December (part 1)

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//vmin. vkook. taegi. part 1 of their december.


December was coming. It meant Taehyung's birthday was near. He had been waiting for it since the 12th month greeted him with cold breeze and hint of snowy season. He was counting down with a tiny hope that he would get what he wanted for his birthday present. Childish it was, but he didn't care much because birthday only came once a year so he wanted to take the all possible opportunities. After all, the birthday boy was the one who should get the special treatment, right?

Taehyung loved December so much. Not being biased of his shared birthday month with his brother, Seokjin, but he waited for the snow the most. He always admired how the white beads fell down from the sky, covered the ground perfectly like a blanket and invited him to lie down there. The cold made him shivered but he didn't want to miss the chance to play with the snow. People would spare a weird glance at him once he started to build a snowman and tried to talk with it. 

Surely, Taehyung was aware of how special December was. Christmas was also coming, made the month became more worth it to wait for. The city full of colorful lighting, Christmas tree decorated with various ornaments and presents underneath, Santa Claus and Rudolph displayed on each side of the streets. Taehyung was sure people enjoyed December as much as he did. People started to be busy with their plans. 

So did his boyfriends. 

Jungkook should study more before the long holiday came, because he got terrible score on almost all classes he took. He didn't want to spend he holiday with more assignments to do, so he had no other choice than to make it up on everything. He had to pass the exam. He needed to. That was why he gently refused when Taehyung asked him to go on a Christmas shopping. His grade was in danger. He didn't want to take risk of ditching the tasks with bigger deal in the end. Taehyung was sad hearing that, he was disappointed as well but it might be better for Jungkook to study now so he could spend the holiday without any burden.

Now moved to Jimin. Unfortunately the said guy was preparing for the business trip to the States for 10 days. He would leave on Dec 21st and back to Korea on 31, if the schedule wasn't changed. Taehyung almost cried when he knew that Jimin wouldn't be around on Christmas -and also his birthday- and asked why such a business trip was held on the year end holiday. Honestly Jimin didn't want to go but he got this super nice investor that would help him to expand his company on the States and he also got invited on the Christmas party hosted by the said person. Well, he couldn't say no for this. He was also sorry to Taehyung and he promised to make it up on New Year, if only his business was done there.

Yoongi was the last hope. Taehyung came to him on his studio and spilled all news he just got. He also said with a hint of threat that Yoongi should accompany him to go on Christmas shopping, unless the older wanted a painful breakup. Yoongi just sighed and rubbed his face. He said he was kinda free until 24 but he had schedule from 25 until New Year. Taehyung frowned. So that meant he would be with Yoongi preparing for Christmas, then with Jungkook on Christmas -he would be alone on his birthday because Jungkook had to catch a course on 29 and 30, well - and the last with Jungkook -and maybe Jimin if he was in Korea already- for New Year? Why couldn't all of them be free on the long holiday? He wanted the three huge celebrations became special with all of his boyfriends around, especially on his birthday.

Wait. They didn't forget his birthday, did they?



Taehyung finally went to the mall with Yoongi. He was actually sulking at two things: 1) Yoongi was the last person he wanted to go shopping with because the older wasn't really like to walk around for hours wasting time and money, and 2) all of his boyfriends might forget his birthday because they were all busy and had no plan of cancelling their schedule for him. But he hoped that the second reason was only his fear, even though he was kinda worried if it was true.

Back to the business. Taehyung wanted to distract his thought with shopping as much as he could. Tagging Yoongi along wasn't really a bad idea, at least the older had enough cash to fulfill what he needed. So he literally dragged Yoongi into each store, squealing at cute stuffs, playing with dolls, trying bunch of clothes, picking colorful ornaments to decorate their Christmas tree, and getting some ingredients for baking cakes and cookies. 

It wasn't that Yoongi hated to shop, he was just tired and wanted to sleep as much as he could, before his fully packed schedule haunted him. But he could never complain when it came to his beloved Taehyung. Seeing the boy was all amazed and excited over everything made Yoongi forgot all of his exhaust and sleeping plan. He was smiling, even grinning everytime Taehyung shouted "Yoon-hyungie, look at this! Isn't it cute?" and he would come closer to the younger, asking "You want it?" but Taehyung shook his head "I don't really need this for now." while walking to other shelf. Yoongi chuckled. He really knew Taehyung and his antics. And when Taehyung wasn't looking, he would ask the cashier to count all stuffs Taehyung had chosen and pay for it.

In the end Taehyung was surprised of the amount of shopping bags Yoongi was carrying. He wanted to help but Yoongi shut him down by giving him a chaste kiss.



Jimin had a day off before he went to the States. He called Taehyung and asked him for an early Christmas date. Of course the latter said "Yes!" and Jimin could imagine he was grinning over the phone. Taehyung asked if Yoongi and Jungkook could join too, Jimin answered "Of course!" and Taehyung couldn't be more excited. Then he hung up the call with Jimin and tried to reach Jungkook first. Unfortunately he was only greeted by the voicemail and he sighed.

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HyeraSung #5
Chapter 3: Ahh what a nice a story! I love it so much. Thanks, author-nim. Kkkk
hyunjingjing #6
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl this is sparta!!!! ( i mean awesome) gosh i love your writing style. Can't wait for Taegi (eventhough vkook is my otp) *shhhhh* ^_^ update sooon ne?? :)
FluffyTae #7