Pinkette | Chapter Four

Set Up | Hoshi

Just a note I have no idea what Korean shops are like so please excuse this in the chapter


Kim So-Eun ☀ 

We had to work extra hard today since the company cancelled practice yesterday for mine and Soonyoung's 'date'. The girls were still bugging me about it, but I refused to tell them what was going on. They don't need to know the company was forcing me and SoonYoung to fake date to get us more popular. They'd just feel bad about themselves and they don't need that. 

We came into the practice room an hour earlier than usual and began to practice straight away, okay so I started it straight away so they wouldn't ask even more questions about SoonYoung. 

After a couple of hours of practice we decided to go on break for lunch. I picked to go to the convenient store, because at the same time I could get some food for home. Kirsten and Min-ji decided to go somewhere else, whereas Kat decided to come with me. 

I grabbed a trolly and started wondering around each isle of the shop. Kat pottered beside my like a child, sometimes gasping at the different items the shop had in store. I'd giggle every so often as Kat would plead with me to get her something, which I always refused, because it was always something pointless. 

Every minute or so, I'd place something in the trolly and look back round to check Kat was still next to me, smiling when I saw she was.  Whenever she wondered off, she'd find her way back, she'd be in a confused mess on how she got lost, but once she saw me she's perk up again. 

I was in the isle with the tinned foods, when I looked around and saw Kat wasn't around me. 

"Kat?" I call out, but get no answer "where's that girl gone now" I mutter. I quickly put the tinned soup I was looking at in the trolly and start to walk around again looking for Kat. 

I heard a cough from behind me, causing me to jump. 

"Look who it is" I'd recognise that voice anywhere, SoonYoung. 

I turn around to see him smiling at me whilst leaning against a stand. 

"Hey SoonYoung" I said, I wouldn't look straight at him since I was still trying to find Kat.

"You okay?" He asks and raises an eyebrow ever so slightly at me looking around. 

"Yeah, I've just lost Kat" I admit and bite my lip, worried. 

"Well you'll find her" I let out a huff and turn back around to continue walking. 

"Hey, Hey wait" he said speed walking to catch up to me.  I continue to look around when I hear another voice from behind us, this time one I didn't recognise. 

"Hoshi, dude, we have to hurry up" I turn around to see a pink haired guy running up and talking to SoonYoung. The pink haired guy, looked at me before looking back at Soonyoung. "You guys-..." he gets cut off my someone tapping my shoulder, and by someone I mean Kat. 

"Kat where did you go?" she pouts slightly, but holds up and album in front of her face. 

"Sorry, but I saw this, can I have it? Please!!" I let out a sigh and looked at the album. 

All Time Low. 

"No, you don't need another album" She pouts and starts to plead.

"Please please please, this is the first time I've seen an All Time Low album since I've been here" I let out a sigh and run my hand through my hair.

This girl was a five year old stuck in a sixteen year old body.

"it'll be the only thing I ask for forever" I let out another sigh and roll my eyes

"You say that now" 

"please please please" She pulls her infamous puppy dog eyes and I can't help, but crack.

"Fine fine, buy your stupid album" she giggles and claps her hands and puts it in the trolly.

"Thank you!!" she squeaks and hugs me causing me to lose my breath.

"Okay you can let go now" She quickly let's go and nods. 

I then remember SoonYoung was right next to us, watching the entire thing. I mentally curse and turn back round to him to see him and his friend have an amused look on their faces. 

I let out an awkward laugh and hear Kat gasp from beside me.

"Ohh chocolate rice cakes!" with that she runs off not even noticing SoonYoung or his friend. I face palm at this and mutter to myself. 

"I swear that girl has a two second attention span" 

"Anyways Hoshi, we have to go" The pinkette said to SoonYoung and he nodded.

"I'll be there in a sec" The pinkette nods quickly and runs off in the same direction Kat did. 

"Who was the pinkette?" I ask and he let's out a chuckle and a faint "Hey!" could be heard from an isle down. 

"That's Jihoon, called by most Woozi, I'd refrain from calling him Pinkette if you don't want to get attack by a guitar" he laughs and so did I

"Okay" I nod and take note "Oh, and I'm sorry about Kat, she's a sweetheart, she just has a short attention spam" he let's out a chuckle and smiles. 

"That's fine, you seem like an older sister to her"

"I practically am" I let out a laugh and look down to the floor. 

I look over to see Kat wondering back over to me with a packet of Chocolate Rice Cakes in her hand and a smile on her face. 

"Unnie" she says using my nickname and I let out a sigh. 

"No you're not having the rice cakes" 

"B-but" she pretends to cry, her way of getting what she wants. I don't mind it though, she's a kid at heart, she just needs to be told when to say no. 

"N-..." i go to speak when a voice behind her speaks, Woozi. 

"I'll get them for you" He smiles and Kat instantly stops petending to cry and looks at him with a smile. 

"Really?" He laughs and nods and she giggles and hugs him.

"Thank you! Thank you!" she giggles again as he wraps his arms around her excepting the hug. 

A small smile forms on my lips, and I look over to see SoonYoung smiling too. When he notices me looking at him, his smile grows larger and he winks at me causing me to roll my eyes and blush. 

We parted ways from SoonYoung and Woozi after I had finished my shopping. 

"You liikkkeee himm" Kat sang in a teasing tone as we walked down the street, her skipping slightly to a tune in her head whilst eating the Rice cakes Woozi got her.

"No I don't" I laugh at her childish antics and she smiles too.

"See you're smiling" I roll my eyes and stop smiling and shake my head.

"i'm not smiling" I say, trying to be straight faced. 

"Fine," Kat let's out a sigh frowning before quickly smiling "you looovveee himm!" She sang and giggled. 

"Kat! No i don't, get that idea out of your head" Kat let's out a giggle and points her finger at me.

"I may be stupid, but I'm not stupid" 

"None of what you just said makes any sense" I said as I looked at her confused. 

"or does it?" 

"no it doesn't, it really doesn't" 

We got back to the studio a couple of minutes later, Min-ji and Kirsten were back already. 

"How was lunch?" Kirsten cracked a smile before pointing at me playfully

"lunchy" I let out a laugh and roll my eyes 

"whats up with people saying stuff that doesn't make sense today?" 

"Oh, guess what!" Kat chimes and claps her hands, causing Min-ji and Kirsten to look at her.


"Our So-Eun's in loove" she sings and I roll my eyes 

"what have I told you, I'm not in love" I state and run my hands through my hair and the girls giggle.

"That's what you think" Kirsten says and winks, causing me again to roll my eyes. 

"You guys" I say whilst sighing and shake my head "Let's just practice" and with this, Kat starts to moan. 

"I dont wanna" 

"Kat" I warn and she lets out a sigh 

"Run?" she asks and I shrug

"not if you practice" 

"but practice is such hard work" 

"So is running around" she lets out a sigh and pouts.

"but it's easier than practising" 
I look over to Kirsten and Min-ji and we all share a confused look. 

"In wha-..." i get cut of by a knock at the door. The door opens and SoonYoung pops his head through and I moan.

"What SoonYoung?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest and he smirks. 

"Whats got you in a twist?" I send him a glare and he winks.

"Have you really only come here to be annoying?" I ask, everything was just annoying me, so I didn't care about how mean it sounded. 

"Just making sure the date is still on" I look at him confused as the girls giggle to themselves. 

"What date?" 

"Our date" 

"We don't have a date" I clarify and he chuckles. 

"We do now" He winks once again before leaving.

"Hey! Get back here!" I yell, going after him, leaving the girls a giggly mess. 

I caught up to SoonYoung quite quickly. He had his hands in his pockets as he chuckled to himself. 

"Yes?" He asks turning round slightly.

"We don't have a date" I say and cross my arms over my chest. 

"Yes we do" he laughs and turns to face me completely. 

"Can we not call it a date? We really don't know much about each other" I start and keep a straight face "for all I know, you could be a murder" 

He laughs and runs his hand through his hair. 

"Yes, an idol that's a murder, great case" 

"well I don't know" I mumble "like I said, I know nothing about you" 

"We can get to know each other tomorrow" He says and starts to walk away.


"First thing you need to know, don't call me SoonYoung, call me Hoshi, everyone else does" He says sending one last wink before walking out of sight. 

"Call me Hoshi, everyone else does" I mumble, mimicking his voice, glaring in the direction he left.  I let out an annoyed sigh and turn to go back to the practice room, I'm faced with three giggling girls making me mentally face palm.



That was chapter four! I hope you liked it!! 

Remember to vote, comment and follow <3 

Until next time

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Chapter 2: because so far it's so good
Chapter 2: I can't believe this is your first story on AFF
likatulay #3
Chapter 17: where??
Chapter 15: never click button so fast bfr keke
im cryiiing srsly!! T^T love your story!! especially so eun and hoshi story!!
i want the season 2 about so eun hoshi relationship and kat woozi couple thoo
thank u for ur hardwork~~:)
Chapter 14: whut? srsly? last chapter is chapter 14? but i want so eun and hoshi ship mooore T.T
i love ur FF, can't wait for chapter 13~
aina0609 #7
Chapter 13: Pls....update soon....
likatulay #8
Chapter 13: aaww.. poor hoshi,, kim so eu why you have to do that to him... lol, anyways I would love hoshi.. kekeke
Yaya808 #9
Chapter 10: Love it!! Thank you so much for the update.
likatulay #10
Chapter 10: yeyy.. really beautiful! I love it.. thanks for the update, update soon..