No name


Jiyong has himself in those situations where you really don't want to be in for an assassin. He just wants to get his files and kill less people than the day before. Today is different because a ing nerd is in the way. Jiyong hits the man again with the back of his gun. 

"Will you hurry up!" says Jiyong to the man trying to login to his boss's computer. 

The nerd is named Choi Seunghyun he is the nicest person who you will ever meet. He goes to work early and never leaves until his work is done. He has won even awards for his perfect attendence. He is single and close with is family. His mother picked out his tie for today as well...typical sheltered mothers boy. Jiyong sighs to the man in front of him constantly typing into this weird form. 

Jiyong leans on the desk making the man flench a bit. "It's ok...just keep typing. What exactly are you doing?" 

"Well...since I don't know his password I need to hack into the main frame...I'm trying to bypass the firewall." 

"What do you do here?" 

"I work on this floor..." says Seunghyun still typing super fast.

"No ..." says Jiyong in a mutter and then notices people coming  on to the floor making Seunghyun freak out a bit and stand to only have Jiyong shove the man back in the chair. "I need you here." He clicks his gun. I will take care of things out there. Jiyong walks out to see five security guards armed and big. The men see the masked man start to shoot at him. They shoot again and again and Jiyong dodges  all the of the bullets to only get closer and closer to them. 

Jiyong then pulls out another gun and starts to shoot at the men hitting each of them so that they are down on the ground. Jiyong's tactic to securtiy guards is to let them release their clip so that they have no more bullets left. The men scramble for their radios...but it's too late. Jiyong has pretty much shot them all dead with no reisistence. 

Jiyong walks over the dead bodies and slight blood stained clothes from the impact of the bullets. "Are you done yet?" 

Seunghyun moves away from the computer completely freaked out. "Please don't kill me" 

Jiyong laughs to himself mimicking the voice. "Please don't kill me..." He goes to the computer and loads the usb not even afraid of the taller man attacking him. Seunghyun is no threat and he knows it. "Jiyong are you done! I can't jam these elevators any more. They are sending six more men by foot. You don't have enough ammo for that!!" 

The USB gets pulled out of the computer and th elevator doors open to unload more men. Jiyong then shoves the usb into his pants and then moves to the neareset window. "How long do I have?" says Jiyong to his ear piece. "20 seconds and kill that man" 

Jiyong takes out his gun and points it at the man in front of him. He clicks back the safety and the other man screams. "Please please don't I'll do what even you want. You want I have tons of it!" 

Seunghyun pulls out a measly 200 dollars on to the floor he puts his hands over his head. "I won't try to attack you...please...I will keep my mouth shut." 

Jiyong laughs. "I don't care about your life..." 

Soon elevator doors open. "!" Jiyong runs to the nearest window and shoots it open with his heavy bullets. Men come into the room and start shooting at the Rebel who is now using his automatic weapons blazing most of the men to then find some men with guns of the same callabor. Jiyong loads another clip. "This is my last one." 

"Just get out of there will ya!" 

"I'm trying" says Jiyong as he comes over to a man who just tried to punch him. Two others surround him and start to make moves buy Jiyong's heavy fight training kicks  punch the men in vital organs sending them to the floor to then quickly shooting them in the head. Jiyong stands to see three more men coming in. He is tired and he needs to get out but they keep coming. Jiyong finally makes it over to the window that he blasted out minutes ago he then gets to the ledge to then see a gun shot go right past him. "For s sake." 

He then turns around and lets out most of his last bullets on the men who are practically dead. Jiyong then sees that nerd man is still in the office. " Jiyong mutters to himself. He goes over to the office and points his gun at the man with his hands up. Jiyong looks at the man and mutters to himself again. "You want something better in life?" 

"Huh...?" says the man confused. 

"Do you want to do something other than being someones yes man." says Jiyong. "I'm only asking this once." 

The man just looks at Jiyong who is in a long red outfit almost like a superhero...well right now super villian...he doesn't know what the he is...but just nods yes. He might live with the right words. Before he could breathe his next breath he is flying through the air. "AHHHHHHHHH MOTHER ER I ANSWERED I ANSWERED!!!" 

Jiyong then yells. "Stay still you bastard!" Jiyong then pulls a rope and a parachute deploys. Making the two go up in the air slightly over Seoul. Seunghyun screams again. "Moooommma!" 

"You ." Jiyong laughs to himself and the air of Seoul and screaming Seunghyun holding on for life is at his side. 

"300 feet...." says the voice in the com. "Why did you bring that person with you Jiyong. It's against the rules."

Jiyong laughs. "I made those rules." 

The two finally land in a random parking lot and Seunghyun is still scared out of his mind screaming. "AAAAAHHHHH" 

Jiyong slaps the man. "We are on the ground now idiot. Follow me." 


"Follow me you dumb ." Jiyong starts to walk and Seunghyun trails behind.

"Why did you let me live." 

"Why are you following the man who almost killed you" says Jiyong still walking in the dark to then beep a black car hidden. It's all matte black luxury car. Something you would expect Batman to drive. "Get in" 

Seunghyun doesn't ask another question and gets in the car as told. Jiyong gets in and turns on the car. "You have that fool with you in that car don't you." says a voice in the car making the taller man jump. Jiyong then laughs. "Ne he is in the car with me." 

"You should have killed him." 

"He will be useful Ri." 

"What ever Rebel. Just come back will ya" 

Jiyong turns off the bluetooth and turns on his navigation. Seunghyun looks at the car and it seems normal from the outside but inside it is more complex. The glass is a lot thicker than most cars and the inside the navigation screan has more indicators on it than normal cars. The car moves it's fast and the engine is almost silent. 

"I let you live because of your computer kills. You broke through that company's firewall in less than 3 minutes. I could use someone like you on our team. 

"Who are you." 

Jiyong shifts a gear. "You can call me Rebel." 

"Ok...I'm Choi Seunghyun...." says Seunghyun still completely scared to death. 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "You don't need to be afraid. You can still live your daily will just work for me now. You will need to be available to me 24hrs a day. With me I can give you more in life than that no where job you were working before." 

"I had opportunity there..." says Seunghyun. 

Jiyong scoffs. "Opportunity is no where at that place of yours. You might become a section cheif...maybe. You sir are more valueble than that." Jiyong continues to drive. "Plus your days are numbered working there" 

"What...what do you mean." 

"You were the only one left on the floor at the time that I came there. They are going to think that you did it all." 

" was just doing my job. I can prove it!" says Seunghyun almost in a cry. 

"Oh don't worry Seunghyun. As long as you work for me. They will never know. I will just keep the copy of the tape safe with me." 

Seunghyun turns to the younger man. "You are not really giving me a choice are you?" 

"See you are smart. Now be quiet and enjoy the ride we are almost there." Jiyong drive a little faster and presses a button making Seunghyun hear a slight noise. What the noise was the changing of Jiyong's driving plates flipping. Jiyong's car is a unmarked vechicale that is nearly impossible to track because his singnal is encrypted. 

The car pulls up to a neighborhood where the houses are big behind the walls. Jiyong pulls up to a garage and it opens quickly to then quickly close are they come into the port. The car turns off and Jiyong looks at the man. "What did you expect?" 

Seunghyun gets out of the car like Jiyogn does and follows the man into a home. It's very minimal and doesn't really look lived in. It's just normal. He follows Jiyong past the living room to a door that leads down stairs after he scanned his eyes. The door opens and Jiyong points. "Go." Seunghyun is not sure what to expect...

The sound of a man comes rushing over. "Aish Rebel are you serious. You brought him here" 

Jiyong walks past the man with silver hair. "Well what did you expect Ri" 

Ri also know as Seungri is almost like Jiyong's right hand man. They had been partners for years. Seungri points to a chair. Since this man is not dead. You really do find him useful. 

Jiyong takes a drink from out of a fridge. "He got through the firewall in 3 minutes" 

Seungri's eyes widen. "Wow...he's ing smart." 

Seunghyun mean while is sitting quietly wonder what else is going to change in his life. He is in a random home that looks normal...but not. "Are you like batman?" 

Jiyong stops talking and looks at the man. "No...what we do Seunghyun is take what is ours. Ours meaning what belongs to Korea." 

"Do you work for the government?" 

Seungri laughs a bit. "Nope. We deal with stocks and programs. What we do is take the bad and make things good. The Korean goverment has been taking our money for years and has been hiding it in other companies.  Rebels get what he needs and uploads it back to the people. He's almost like Korea's Robin hood." 

"How long have you been doing this." 

"Too many questions." Jiyong tosses the man a phone which of course not caught by Seunghyun. 

"Aish...well I guess he can't work in the field." 

"Youngbae and teach him" 

Jiyong looks at Seungri and they both laugh making Seunghyun make a puzzled look. "What is the phone for?" 

"That is for us to get in contact with you. Answer when I call or you will regret it." 

Seunghyun takes the phone. 

"You can leave now." Jiyong turns back and talks to Seungri and Just like that Seunghyun is a free man. He works for a possible group who has no real description. "Oh by the way. Your currently cell phone is disconnected. You just recently sent in a letter to get treament for your cancer." 


"Your welcome." 

"How do I get home" 

"Walk down a couple of miles you will get a taxi" Jiyogn looks at the man. "Oh you expected me to take you home...forget it." says the man still masked. Seungri then sighs. "Rebel is not the greatest with his welcomes. You can ride home with me" 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "I can get a taxi...this is a lot to take in." 


Seunghyun comes home where he is welcomed by his granny. "Oh my baby boy. Are you alright?! I heard that there was something that happened at work." 

"I'm fine grandmother." says Seunghyun with a fake smile. 

"Well my only grandson needs to eat a good meal and put on warm clothes." Seunghyun hugs the woman tightly. "Thank you" 

"Is everything really ok." 

Seunghyun nods and follows his grandmother into the kitchen where his parents are sitting. "Son you are back. Good to see you are ok" says his father. He comes over and hugs the man and kisses him on the cheek. Seunghyun comes from a very loving and close family. They lost his older sister when she was only 8 and pretty much kept Seunghyun close ever since. Seunghyun has never dated or loved because he is so sheltered. 

"Can I have a glass of milk grandmother." 

"Of course my sweet boy." 

Mrs. Choi sits next to her son. "I got this sweater for you. Does it look like a good fit?" Seunghyun nods. "It's wonderful mother." The sweater is average with a terrible second hand smell. Seunghyun doesn't know anybetter and loves everything he gets in life. His new phone starts to buzz making the man jump. "Are you not getting that son." 

"No...don't worry. Ready to eat?" 

30 minutes into th family meal a man walks into the living room. "Oh hello. I saw the door was open. It's a man who is in all black. His hair is in a bowl cut and is in good shape. "Seunghyun may I see you." 

Seunghyun gulps a bit and his granny smiles at Jiyong. "Seunghyun never brings friends over. You want some pie?" 

Jiyong shakes his head. "No. I won't be here long. Seunghyun is going to come with me for a bit. He is such a good friend" Jiyong almost throws up to the words. Seunghyun follows the man out of the house and down the street. It's cold outside and he forgot his jacket. Jiyong then turns around with a smile to then push the man in the nearest alley punching the man in the stomach making him hurl over. 

Seunghyun has never felt pain like this before. He coughs as he tried to catch his breath because the punch was so sudden. Jiyong leans against the wall. "Didn't I tell you to answer my call when I call you. It's simple...and you made me come all the way here to this cheap neightborhood." 

Seunghyun  leans against the wall. "I'm sorry. I..." he stops stalking as Jiyong raises a brow. 

"Good. You stopped talking. I need you to come with me tonight." 

"But my family...they will worry." 

"You will have to figure that out Seunghyun." Jiyong starts to walk down the street again this time Seunghyun follows with out question. 

What does Rebel actually do. It's pretty much undefined. He is neither the good guy or the bad guy he is the one who does all the things that other don't want to do. He takes back what belongs to the people. 

No one know who he really is. He's a Rebel lots of people want him..either dead...or alive.  

They can't catch him if they don't know who he is...

Two men come out from the alley. "You can't hide Rebel"

Jiyong then mutter.... "Stand back Choi" 

Seunghyun stands back and watches how Jiyong starts to fight the men. The two of them go at him at once and like a dance they go down to the ground. They don't look dead but knocked out. Jiyong who is out of breath. "Come on. This is normal." 

Seunghyun the questions who are you "You will find out soon enough." 






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Aisyah134 #1
Chapter 2: No more updates??
nanessouille #2
Are you not going to update this one?
please update :"((
toooooooooop #4
Pleaseeee update
Wysmom #5
I hope you come back to us soon.
toooooooooop #6
Update i beg you
Chapter 2: Interesante... Me gusta la dinámica del equipo que están formando. Espero que Daesung no sea policía o del otro bando y que se les una pronto, tambien que Seunghyun se adapte rápido y tome el control. Que siga siendo medio gafo, pero el macho de la casa. I'll be waiting for your updates. <3 <3
hari13 #8
Chapter 2: Update dear author! We are waiting.... Its interesting
toooooooooop #9
update pleaseeeee
toooooooooop #10
please update i love it soo much seunghyun sooo cute and adorable