Just the Beginning

Tick Tack (Sequel to Neverland)



I'd never thought that I would one day...

"Eomma!!" Eunjo smiled.

You turned around. You beamed at your one year old son. "Eunjo ah."

"MOM!!! Aden burnt my hair! AGAIN!" Sanghyun screamed.

"I DID NOT! YOU LIE!" Aden yelled.

Letting out a long sigh, you rushed to run over to fix the problem, when someone tugged on your arm.

"I'll get it." Kevin whispered in your ear. You looked up at him. He gave you his sweet smile you always loved.

Ever commit such a sin...

"GIVE ME!!" Haeri screamed.

"No! It was mine! Why do you have to keep taking my things!" Youngjae screamed back.

You turned your head to the side to see your children Haeri, and Youngjae fighting over a toy again.

"Youngjae, share with your sister." Eli eyed him.

Youngjae pouted, passing the toy to Haeri. Raine and Minsoo giggled at the two, earning two deathly glares.

"There you are." An arm wrapped around your waist, giving you chills running down your spine. His hot breath pressed against your hallow neck, as he pressed his lips against it. "I was looking for you." His voice filled with lust.

A crime so sinful, that I had no choice but to do.

"Hands off!" Soohyun glared, pushing AJ off you.

"Hyung.." AJ snarled. "Thanks for ruining the moment!"

"No problem!" Soohyun smiled.

You turned around laughing at AJ's attempted to seduce you. It almost worked.

"If Soohyun hadn't interrupted, we would have been making out by now." AJ pouted.

"No ways will you make out with MY WIFE!" Hoon emphasized the word 'wife'.

"Hey! She's my wife too!" AJ barked.

"ARES TOO YOU KNOW!!" Kevin, Dongho, Kiseop, Eli and Soohyun roared.

AJ scrunched his face together, turning his head away.

You giggled, bursting into laughter. "Aigoo oppas. You know I'm yours right." You beamed.

All seven of them stared at you. That smile of yours, your beautiful smile.

Oppas, mianhe. I've committed such a sin. That I couldn't stop nor control myself.


"SHE LIED TO US!" Eli punched the wall.

"Its not like she meant it!" Soohyun yelled.

"What she did, broke our hearts. Do you not know what she did!?" Dongho screamed.

AJ sat in on the broken bed. The room torn apart. Curtains ripped, shattered glass everywhere. Kevin leaned his head against the wall, a single tear rolling down his face. Hoon stared at the corner, eying an object laying flat on the floor.

He walked up to the object. A picture frame. He dusted the shards and dust, pulling the photo out of its place. Tears whelmed in his eyes to the photo of you and princes.

"So is this it?"

All eyes were on AJ. "Are we just going to live our lives like it never happened. That we don't even care whether or not it happened or even existed." Kiseop pressed his hands against his face, stopping his tears from falling out.

"ARE WE!" AJ cried.

The sin I committed, the lie I created. Caused heartbreak, but saved their lives.

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Hello everyone! I'm not sure who still remembers me. But I'm the author of the story here b2st4ever! I've come to say that I'm back after such a long time. I have missed everyone and I'm so shocked at the love my stories have been getting still till this day. Thank you everyone for supporting my stories and I feel so happy seeing you enjoy the stories I wrote. I'm proud to say that I will be coming back to the fanfic world with a new story on my new account which is this very one. Please make sure to come and say hi to me. I'll be sure to have the story up hopefully soon. It's still in the brainstorming era. Thank you again for all the support and for reading my stories after already ten years later. And for that I will forever be in your debt. Thank you everyone.
Chapter 5: update please !! T-T
When you realize it has been this long and you are still waiting for an update sigh...
Chapter 5: Update juseyo!!! :/
candygirl12 #6
Chapter 5: Authornim please update I really love this story Please
Chapter 5: Hey author-nim, I just wanted to say that this sequel has a lot of potential and that I really hope you come back to it! I know it's hard to come back to a story after such a long time (I'm currently trying to update a story that I haven't touched in almost two years), but please give it a try!!!! ^-^
Chapter 5: ^.^ hope you update soon it's really good C:
author-nim!!!! pleaseeee update soooon! i was waiting for your next chapter since last year!!! >.<