Chips | Chapter Six

Set Up | Hoshi

☀ Kim So-Eun 

I woke up to my phone buzzing on my table. I let out a quiet moan and move slightly as I open my eyes.

I was lying on Hoshi's chest, his arms wrapped around my waist, his head resting on mine.

My phone kept buzzing, so I got up carefully trying not to wake Hoshi as I answered the call.

"Hello?" I answer and let out a yawn as I cover my mouth.

"Where the hell are you?!" Min-ji's voice yells through the phone.

"At home, I just woke up, why?"

"Do you realise what time it is?!"

"No, what time is it?" I ask and Hoshi sighs next to me.

"What's going on?" He ask, his voice croaky from still being half asleep and I can't help, but smile. It was honestly adorable, if I had to admit, but I wouldn't admit it so it isn't... Honestly that made no sense, but I don't care.

"10am and is someone with you?"

"Wait?!" I pull my phone away from my ear to see it is 10am and I curse "Shît, I'll be there as fast as I can"

I get up from Hoshi's grasp causing him to moan.

"Where are you going? Come lie back down"

"So you're not alone! Who's with you? Is it Hoshi?"

"I'll be there in 15 minutes Min" I tell her before hanging up.

I let out a sigh and run into my room, letting my door slam behind me. I rush to get changed and then run into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I brush my teeth, I quickly tie my hair up in a messy pony tail before rushing into the living room and grabbing my bag.

"Whats wrong?" Hoshi grabs my hand, stopping me from leaving.

"Woke up late, need to go to practice"

"What time did you have to be there?" He asks and I let out a breath

"8 and it's now 10, so I have to go" he nods his head to show he understands and I smile.


"I gotta go, but you can stay here if you want, there's a key in the draw under the TV if you go out and want to come back" I say quickly and throw my bag over my shoulder. I quickly kiss his cheek and rush out the door. "Bye" I close the door and suddenly atop realising what I did.

. Did I just kiss his cheek?

I shake my head and rush off to practice.

I run into the practice room to see Min-ji, Kirsten and Kat sitting on the floor playing a game.

"Sorry I'm late guys" I said throwing my stuff down on the floor next to them.

"Was it Hoshi you were with?" Kat instantly asks turning to me resting her head on her hands like a child.

"Maybe" I said and bit my lip "Let's just get to Practice"

"Woo, So-Eun and Hoshi sitting in a tree-..." Kat starts to sing, but gets cut off my Kirsten covering when the door opens. Kat starts to muffle the rest of the song before Min-ji hits her in the stomach to shut up. She lets out a moan in pain and start to pout.

As the door was pushed open, the boss walked in, looking surprisingly happy.

"Hello" We quickly all went into a straight line and bowed to him a he did the same.

"Hello girls" he smiled and turned to me "I have to talk to you Miss Kim" I nod my head and follow him outside, quickly looking at the girls confused. Once I walk into the hall way I close the door to the practice room behind me, I knew the girls were probably listening.

"Shall we walk?" the boss asks, almost like he knew the girls would be listening.


We walked down the hall away from the practice room and once we were alone and away from the ears of my group mates, he started talking.

"Your relationship with Kwon SoonYoung shall be introduced to the public at your debut" He states, not looking at me causing me to stop walking.


"I said-..."

"I know, but, Ghost doesn't need this"

"Yes, Ghost does" I let out a sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"I have a tip, start to get comfortable around SoonYoung, you'll be dating him for a while" Boss says before walking away, leaving me alone in the hallway.

I let out a sigh and face palm.

This is going to be a long couple of months...

I take a deep breath in before realising it, and turn to walk back to the practice room.

"You have to fake date Hoshi to get us more popular?" Kirsten states as a question, the look on her face unsure whether to believe it or not.

I bite my lip and mentally curse, they didn't need to know about this, and now Kirsten knows.

"Yeah, but don't tell the girls, they dint need to know" I say and I see Kirsten having a mental battle.

"That'll kill 'em when they find out, you know what Kat's like, she'll be a mess"

"I know what Kat's like, but she'll be like that either way" Kirsten let's out another sigh and bites her lip.

"I'm just warning you, if something happens, I'm telling them!" she says, the most serious look on her face I've ever seen as she points behind her, gesturing about the girls. Even though Kirsten was younger than me, she could be scary.

I nod my head and look down the the floor.

"I don't want to hurt them"

"I know that, but if they find out and it's not from you, that's going to hurt them more"

"I know"

Kirsten looks around her before looking back at me.

"We should go back now" She says and I nod.

"Yeah, we should"

I go over to my bag to get my wallet to go get food and the magazine from yesterday falls out when I open it.

I forgot about that.

I pick it up and tuck it under my arm and grab my wallet. I tell the girls I'm going to the canteen and exit the practice room.

I walk down the hall and press the button for the elevator and wait silently. The bell rings and a silver headed boy and dark haired boy were already in here. I smile lightly and go in and stand next to the silver haired boy. I press the ground floor button as the doors close.

It wasn't really an awkward silence-... Okay that was a lie, it was so awkward!

We reached the ground floor and the doors opened and I rushed out quickly and headed to the canteen. I waited in line and ordered some chips (fries depending on what you call it). I went over and sat down when my chips were ready and put some sauce on my plate.

I start to read the magazine and eat my chips at the same time when my phone buzzes.

Sent- 6:15pm
Hey, wanna go to dinner tonight?

I roll my eyes when I see he must of changed his contact name in his phone before I text back.

Sent- 6:17pm
I can't, but you can have dinner at mine, but I won't be finishing until late. Also how did you unlock my phone to change your contact name? and when did you even have the time to?

Sent- 6:20pm
Anything to see you happy;) and you'll never know ;)

"So how do you know Hoshi?" I hear from behind me, causing me to jump and let out a little scream. I look behind me and see the two boys from the elevator standing there looking over my shoulder.

"Who are you?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"We're friends with Hoshi" the silver headed boy says and I raise an eyebrow.

"That doesn't answer my question, who are you and why are you reading my text messages?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm Wonwoo, this is Mingyu" the dark head says as he points to himself and the tall boy.

"Hi" Mingyu says and they both sit down in the chairs next to me.

"Oh just sit down why don't you" I say sarcastically and Wonwoo laughs.

"We will"

"So..." Mingyu raises his eyebrow and little smirk appears on his face. "How do you know our little Hoshi Star?"

"Hoshi Star?" I ask and raise one of my eyebrow confused.

"Hoshi means star in Japanese" Mingyu says and I nod.

"I know it means star in Japanese"

"then why did you go Hoshi Star with a confused look on your face?" Wonwoo asks, trying to imitate my voice and failing.

"i never though he'd have the nickname Hoshi Star" i giggle and both Wonwoo and Mingyu crack a smile.

"Anyways, how do you know Hoshi?"

"We're friends" I say and lean back in my seat. I grab a chip and eat it, I see Wonwoo look at my food and bite his lip.

"do you even think about takin-..." he cuts me off by taking a chip causing me to slap his hand, making him drop it.

"Hey!" He cries and picks the chip back up and quickly placing it in his mouth.

"Hey! They're my Chips!" He sticks out his tongue and grabs another chip causing me to glare at him. Mingyu coughs and grabs my attention and rests his arm on the chair rest.

"So you and Hoshi are 'just friends'?" He asks and I nod.

"Just friends"

"Awh, why you lying?" another voice from behind me causing me to jump. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders as a kiss is placed on my cheek. I let out a sigh and see Hoshi sitting there with a smirk.

"Yeahh, just friends" Both Wonwoo and Mingyu say sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"We are just friends" I say and remove Hoshi's arm from my shoulders and start to get up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to practice"

I pick up the magazine and hear Hoshi chuckle at it.

"So you've been reading up have you?" I glare at him as I roll up the magazine and hit him over the head with it.

"Ow" he moans and rubs his head.

"Well I wouldn't if you would tell me now wouldn't I" I say and start to turn away. I feel a hand on wrist stopping me and turn me back around.

"Then come to dinner tonight, ask me anything you want to know" I let out a sigh at his puppy dog eyes and shake my head.

"I told you no, I have practice so I don't finish until late"

"then I'll wait at yours and have something done ready"

"No. I don't know what time I finish today so no" I state and pull my hand away before I start to walk away. "See you later or something" I mumble and walk out the door.

I stop outside the door in the corridor before going to the elevators. I let out a sigh and try and focus on what they were saying.

"Yeahhh, you're just friends Hoshi" Mingyu says with a laugh and I hear Hoshi chuckle and move in his seat.

"She likes playing hard to get" He says like he knew I was listening, causing me to scoff and cross my arms.

"Hard to get? I don't play hard to get! What the hell is he on about?!" I shake my head and hear the elevator door open and I walk in.

"That idiot" I mumble and press the button for my floor. The doors close with a ding and I get a shiver, almost like Hoshi knew what I was saying and was smirking at it.

I get back to practice and only Kat is here.

"Where are the girls?" I ask, but Kat doesn't hear me since she's on her phone giggling.

"Kat?!" i call and she still doesn't pay attention. I let out a sigh and walk over to her and grab her phone.

"Hey!!" she calls get gets up quickly trying to grab her phone. "give it back!"

"Not until you tell me where the rest of the girls are"

"They've gone to the bathroom, now give me my phone back!" she says and grabs her phone letting out a thump before looking back at it. She lets out another giggle once she's does and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.


"Huh?" she snaps out of her daze when I call her and she looks at me confused. "Yeah?"

"Who are you talking to?" I ask and the top of her ears start to turn pink.

"i'm not talking to anyone, shut up" she says and turns around quickly before putting her phone in her bag after sending one last text and going over to the stereo and turning on the music.

"Let's get to practice"

I give her a confused look and let out a sigh, this is the first time in a while she's wanted to actually practice with us. I see her start to nod her head to the beat of the song and jump in once it starts. I go over and put my purse and magazine in my bag when the door opens and Kirsten and Min-Ji walk in.

"Kat! You're practicing!" They say shocked and look over to me "and you're not So-Eun"

"Yeah, I was just about to" I smile and stand up "I was just putting my stuff away"

I walk over to the middle of the room and start to stretch my arms and legs out. Min-Ji and Kirsten soon follow and Kat restarts the music, I go to my starting position next to Kirsten as the music starts.

We all fall to the floor at the end of practice and let out tired sighs. We had practiced around 5 times and were exhausted.

"Can we have the day off tomorrow, we have the dance mastered"

"If the boss lets us then yes, a well needed day of sleep I'd say" I reply to Kat and she laughs in victory.


I let out a laugh as I sit up and wipe my forehead. Kirsten was lying on her right side, Min-Ji on her left and Kat lying on her belly with arms and legs out wide like a star fish.

"Well needed rest" Kat yawns and covers .

"We need to ask the boss first" I say, finally stand up and stretching my arms out wide. Kat moans and pouts.

"I don't want move"

"Well if we don't ask the boss we can't have a day off tomorrow"

"Okay" Kat finally agrees and sits up.

We make our way to the Boss' office and knock on the door as we wait outside

"Come in"

We enter the Boss' office and bow once we all entered.

"Why are you here?" the boss asks and points out his hand for us to sit down.

"We were wondering if we can have the day off tomorrow since we've been working so hard and how we've learnt our dance"

The boss nods his head and rests his elbows on his desk. He looks at us after another before letting out a sigh.

"Fine, tomorrow you can have off, but come in early on Friday!" He says and claps his hands together and we all smile and nod in excitement.

"Thank you!" We stand up and bow quickly before leaving his office.

"We have tomorrow off!" Kat cries in happiness as we walk back to the elevator. We let out a laugh as she starts to dance around. She giggles, but let's out a scream when she runs into someone before we can warn her. She turns around to see Pinkette- Woozi, and we see her start to blush.

"Jihoon, hey" she takes a couple of steps back and looks down at the floor tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey Kat" He smiles at her, causing her blush to deepen and smile a bit.

"Hey Pinkette!" I laugh and he rolls his eyes and let's out a laugh.

"You're Hoshi's girlfriend!" He states and I groan

"We're not dating! We're just friends!" I say and start to walk away from them.

"Don't lie Unnie! You looove him" Kat giggles getting over her blushing mess and skipping after me.

"I don't love him!"

"Lies!" Min-Ji and Kirsten chip in and I let out another groan.

"I DONT!" I stop and turn around to face them and pout. Woozi let's out a laugh and puts his arm around Kat's shoulders causing her to blush once again and he smirks.

"You seem to like him a lot" he says

"I don't like him like that" I sigh and look to the floor, and Min-Ji comes over and hugs me.

"Awh So-Eun we're only teasing" she says and I laugh

"I know"

"Awh guys" Kirsten says and smiles before joining the hug. Kat let's out a giggle runs over and joins.

"Group hug!!!" She cries and I let out a laugh.

"Okay so now I'm feeling lonely" Woozi laughs and Kat giggles breaking the hug and hugs him.

"There" He laughs and wraps his arms around her as Kirsten, Min-Ji and I share knowing looks. We smile and look back at them as Kat pulls away.

"Now for food!!" Kat yells and laughs and uses one hand to grab Woozi's hand and smiles. "You coming?" She asks and he shakes his head.

"I have to go back to practice, I'll come another time" she pouts, but quickly covers it up with a nod.


"See you guys later"

"Bye" we all say and Woozi smiles one last time at Kat before walking away.

Kat turns to us with a smile and grabs mine and Kirsten's hand.

"Let's go get us some food!" She smiles, we all exchange glances before Kat let's out a moan knowing what we were going to say and waits for us to say what we were going to say.

"Does our little Kitty Kat have a crush??" We giggle and she rolls her eyes and speeds up her walking, now dragging me and Kirsten behind her. Min-Ji following behind as she jumps on Kirsten's back.

"Shut up guys"


Chapter Six done✔
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Until next time,

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Chapter 2: because so far it's so good
Chapter 2: I can't believe this is your first story on AFF
likatulay #3
Chapter 17: where??
Chapter 15: never click button so fast bfr keke
im cryiiing srsly!! T^T love your story!! especially so eun and hoshi story!!
i want the season 2 about so eun hoshi relationship and kat woozi couple thoo
thank u for ur hardwork~~:)
Chapter 14: whut? srsly? last chapter is chapter 14? but i want so eun and hoshi ship mooore T.T
i love ur FF, can't wait for chapter 13~
aina0609 #7
Chapter 13: Pls....update soon....
likatulay #8
Chapter 13: aaww.. poor hoshi,, kim so eu why you have to do that to him... lol, anyways I would love hoshi.. kekeke
Yaya808 #9
Chapter 10: Love it!! Thank you so much for the update.
likatulay #10
Chapter 10: yeyy.. really beautiful! I love it.. thanks for the update, update soon..