
In Silence

In Silence


[‘When you see a falling star tonight, make a wish, it will come true because I wished and I found you’]



The day I first saw you, it was raining. The sky was pouring water in beautiful droplets. Each droplet was chasing each other towards the earth. Behind the sprinkling water, from the music room’s window, I saw you. Your somber face distracted me from the song I was working on. You stared blankly as if in deep thoughts and I found myself couldn’t take my eyes off you. I was enchanted by you, so much ‘till I abandoned my guitar. Unconsciously I stared at you for a long time, restoring your figure into my brain.




I never expected someone could be this beautiful while crying. I never imagined those tears would enchant me. To the point I wanted to run across the building and be by your side, to wipe away the tears on your face.


But I could only stayed at my room. Remain silent while looking at you accompanying the crying sky.


Ever since that time, I never stop looking for your existence.






I never thought that we would be attending the same class in this third year. I was scared I would never find you again, without even knowing your name. But I guess I still have hopes. Really, I want to hug every God who gave me chance to stare at you everyday like this.


Unfortunately, that’s as far as I can do—stared at you. I can only look at your movements during class, without courage to approach you.


Such a coward, I know. But… this distance—less than 100 meters—I realized how different my world compared to yours.


You’re an honored student. I heard you’re the top student when entering this school. You always come 30 minutes before the class started. You always sit at the front row. You always listen to the teacher and take notes with great concentration. You always be the first who answer the teacher’s question, and even ask them back until the class become discussion session all of a sudden.


While me?


Well, I like the back seat row. I usually late for the class—10 minutes after, to be precised (it was happened before I know you, okay? Since we’re in the same class I would come earlier of course). I’m not in the lowest rank but I rarely pay attention to the lesson. You can say I’m one of students that usually get scolded because being noisy during the class. Well, I’m not classified as delinquent since I never make any ruckus such us fighting with other students. Not to that extent. I’m the popular type who play more than study.


See how different our world are?


To be honest, I never expected I would be mesmerized by someone like you. All this time I was in the popular circle, followed by beautiful girls who dyed their hair and put on make up even at school. I was surrounded by y girls who’re willing to accompany me wherever I wanted; shopping, bar. That’s my life.


If I use logic here, it would be impossible for me to recognize someone like you. There’s no way I would pay attention to your skinny plain appearance. Your beautiful face was hidden behind messy dark hair. Your white skin looked bare, as if you’re not even put on sun cream there. And you’re really quiet. You barely talk except answering the teacher’s questions. But, see where I am now. Mesmerized by your pale—


“Pffffttttt!!! What a lame joke, Mingyu! You? Like that nerd? What’s so interesting about him?” That was what Soonyong—one of my besties—said when I told him.


“Every single thing of him is attractive to me,” I replied him with embarrassing words.


“Woah. Woah! Now I understand why you never last more than 3 days with your girlfriends!” Seungcheol joined the conversation while chuckled. “You should have told me, Man. I can introduce you some hot high-class men to accompany you.”


I shrugged at his words. I know he made fun of me, but I didn’t care. I just focused my eyes on your slender figure, you keep reading your book, oblivious to you surroundings. You looked adorable, you know that? You’re not bothered by those noisy girls beside your desk, who talked loudly about hot boys in this school—of course me and my besties was one of their topics. You’re not distracted by pitiful boys over there who could only oogling their eyes upon magazines—I pity them, maybe they never have a chance to see the real one—uh sorry, what am I saying again? Well, you’re even not distracted by our conversation about you. Never ever your pretty face turned to look at my direction.


Unconsciously I let out a deep sigh.


That was the big problem here. You never payed attention to me. You never took a glance towards me. You never noticed me.


“You’re serious about him?” Soonyoung asked.


“Yeah….” I answered him softly. Yes, I’m being serious, here. Though it may be impossible and doesn’t make sense at all, I can’t lie to my own heart that I… that I….was enchanted by you. That I was mesmerized by you….. That I…..that I like you….


“Then go tell him, Pabbo! Asked him out and booomm!! You can do whatever you want to him!” Seungcheol said, a sly smirk on his face. I stared at him with bored face, I know exactly what he’s implying.


“He’s different, Cheol,” I sighed.


“What’s the different? No one in this earth will reject you, Kim Mingyu! He surely will kneeled down in front of you and beg for your love. Trust me! He’s no different than others!” Seungcheol confronted me.


“He’s not someone from the earth, Cheol-ah. He’s from the sky,” I replied him with dreamy eyes. I knew Soonyoung was rolling his eyes upon hearing my words. But I didn’t care, really. My mind was too occupied by your cute face which nimbling slowly at your lower lips while reading. Oh, how I wish to be your lips.


My fantasy was cut off by Soonyoung who put his arms around my shoulder. “Listen to me, Kim Mingyu. You’re awesome. Every people—no, I mean every creature either from this earth or from the sky as you said—even Jeon Wonwoo will never be able to resist your charms. Approach him and tell him, Dude. You’re awesome!” said the blonde haired boy while hit my shoulder.


Though my bestfriend said it like that…… I don’t know…… I don’t have courage to tell you. Heck, I don’t even have courage to talk to you.






[‘Somewhere, there’s someone who dreams of your smile’]


Those words were the first sentence I gave you, almost one year ago. I gave it to you as soon as I knew we’re in the same class. I didn’t give it to you in person, of course. Cliche, I know. Pathetic, even. But I put those words on the piece of paper and slipped it inside your locker.


By any chance, do you still have it?


That was embarrassing, I know. Just so not like me. Hey, come on, the whole school will laugh if you told them the one who put that blue paper was me, Kim Mingyu. The mighty Kim Migyu. No one will believe you, I’m sure.


Because, no one knows it….


Of course, not even you. You didn’t know it was me, rite? I didn’t even tell Seungcheol or Soonyoung about it. Nope. It’s my very personal secret. Only me and God know about it. That every morning I will come to school earlier and slipped a piece of paper through the bottom of your locker door, or sticked it on your table, or if I was lucky enough I slipped it inside your bag or your book while you went to the cafetaria.


I did it for almost a year. I have no other motive about it, believe me. I just....can’t overcome this feeling. I just wanted to see your smiles…..






[‘Like the sunshine in the morning, may this brighten your day, and remind you that you’re thought of in a very warm way’]



Those were words I put on the blue paper this morning. I made it into an origami this time. A Lily flower origami. I learned how to make it by myself (got the tutorial from the internet of course). A blue lily flower—it’s a bit strange, I know—was put on your table. Of course I watched over it from the back seat since I put it there, make sure the paper didn’t fall down or taken by other people.


Until your slender figure came and took the paper. I couldn’t hide my playful smile seeing your confused face. Were you hesitant whether to unfold the origami or not?


‘Open it.’ I whispered in my heart.


Please allow me to fantasize that we’re connected by telepathy, cause I couldn’t stop my grin when I saw your delicate fingers started to dismantle the folding paper. You unfolded it carefully, even smoothed the paper with your palm. Those simple gestures warmed my heart and I couldn’t help but smile fondly. How gentle you treated the folding paper. I wish I could be the paper instead.


How could I resist someone as beautiful as you?


From the back seat I watched you reading the words I wrote on the paper. And, finally, there it is!


Yes, that is my reason. That’s what I’ve been waiting for.




That fascinating smile on your lips. A sweet dazzling smile. Which always succeed on making me smiled as well. Your smile was indeed contagious.






[‘When you are alone, I will be your shadow.’]



Before I knew you, I spent my time mostly in pub. Or mall or club or at someone’s house, partying ‘till late night. Such a wild, wasted, irresponsible lifestyle, huh? I bet an honored student like you wouldn’t  have imagined how mess my life was. Coming to school was just a routine, without meaning. Who cared about grades? Who cared about future job? My wealthy was ensured till the day I died, flowed to my descendants. And I was a genius, I will success somehow.


But, yeah, you can guess, I changed since the day I knew you. My friends were complaining because I spent less times with them; I rarely came to the pub or attending the routine parties these days. I just shrugged it off since I only wanted to spend more times with you. Even if that’s only consisted of me watching over you secretly at your part time work’s place.


Since I had nothing to do while waiting for your shift to end, I would do my homework instead. I was studying—though of course mostly I was stared at you behind my textbook.


What a lame actions, don’t remind me. I just can’t help it, okay? I wish you’ll understand.


I didn’t spend my times every day at that café, of course. I’m afraid you will recognize me if I come too often. I was near there, tho. Whether at the convenient store across the road, at the restaurant, or the barber shop near your café. Oh, I wished people wouldn’t report me to the police because I looked suspicious kekeke.


I have my own reason, believe me.


There were times when I only showed up when you finished your shift around 3 am—I wonder how you could manage to work part time and sleep only several hours before go to school everyday. But you can make sure I was always there to walk you home. I kept my distance of course. Only following you around 50 to 100 meters away. I didn’t want to scare you by thinking that you’re being stalked. I’m not stalking you. I just want to make sure you come home safely.


‘Cause I’ve swore to myself that I won’t let that thing happened to you again.






[‘I’ll reach for your hand in the cold winter, I’ll reach for your hand in the heat of summer. But if my short life can’t reach the dawn of spring, I promise, in heaven, I’ll reach you with my wings.’]



You have no idea how shocked I was when one night—at the very first night I found out your work’s place—I saw you attacked by suspicious looking men on your way back home. I thought it was robbery, but they dragged you towards an empty alley. You have no idea how panicked I was back then. I run to you as fast as I could.


You’re lying on the dirty ground while they’re looming over you when I arrived. I must’ve been cursing harshly or screamed loudly to distract them off you. Four to one. I didn’t even give a damn thought that one of them was holding a pocket knife. I’ve never been in a fight before—stupid fight between students were not very appealing to me—but I never doubt my fighting skill.


But maybe we had to thank the ahjuma that lived at the condo where the alley was. She yelled very loudly, attracting other tenants as well. She even threatened to call the police. Thanks to her and the others I only had small bruises and cuts and what’s more important was, they’re running away. Which I followed several minutes later when I heard you tried calling me.


Don’t ask me why I was running back then. Well, I lied. I knew exactly why I run and not turned back and helped you on your foot; I was scared you would recognize me. I was scared you would realize I was following you.


I hid not far away from that alley though. And I continued to follow you until you’re inside your apartement.


Since then, I have this urge to make sure you never walked alone from your workplace.






[‘Don’t ever get tired of life. It doesn’t matter if you fall several times ‘cause each time you fall, I won’t let you reach the ground. Trust me, I’ll always be around.’]



Today is 18th November. The so called sacred exam day. Which turn out to be no different than any other days for me.


Or so I thought when I got up that morning.


I knew something was off when the exam would be started in five minutes but you’re nowhere to be seen. For the entire year we shared the same class I never saw you late for class. Especially not an exam. Were you sick? Were you caught up in an accident?


The mere thoughts made me shivered and I throwed away those bad thougts. I couldn’t get rid off the anxiety though. I tap my feet on the floor impatiently. Ignoring the annoyed hiss from the guy who sit in front of me.


“So rare. Were you worried about the test, Gyu?” I heard Seungcheol’s voice snickered from my left.


I turned at him with a frown. What the heck is he thinking? Why would I care about—


My intention to shoved him rationality was cut off as the door opened and you came inside. I saw you’re panting quite hard, guess you’re running all the way to the class. I almost let out a relaxed sighed seeing your coming when my eyes catched a glints of red liquid streamed down from your temple.


“You’re bleeding!” Before I could realize what I did, I was yelling and stood up abruptly from my chair. My eyes fixed on you, and at the moment I forgot to hid my concern.


You’re bleeding for Christ’s sake!


“What did you say, Kim Mingyu?” Yoomae-songsaengnim asked to me with a slight frown. “If you want to go to the restroom—“


“He’s bleeding!” I raised my finger towards you. Pointing out that you’re not okay. How come no one realize it? You looked so pale and I could see you’re slightly trembling.


But strangely, when I stared at your temple for the second time, there’s nothing. Not a single drop of blood was seen there.


“I-I’m alright, Songsaengnim.” I heard you said to the teacher. “Maybe, you’re mistaken it…for… something?” You gave a weak smile and I knew you’re lying.


Why’re you lying?


I must have been gaped at you in disbelief. Especially since you glared at me, eyes fixed on my orbs, as if telling me to drop the matter and stop the ruckus.


“If you’re still asleep, Kim Mingyu, you can go wash your face first. We still have two minutes before the exam started.”


It’s not the hard tone in songsaengnim’s voice that made me freezed and didn’t push it further. It was your vague smile while nodding slightly before you walked to your seat without a word. As if there’s really nothing, beside me who probably sleep talking or seeing hallucination because of stress.


Like hell—


“Kim Mingyu?”


I just realized I was still standing when the teacher called me. “We’ll start the exam now.” Behind her glasses she glared at me and I had no choice but to sit back with defeated look.


What the—?


Am I really just seeing things for no reason?


No. I was sure I was right. I wasn’t day dreaming. The blood was surely there. But how come no one recognize it? Why no one payed any attention to your sickeningly paler than usual face? Why no one realized that you’re trembling while holding your pen? Why no one—


No. that’s not important. What happened to you? Why did you hide it?



I couldn’t shake off those questions during the test. I wrote my answer a bit carelessly—well alrite, not so carelessly since I kinda didn’t want to be an embarrassing guy who scored the lowest at this test, though maybe you will never care about it—and stared at you almost the whole time.


There’re smudges on your uniform. Your left sleeve was slightly ripped open around the elbow. I was positive. There must be something happened to you before coming here.


I had to grit my teeth and clenched my jaw tightly to stop myself from confronting you and ruined the exam.



It felt like centuries when the bell finally rang, notifying that the test was over. Yoomae-songsaengnim was taking your exam’s answer sheet when you swayed on your chair and starting to collapse. Your slender body would crashed the desk beside you if only I wasn’t expecting this to happen and run to catch you. I ignored the ruckus as I lifted your unconscious body and took you to the infirmary.

The thought of calling the ambulance and taking you to the hospital crossed my mind the moment I stepped outside the classroom. But I guessed the infirmary teacher could give you first aid to your wound before we took you to the hospital.






[‘I never intended to be the most important person in your life, that’s just too much to ask. But I do hope that I’d cross your mind and you’d smile thinking that I touched your life in a special way.’]



See, I was right when I said you’re bleeding. I really have no idea how could you hide the blood that fast? Hyunae-songsaengnim treated your wound neatly and put a bandage around your head. She asked what happened to you, to which I couldn’t answer. She suspected you’re in an accident—you even bruised both of your knees and scratched on your right arms. Wonder how you manage to do the exam in that condition.


I could feel anger inside me while watching the teacher treated you. I was angry to anyone who made you like this. And I was mad at you for doing stupid thing such as ignoring your pain and stubbornly doing the exam. How could you?!


I shut my eyes tightly when your small smile at the class back then appeared on my mind. If only I could resist those pleading stare.


Thankfully you’re not in serious danger. The teacher said you’re just tired and lacked of sleep so we didn’t need to call the ambulance now. She told me you should go to the doctor later though. She said it so casually to me as if I would be there when you opened your eyes. As if I had the right to insist you to go to the hospital and accompanying you there.


To be honest, I thought the same as her. For the moment, I forgot that we’re not actually close to each other. I forgot that we’re not even friends.



Until the infirmary door was opened and a mixed western face guy came in a rush. Worried all over his handsome face while he bursted in and called your name. “I heard he’s collapsed during the exam?” His slightly light colored eyes looked at me and the teacher.


And just like that, I was reminded that it’s not my place.


Now as Hansol—or Vernon—was here with you, I was reminded that I had to go. That I had to go back to my own world, back to my hiding place.


Hansol thanked me earnestly. Complaining a little about how much disadvantage he had for not being in the same year as you. I watched him caressing your hair while holding your hand before I closed the infirmary door.






Loud lively music filled the entire pub. The night was still young for us, who used to party till the dawn inside the bar—it’s not even passed midnight. Yet, it’s consider late night for students; who originally weren’t allowed to be there in the first place. But, what can’t be bought by money? The glamorous bar was like our own place, our personal room for Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and me. It’s our personal room to enjoy ourselves with alcohol and girls on our laps.


Or so I thought.


I came here with my two bestfriends with the intention to have some fun after the exam. But the alcohol looked not so appealing. Not even the expensive wine. Not even the mixed cocktail. I only hold a coke can on my hand and sit there for hours. Stared blankly at Seungcheol and Soonyoung who flirted with the girls at our table.


“Don’t mind him, ladies. He’s in trance.” I heard Seungcheol talking. Smirked at the girl who was grumbling something like, “What’s wrong with him?” and welcoming her to his embrace. From the look on Seungcheol eyes, I knew the girl was talking about me. I didn’t even realized she was trying to get my attention earlier.


I shrugged and smiled half heartedly before Soonyoung laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. “Forgive the prince here, ladies. He’s been this gloomy since the exam ended and saw his crushed with his boyfriend—or so he thought.”


Upon hearing Soonyoung declaration, the girls ‘aww’-ing in unison and looked at me with sad eyes. I didn’t need them pitying me so I brushed off Soonyoung hug and walked out of the pub.



Clearly, it’s not the right place for me to have fun tonight. Maybe I should just sleep early.






“You should tell him, Dude. Really. What holding you up?”

“He already has someone he loves, Cheol.”

“That Varnon-guy? He’s nothing compare to you. You can snatch Wonwoo away just fine! Maybe he’s not even Wonwoo’s boyfriend?”

“It’s Vernon. And, no, Soonyoung-ah. He looks at him with great affection. I never see him look at someone like that beside Vernon.”

“Well, maybe they’re like…brothers?”

“Does brothership consist of kissing? There’s no way I can come between them.”

“What the heck? What’s wrong with you, Gyu? You look pathetic—”

“Ssh! That’s harsh, Cheol. What we mean here is, where’s the mighty Mingyu? Where’s the perfect prince who can melt every single creature in the universe? You can’t just give up on him!”

“The hell with give up? He’s not even trying! Really. If you love him so much, you should fight for it, Man. I’m tired seeing you mopping around.”

“I’m not mopping.”

“Yeah. Whatever. Then you’re just wasting your time by watching him from afar like this.”

“It’s not wasting time guys. I love him just fine. I just want him to be happy.”

“Pffftttt. Sorry. Never imagine I will hear something that cheesy from one of you.”

“That’s bull. That’s not love. That’s just running away. That’s just cowardice!”



It must be their fault for distracting me while walking. It must be because of their words that I took my eyes off you. Something that I should not do. Even just mere seconds, I shouldn’t have took my eyes off you. Because the next thing I heard was a loud crash across the road.


I shouldn’t have took my eyes off you, so I could know you’re passing the road, so I could remind you about the light, so I could run to you and shoved you off the road. Not just standing here while looked at your body hit by a car being dragged towards the street divider.


All I could hear were loud screams. People gathering around the broken car. Someone yelled about calling the police and ambulance. Vaguely I could hear Soonyoung and Seungcheol calling my name, rubbing my back gently. But I could only stand there. My legs were glued to the ground. I couldn’t bring them to approach you.


Blood. You must be covered by blood. And everyone could see it now. You must be in pain. And everyone would agree with me this time.


But I still couldn’t take a step towards you. I just stood there, trembling. Too afraid to see your state. Too afraid to find the truth. No, to find the nightmare.


Then everything came to me in rush. Panic seeped into my bones as I screamed while running towards your body. “WONWOO!!”


Am I too late?








Soft groan came from my throat as I felt someone hitting my cheeks and shaking my roughly. Couldn’t they see that I was trying to find you?


That’s right. Where’s your body?




I opened my eyes and sat abruptly. I looked around and a familiar face with similar feature as mine was the only thing I could find in my room. My room. I was in my room.


“Hyung?” My voice was hoarsed when I identified the guy who looked at me with worry.


“Nightmare?” Minho-hyung wiped the sweat on my forehead while sitting on the edge of my bed.


I only sighed deeply and put my face on my hands. I didn’t realize I was crying and both my hands were shaking. “It was so scary, Hyung. It felt so real.” I mumbled.


Minho-hyung rubbed my back in soothing circle while wishpering, “It’s just a nightmare.”


But his words seeped into my cells and I looked up at him when the realization dawned on me. “I don’t want to lose him.” I heard my own voice cracked when saying it.



I don’t want to lose you.


The sudden realization made me shivered. The emotions were too strong I couldn’t help myself to stop the tears. The thought of losing you, without telling you how much I love you clenched my heart. I felt suffocated as the dream replayed again and again in my mind.


Minho-hyung’s cold hands my hair gently. He’s half hugging me when asking softly. “The Wonwoo guy? You dreamt about him?”


He chuckled when I shot him a confused look. As far as I remember I never told Minho-hyung about Wonwoo. But of course, I suppose he would know. He always knows.


“You called his name,” Hyung answered, shrugging his shoulder while patting my head. “Well, you screamed his name, to be exact. That’s why I run here.”


“Sorry for waking you up, Hyung,” I mumbled to him.


“Don’t mention it. As long as My Baby Mingyu is alright.” He smiled gently and wiped my wet face.


There’s silence between us for several minutes. It was a comforting silence. Minho-hyung only rubbing my back and humming softly. His gentle but deep voice soothed my nerve and my heartbeats back to its normal pace. My eyes drifted to my phone. The urge to call you almost made me reached it and dialed your number. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. I just wanted to make sure that it’s really just a nightmare.


But then, I realized, I didn’t know your number. How stupid.



“You never know how important something is until you lose it.”


I stared at Minho-hyung who said that all of a sudden. Those words caught in my throat and made the anxiety rushed over my heart again. I must be looked so devastated for Minho-hyung to laughed at me and hit my back. Not too hard but enough to make me changed my expression into an annoyed one.


“Don’t let Gandhi’s words applied to your life, Mingyu. You know better what to do.” He smiled warmly. “After all, they said men never regret his failure, but not having done something when he had the chance.”


With the last pat on my head, Minho-hyung left my bedroom. Leaving me with gobsmacked realization.  His words slapped my face hard. It hit perfectly and finally I could see the light.


I don’t want to regret not telling you how much I love you. I don’t want to regret letting you go without revealing my existence. I don’t want to regret letting you go without realizing my feelings.


That’s it. I will tell you. Tomorrow I will tell you and stop this stupid nonsense cowardice.


While looking at your photo on my screenlock—I took it secretly of course—I tried to sleep once again.







I asked God, why life’s like this.

He gave me no answer.

I asked, why I’m still here.

Again, he gave me no answer.

I asked, why I met you.

He smiled and said, “So there’d be a reason for everything else.”



That’s not the words I wrote on the blue paper for you this morning. I swear. Those were words written on the red paper sticked at my locker’s door.


My eyes widened as soon as I read it. Not believing my vision, I thought maybe I was still asleep and I was still in my dream. My heart racing as I realized there’s more writing below those words.



Who could guess Mr. Popular is actually a shy guy?

If you like this kind of game, I’ll play along.


P.S. I’m part of the library staff so I always come to school 2 hours before the class started.

P.S.S. Thank you for your help yesterday and that night in the alley



I leaned my forehead until it hit the locker’s door with a small thud. I could feel my face made a very wide smile I was afraid my head would split into half. Never I imagine that someday you could recognize it was me. Never I imagine that, apparently I was found out all this time. How stupid I was, huh?


Straightening my back, I looked around the corridor, expecting you to hide somewhere and watched over me. This stupid guy who thought he’s being invisible.


Pulling out the blue paper I’ve prepared for today, I walked towards your locker. Using my blue marker I write on your locker’s door:




P.S. You can find me in front of the school gate after class



Intentionally I wrote that without using paper. Let’s not thinking about the school rules. I’ll take the blame if someone complain about school properties’ vandalism.


[‘If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.’]


Putting back the written blue paper on my pocket, I start humming. This time, I’ll make sure I said those words in front of you. In person. Not using paper anymore. ‘Cause sometimes, silence is not enough, isn’t it?


While walking to our class, I was wondering what expression would you have when you see my last undirect message? Will you smile brightly? Will you smile as wide as I am now?



When I think of you, I have smile on my face and in my heart as well.










A/N: How is it guys? Wow it passed 5k words! I didn’t expect it to be this long actually. I hope the storyline was fine? I hope you like it. I’m sorry for any grammatical errors and weird words. I hope they’re not too ooc? It’s my first time writing Meanie couple, they’re just too cute I want to write about them. I’d like to write more about them, as soon as I have ideas of course kkkkk.

Anw, the quotes are from different sources. Mostly I get it from here | |

P.S. The Minho I put here is the actor Lee Minho by the way, he and Mingyu are looks alike hehe. 

Comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading~

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anggrarero #1
Chapter 2: ohmygwwwwddddd this is so sweet , im smilling ear to ear while reading this
such great story the word the scene its just perfectttt my heart cant handle it
keep writing authornim !!!
have a good day !
Chapter 1: oMG this is so sweet and precious. gives me so much feel. I almost thought that Wonwoo is dying tbh and stuff but the ending is just too sweet. Good job :""") Thanks for writing this story^^
Chapter 1: Damn, it's so good. So emotional and beautiful. Hope you writing anything like this again. Btw are you coming to fanmeeting event this August?
Bunnygirls #4
Bunnygirls #5
Chapter 1: What a beautiful story :) I almost crying while read this story.. I feel that I am in the same conditions with Mingyu, and I can't imagine what can I do through this. ahhh~ make me mellow/? wkwkwk nice story.. sorry, there is so many things that I'll tell to you but I can't bcs my languange is so bad :"

keep writing!!!
badkitty #7
Chapter 2: Never expected the ending... but i like it anyway
byungsxx #9
Chapter 2: You're cruel hahaha. I'll pretend I didn't read the sequel. The ending would be better :P hehe