New Deal


Seunghyun has no idea what he has gotten himself into. In less than 24 hours he has seen things that you would only see in movies. He got his sense of reality when Rebel punched him in the stomach for not answering his calls. It's crazy to think that the company that he worked for for years had so much bull lying between the lines. 

The older is now following Rebel through the alleys of Seoul. Seunghyun lives in a old neighborhood so there are many turns and dark streets. He is scared that people are going to go after the man again. Seunghyun doesn't even know why he is following the man...but he sure doesn't want to get punched again. They go to a street vender and Jiyong motions for the man to sit. 

Jiyong then yells for some Kimchi and Seunghyun sits on the other side. He is waiting for something new. A order or  a big plan of a enemy that came to town and his team can't even devise a plan with out his knowledge of computers. 

Nope...none of that. Jiyong is eating Kimchi and taking down shots of  SoJu. He got dragged out the house for this...

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Why do you look so upset." 

"Because you dragged me out of the house for this..." says Seunghyun quietly still scared of the man in front of him. 

"Oooooh I see. I was hungry and didn't want to go alone." 

Seunghyun then feels that this is a test. "What is this?" 

"If you think that this is a test...nope...I'm hungry." 

"What kind of super hero are you..." 

"Super are funny." says Rebel with a grin taking in some more food. "You hungry. I'll pay." 

"No I'm fine...." 

Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "Fine...suit your self." Jiyong continues to eat many side dishes before standing to go to the granny running the shop. The woman says the total. Jiyong smiles and pulls out a card....that looks very familiar to Seunghyun. 

"Hey that my..." 

Jiyong grins. "Thanks for the meal." 

The man is filthy rich and he just stole a poor man's wallet and had a feast with his debit card. Seunghyun is pissed. He can't stand this anymore. He takes the wallet and storms off making Jiyong grin and follow the man steps behind amused the man is so frustrated. He just had cheap food he doesn't see the problem taking his wallet. "Yah." says Jiyong behind the man but Seunghyun keeps walking towards his home. 

"Yaaaah." says Jiyong again. "I don't want to hurt you." 

"Then hurt are a jerk who just stole from a poor man." 

"You are not poor you are middle class and you probably don't spend your money ever." 

" you." 

Jiyong laughs again. "I knew I was right..." 

Seunghyun then sighs turnsing around. "What do you want with me....?" 

"Your brain Seunghyun. You are good with computers. You graduated for a really great school you have a masters in computer technology. You speak three languages. Your still a . You are what we need." 

"How how did you find out all of that information." 

Jiyong grins. "I have my ways." 

"Who are you...what do you do?" 

"What I's hard to explain but it involves a lot of killing and guns. I will pay you 2 million a year starting today. You in?" 

"Wha...wha wha....what are you asking?" 

"I want you to work for me..." 

"I don't want to get arrested..." says Seunghyun scared. "My family would think that I'm a failure." 

"Will you ever do anything for yourself. Look at you and your hand knitted sweater...when will you man up and do something that might be exciting." 

"I can't" 

"You can and you will." 

"Wait...I thought that I had a choice." 

"You did but you got on my nerves. I'm doing what your balls that didn't drop hope that you will do. Man up." 

" you..." 

"Oh I would love that by your strong legs but I will have to pass today." says Jiyong with a wink. "When I need you I will call you. If you don't want to get punched in the stomach...answer. and don't worry about your old job. You quit and left a nice letter for them about your sick appreciation of being their slave. Your new job has room for more growth and a better pay. " 

Seunghyun watches as the shorter man leaves with a normal walk not even scared of the goons that are in his neighborhood. The man is scared of what he just said yes to. Or if he even really said yes to this. What will he do. Seunghyun comes back to his house and sees his grandmother with some cookies. "Oh where is your friend. I wanted to give him some of these. He looks like a nice young man. Please do bring him back Hyunnie. You need to have more friends to talk to." 

Seunghyun nods. "Ne grandmother. How about we watch a show together before I go to bed." 

"Oh you don't want a nice bath. Grandmother will run it for you?" 

"No I'm fine for now. I will just eat some more food and watch TV with you." 

"My good boy." The woman smiles. 


Jiyong wakes up to his phone ringing like crazy. "What is it? When do you need it by. Got it..." Jiyong rolls over in his bed and then rolls again with a groan getting out of the bed. He travels out of his room two doors down and yells. "Yah...wake up ladies." says Jiyong going down to his basement. He turns on the lights and flicks some switches and computers start to turn on. Seungri lazily comes down the stairs. "...two 5am calls in two days. I need some sleep." 

Jiyong then laughs. "It's easy work for you. You just sit here I do all the dirty work." 

"Well you do get really stinky after coming back." 

"Gee thanks." says Jiyong starting to change into Rebel. Jiyong puts on the clothes and starts to suit up. Seungri is the weapons expert and gets guns that you could never imaginie in their mansion. Jiyong grins. "What you got for me?" 

"Well this beauty just came in. Automatic and a new thing called smart aim. The weapon remembers who you shot and will target the person until they die." 

Jiyong clicks the weapon and points it. "Ooooh this looks like fun." 

"Jiyong still be careful. Looks like this mission is going to be a little heavy. You are going in the Huang district. They carry heavy. Should I go too?" 

Seungri is also a skilled fighter but he is better at navigating Jiyong through things. Youngbae comes out with a black outfit. "No I'm going with him. You just do your job. Did you get that hacker JIyong?" 

Jiyong nods. "I told him to come here in 10 minutes. Hopefully he." The door bell rings. "Oh how proper. Just in time." Jiyong goes to the camera and sees Seunghyun in a suit of all things. "Come in nerd." 

Seunghyun opens the now unlocked gate and walks into the front yard of this normal house. He then walks into the mansion and takes the path that he once followed the day before. He then sees everyone in the basement. Jiyong then points. "You sit there and unlock when we need you to." 

Seunghyun then sits. "What am I doing?" 

Seungri then looks at him. "You are the new inside guy. The places that we can't get into you can. I track you unlock go into cameras." 

"But I don't know how to do that..." 

Jiyong laughs. "You have done that. You followed this woman for 3 days straight last year. Hacked into plenty of cameras. Her s sat really nicely in those dresses." 

Seunghyun blushes and then sits down. Making Youngbae laugh. "Will you leave that nerd alone before he never comes back." 

"He doesn't have a choice." Jiyong clicks his gun. "Let's go." 

Jiyong then goes to this garage and gets in his black unmarked car. He then presses a button and flips the license plate to a new one as the garage opens. Youngbae revs his bike and is the first to go out of the garage with the coordinates. Jiyong presses his navigation and then pulls out of the drive on to the early streets. "We are about 20 minutes away. If we make it in time we can get what we need and get out." 

Seungri then speaks on the line. "You need to keep your eyes open hyungs. It's going to be a big show today." 

Seunghyun watches how the two red dots on a map above them move across Seungri's screen. Seungri then clears his throat. "We need your focused and not looking at the new stuff. Please hack into these cameras so that we can have eyes." 

Seunghyun goes into the computer and then does as told to looking at the red dots again. Seungri then laughs. "Yaaaah so quick. You are useful huh." 

Jiyong grins from his driver's seat. "He will be very useful." 

"Ok Rebel and Mantis(Youngbae) we have eyes 17 heavy on the entrance and 6 in the back." 

Jiyong continues to drive. "Will our guns be able to take them all out?" 

"Mostly yes but you will have to fight majority of them." 

Seunghyun then taps Seungri's shoulder. "That guy has a black belt..." 

Seungri then grins. "Yaaaaah Rebel he is doing face identification on this bastards." 

"Good! Find more Seunghyun." says Jiyong happy that this nerd is starting to fit in. 

"Rebel. We have more info. Your best path is coming in from the side on Hun street. I'm changing your coordinates." 

Jiyong down shifts his car and Youngbae follows as the two approach their targets. 

"What are they after." says Seunghyun still curious. 

"This is like the battle of information. There are things that people don't want to be see and there are people who want to see it sometimes it's stolen. Sometimes we do the stealing. It's a battle of data." 

Seunghyun nods and watches how the dots approach more and more towards the target. Seungri then gets closer to his computer. "We need you to use your autos. There are a few by the gate. Jiyong stops his car and gets out. Youngbae gets off his bike and loads his guns. "Are you ready." 

Jiyong grins. "When am I ever." Jiyong then runs towards the gates and two men start to pull out their guns but Rebel gets them before they could even think. Rebel moves on to the side of the building. "25 feet is your next target. Move move" Rebel moves quickly with Youngbae on the other side. They both find where most of the men are mostly armed but not ready to fight. Jiyong walks over and the men eye him. "Oh hello ladies. You have something I need. I will give you a option. Die in pain and had me the USB or die in pain." 

"Who the are ACH!" Gags a man who is shot in the head by Rebel. "Oh I like this gun." The men start to grumble and then start to come at Jiyong where he kicks and punches most of them and a couple of shots fired when necessary. One man comes over and hits Jiyong with a pole across his back. His armor takes most of the impact but it still hurts a bit. Jiyong growls and takes on the four men rolling over a random rusty car to shoot more people Jiyong finds the weakest man and grins at him. 

Jiyong then screams "Your are coming with me"  and pulls the man towards the goon's office. The man is screaming and struggling and cussing Jiyong out. as their are still fights going on with Youngbae kicking as usual. "10 feet 5 feet." Jiyong shoots the man in front of him making the man in his arms scream. "For a goon you are a chicken . Now where is it?"

"It's in here..." 

"Where you dumb ?" says Jiyong looking around a terrible disorganized office. "You see I'm being very patient with you goon." Rebel bang his gun on the goon's head making the man scream in pain. "It's in there...." 

"Oh there huh." He drops the man to the floor and takes what is needed. "What else is there...." 

"That is it." 

Jiyong smiles oh good. "He shoots the man in the head and walks out. "We got it!!!" screams Jiyong in his bluetooth as he runs toward the direction of his car his car. Youngbae who is a little tired then pulls out his gun and fires the last rounds on the men. Making Seunghyun shake a bit on the other line. 

"Is it like this every time." says Seunghyun slightly terrified of the situation." 


"Good work everyone. Let's wrap it up." 

//////////////////////////////43 minutes later

Jiyong comes back into the mansion back into the basement sweaty and with a grin on his face. The data is on it's way. Jiyong is bloody and clearly injured a bit. Seunghyun looks at the man in concern. Jiyong laughs a  bit. "Don't. I'm fine." 

Seunghyun looks again. "You just look..." 

"Beat up...terrible. Yeah...that's the job. You don't worry about me.." Jiyong goes over to his phone making Seunghyun look at his phone too due to a notification. "Here's your first pay." saysJiyong placing his phone down with a wince. 

Seunghyun looks at the sum and his eyes widen. It's more money that he has ever seen in his life. "Thank you" 

"You can leave now." 

Seunghyun leaves the mansion to the early streets. This job is kind of least it pay a lot. 

Thanks for reading!!! Please leave feedback comment and sub!! 

Elise Choi

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Aisyah134 #1
Chapter 2: No more updates??
nanessouille #2
Are you not going to update this one?
please update :"((
toooooooooop #4
Pleaseeee update
Wysmom #5
I hope you come back to us soon.
toooooooooop #6
Update i beg you
Chapter 2: Interesante... Me gusta la dinámica del equipo que están formando. Espero que Daesung no sea policía o del otro bando y que se les una pronto, tambien que Seunghyun se adapte rápido y tome el control. Que siga siendo medio gafo, pero el macho de la casa. I'll be waiting for your updates. <3 <3
hari13 #8
Chapter 2: Update dear author! We are waiting.... Its interesting
toooooooooop #9
update pleaseeeee
toooooooooop #10
please update i love it soo much seunghyun sooo cute and adorable