded in agreement.

From the outside of the mansion, a voice spoke:

"I think we had our fun today."  

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Hello everyone! I'm not sure who still remembers me. But I'm the author of the story here b2st4ever! I've come to say that I'm back after such a long time. I have missed everyone and I'm so shocked at the love my stories have been getting still till this day. Thank you everyone for supporting my stories and I feel so happy seeing you enjoy the stories I wrote. I'm proud to say that I will be coming back to the fanfic world with a new story on my new account which is this very one. Please make sure to come and say hi to me. I'll be sure to have the story up hopefully soon. It's still in the brainstorming era. Thank you again for all the support and for reading my stories after already ten years later. And for that I will forever be in your debt. Thank you everyone.
Chapter 5: update please !! T-T
When you realize it has been this long and you are still waiting for an update sigh...
Chapter 5: Update juseyo!!! :/
candygirl12 #6
Chapter 5: Authornim please update I really love this story Please
Chapter 5: Hey author-nim, I just wanted to say that this sequel has a lot of potential and that I really hope you come back to it! I know it's hard to come back to a story after such a long time (I'm currently trying to update a story that I haven't touched in almost two years), but please give it a try!!!! ^-^
Chapter 5: ^.^ hope you update soon it's really good C:
author-nim!!!! pleaseeee update soooon! i was waiting for your next chapter since last year!!! >.<