Babysitting Adventures

Babysitting Adventures

                Another last minute pass around the house let Junho know that everything was generally where it was supposed to be.  Per his brother’s suggestion, he’d gotten the childproof locks for the drawers, the safety socket inserts for extra outlets, and even the baby gates to keep young children from getting to places where they weren’t supposed to.  Surveying his handiwork, he scratched his black hair with one hand and rested his other fist on his hip with a wry twist to his mouth.  “What am I missing, Channie?” he called out across the room, not able to see the taller man but knowing he was somewhere nearby all the same.

                A few seconds passed with no answer before quiet footsteps announced his arrival from the second floor.  “The cats?” Chansung offered, holding the seasoned, mottled gray and white Pepper over one shoulder.  In his other hand was Princess, the new calico kitten with a white tiara shape on her forehead.

                “D’aw!” Junho beamed, reduced to mush at the sight of Chansung holding both their cats at the same time.  He was so gentle with them and they, especially Princess, looked so small in his hands.  “Where’d you find her?” he asked, hurrying over to take the kitten, cradling her close and humming delightedly under his breath.

                “Under the bed,” Chansung chuckled, soothing Pepper with long of his hand.  He didn’t miss the tiny flicks of the curling tail to show he was annoyed but Pepper was nothing if not patient and tolerant.  Especially for a cat.  Claws flexed into his shoulder just a touch but the cat kept purring as he butted his head against Chansung’s, nosing at short, black strands.

                “Why are you so good at hiding?” the shorter man smiled down at the ball of fur tucked under his chin while she pawed at his chest.

                Wisely, Chansung didn’t offer a reason and simply looked around the bottom floor of the house with a knowing smile.  He slung his free arm over Junho’s shoulders and pulled the other man close so he could press his lips against the side of his boyfriend’s head.  “It looks like we’ll have no trouble with keeping your nephew safe when he arrives.”

                “Of course he’ll be safe,” Junho scoffed as if that was a silly thought, looking up at the taller man with a raised brow.  “Ah!” he yelped when Princess’s claws found their way through his shirt as she tried to scramble onto his shoulder instead.  He picked her up and held her in front of him with both his hands wrapped around her tiny body.  “We need to clip your nails young lady,” he chided seriously, peering up into the kitten’s face as she squirmed and tried to get away.  Junho laughed when she mewled pitifully and went lax in his hands, resigned to her fate.

                Beside him, Chansung perked up and turned towards the door, listening thoughtfully.  “I think they’re here.”

                “Already!?” Junho blinked, trying to check his wrist for the time.  He wasn’t wearing his watch and scrambled to find a wall clock instead.  “Ayah!  Why didn’t you tell me it was almost three?” he Chansung who looked surprised and then slightly abashed.

                “I thought you knew,” he meekly defended himself with a half-hearted shrug.

                “Oh never mind,” Junho waved, pawning Princess off on Chansung as he heard the doorbell ring.  “Just a minute!”

                When he looked unsure about whether to stay and help with the cats or answer the door, Chansung nudged him with his shoulder.  “Go on.  I can handle these two,” he promised with a wry smile, skillfully maneuvering his hand to better hold onto Princess who seemed determined to get free.  Pepper remained attached to his shoulder like a limpet and continued to twitch his tail, the sight of which made Junho smile again.

                “Okay,” the shorter man beamed, stepping close to give Chansung a quick peck on the cheek before he rushed to open the door.  “Hyung!” he greeted loudly, ushering his older brother and his wife inside while they guided their son indoors.  Holding onto his mother’s hand, he toddled forward with uncertain steps and then pointed right at Chansung who was standing in the middle of the main hall.

                “Kitty!” he shrieked with a mostly toothless grin, pointing up at the cats in Chansung’s arms.

                “Not yet, Jinyoung,” she cooed with a gentle smile as she held to his hand.  Jinyoung didn’t seem to hear her as he stood, enraptured by the creatures just out of his reach.  Big, brown eyes hardly blinked and his mouth dropped open just a touch as he made indistinct noises before raising his free hand to his mouth and chewing on his fingers.

                “My goodness!  What are you feeding him?” Junho chuckled with an astonished look at his nephew before he turned to his brother for a response.

                The older man shrugged and laughed in response, shaking his head.  “Ask her,” he pointed to his wife who gave him a sidelong look filled with amusement.

                “We fed him not that long ago and we’ve brought his bag of snacks,” she confirmed, slinging the carrier off her shoulder to set down inside the hallway.  “There are diapers and toys and everything else you might need,” she smiled, looking down at their son warmly.

                Oblivious to the conversation above him, Jinyoung blinked up at Junho instead and shifted slightly to his mother’s leg, holding on with one hand distractedly.  Incoherently, he babbled some more nonsense words and then beamed up at his uncle before giggling with a wet, happy sound.

                “Aw.  I think he remembers you,” Junho’s brother clapped him on the shoulder with a smile.

                “That’s good because I remember you too,” Junho smiled, shifting into baby speech as he talked to his nephew.

                “They’ll do fine,” Jinyoung’s mother laughed, placing her hand on her husband’s arm while she guided their son towards Junho.  “And we should get going if we want to get there on time,” she added with a shake of her short, black hair.

                “Of course!” Junho’s brother exclaimed, squatting down to sit level with Jinyoung.  “You be good for your uncle, little man.  We’ll be back for you tomorrow.”  In a display of affection reserved only for his son, he kissed him loudly on the head and then ruffled the same strands of hair with his hand.  Jinyoung burbled and waved his hand after his father, trying to follow.

                “Come here you,” Junho encouraged, hefting the boy into his arms so he was at eye level with his mother.

                “Be good, baby,” she cooed, wishing him farewell much like his father had.

                “Say bye bye,” Junho waved with Jinyoung’s hand while he stood in the doorway and watched the pair head out.  “Bye bye,” he said again, bouncing the child against him when he started to whimper.

                Now free of the cats, Chansung moved closer and watched as Junho stepped back inside with Jinyoung still cradled close.  “That wasn’t too-” he was interrupted by Jinyoung’s whimpers turning into distressed wails.  “Bad…” he trailed off, his expression turning worried.

                “It’s okay!” Junho tried to promise, making all sorts of happy, goofy faces at Jinyoung whose eyes were scrunched tight while tears leaked from the corners.  His little, chubby face started to turn red and his voice only rose in volume.  “It’s alright, Jinyoung.  They’ll be back,” Junho soothed, bouncing the boy in place and throwing a confused look at Chansung.

                For his part, Chansung was just as confounded.  He shrugged both shoulders and shook his head in mute surrender.

                “Come here and help me,” Junho frowned, moving to meet Chansung halfway.  “Here,” he began, shifting Jinyoung so he could hold him towards the other man.

                “But…” Chansung tried to object, awkwardly accepting the upset bundle of tears into his large hands.

                “There’s gotta be something in this bag,” the shorter man shook his head turning his attention to the pack his sister-in-law had left.

                “Uh,” Chansung murmured, holding Jinyoung at arm’s length.  It only seemed to distress the baby more.  Finally, Chansung brought the boy close and settled him against his shoulder, still feeling as if he would break him at any moment.  “There, there,” he soothed, bouncing ever so slightly in place.

                Jinyoung wailed for a couple seconds more before his voice started to taper off into hiccupping breaths and sniffles.  “’omma,” he cried quietly, clinging to Chansung’s shirt.

                “How’d you do that?” Junho asked in confusion, looking over his shoulder to observe the spectacle.

                “I don’t know,” Chansung responded in bafflement, his face clearly reflecting his uncertainty.

                Junho’s lips thinned slightly and he pouted.  “Well I guess you kind of are like my brother.”

                “You can have him back,” the taller man offered, stepping forward to try and hand Jinyoung over again.

                “No, no, no!” Junho waved, moving away with a slightly miffed expression.  “You got him to stop crying.”

                “But Junho,” Chansung began to speak, looking down at Jinyoung in his arms.  The toddler was drooling profusely from one side of his mouth as he stared up at Chansung’s face.  Again, his eyes hardly blinked until he swatted his hand against the other man’s mouth, shrieking in delight when his carrier flinched.  “Hey,” he complained with a slight frown.

                The sound of a rattling toy drew both their attention and the pair looked to see Junho shaking a brightly colored rattle.  “Look what I’ve got, Jinyoung,” he grinned, stalking closer with the toy in hand as if it was some sort of magic device.  Jinyoung shrieked with his high pitched voice, making both men wince.  But his actions were happy enough since he burbled some more and reached out towards the toy.  “Well that worked,” Junho snorted, handing the plastic piece of entertainment to Jinyoung who immediately put it into his mouth and started gnawing at it.  “Go figure,” he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

                “Can you take him now?” Chansung asked plaintively, trying rather unsuccessfully to hand him back to Junho without being too obvious about it.

                For a moment, Junho thought about not but then his boyfriend’s uncertain face changed his mind.  “Oh come here you,” he babbled, easily taking the toddler this time and kissing him soundly on the chubby cheek.  It was covered in drool and Junho realized too late, making a face after the fact.  “You’re… dribbly,” he murmured, stepping over to rifle through the pack so he could pull out a small towel and dab at Jinyoung’s cheek and mouth.

                “And you’re good with him,” Chansung encouraged, coming close behind Junho to put an arm around his lower back.  It was safer to inspect Jinyoung from beside his boyfriend since he was already distracted.  He was rewarded by a warm smile from Junho who hummed softly under his breath and swayed just enough to give the feeling of motion.

                All was right in that moment, right up until a paper ball skittered harmlessly across the floor behind the pair.  Both turned to look and their heads mutely turned as Princess tore across the hardwood floor after it.

                “Kitty!” Jinyoung shrieked, immediately squirming to get down so he could try and chase after her.

                “Yah!” Junho yelped, surprised by the immediate change in his nephew.  The toy in Jinyoung’s hand fell to the ground, forgotten.  “Channie!  Get Princess,” he urged while his head swiveled around, looking for Pepper too.

                “On it!” Chansung murmured, hurrying after the skittering ball of fur.

                “Easy, Jinyoung,” Junho soothed, awkwardly trying to put him on the ground and hold him in place at the same time.  Distressed by the disappearance of the kitty, Jinyoung’s face fell and he pointed in the doorway with fat tears welling on his lashes.  “Channie!” the shorter man called with a forced smile on his face so Jinyoung wouldn’t get the wrong idea if he looked over.

                “Coming!” his boyfriend announced just before his long legs carried him back into view with Pepper carefully tucked under his arm.  “She hid under the couch,” he shrugged, blinking at the tiny claw marks on his hand from where she’d gotten him when he tried to get her out.

                Junho gave him a bemused look and shook his head while Jinyoung stared up at the new cat, mouth hanging open in wonder.  “I suppose Pepper is a kitty too,” he agreed, steadying Jinyoung while Chansung squatted in front of them.  Pepper was gently trapped against Chansung’s body with one arm while the other continued to placate him with long pets.

                “Kitty,” Jinyoung giggled, tottering close enough to paw at the cat with uncoordinated hands.

                Pepper’s tail twitched and he half closed his eyes at the attention but he remained calm in Chansung’s hands.  “He’s soft, isn’t he, Jinyoung?” he asked, watching the little fingers at fur.  Oblivious to the question, the toddler tried to get close enough to mouth at the clump of hair he managed to hold onto.  Pepper gave a low yowl and laid his ears back in response.  Jinyoung jumped at the sound and stumbled back with wide, surprised eyes.  It was clear he didn’t know whether to cry or do something else.

                “You’ve gotta be gentle,” Junho chided softly, shuffling close so his head was nearly level with Jinyoung’s.  “Be nice, see?” he explained, grabbing Jinyoung’s hand and guiding it to pet the miffed Pepper with more control.  “There you go,” he praised when Jinyoung didn’t try to grab the fur and just smiled broadly at the getting to pet the cat.

                “Much better,” Chansung nodded, giving Pepper rewarding head scratches in the meantime.

                Junho nodded in agreement, grinning from ear to ear as he looked between his nephew and his boyfriend.  “This isn’t so bad,” he shrugged, feeling relief over the fact he was pretty sure they could handle it now.  Especially if things continued the way they were going.

                And to be fair, they did for a little while.

                At least until Jinyoung walk-crawled out of sight for all of two seconds.  A high pitched yowl from Princess had them running back to find the toddler trying to grab her as she was drinking from a small bowl of water.  The sound frightened Jinyoung and his wailing started again.

                “Uncle Junho to the rescue!” Junho announced loudly, swooping in to haul Jinyoung into his arms and twirl him around while Chansung rescued the kitten.  The fit was short lived and easily diffused, fortunately, but the adventures weren’t over yet.

                Around dinner time, Junho stepped into the kitchen to take care of their food, trusting that Chansung would be able to herd both Jinyoung and the cats successfully.  He was mostly right.  In the midst of chopping vegetables for the stir-fry, wearing a plain white apron so he wouldn’t get his clothes dirty or wet, he heard a plaintive groan from Chansung.  “Channie?” he called, leaning back to try and see around the doorway with a concerned raise of his brow.

                “Nothing,” the other man called back with a questionable tone to his voice.

                “Channie,” Junho tried again, hinting at a warning.

                “Diaper…” his boyfriend mumbled, the sound very nasally.

                “Oh,” Junho couldn’t help but laugh, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.  “Can you handle it?” he called out, waiting for the answer with a smile still on his face.

                “Yes,” Chansung answered unhappily while Jinyoung made fussy noises.

                “Okay.”  Junho went back to working on dinner but then paused a moment later when he heard strange sounds coming from the other room.  It sounded like someone was muttering under their breath, the unintelligible words emerging around Jinyoung’s sad cries.  Moving the wok to a safe spot and turning off the burner, Junho tip-toed close to peek around the corner.  He had to cover his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing out loud but he watched as Chansung proceeded to try and change the diaper with some difficulty.

                “What did you eat?” Chansung mumbled, nearly choking on the overwhelming stench coming from the poopie diaper.  “Oh gross,” he added, scrunching his face when he caught a glimpse of the foul smelling stuff.  “Yah!”  He was surprised by a sudden stream of liquid shooting at him as soon as he tried to remove the diaper.  “Ugh,” Chansung groaned, forcing a smile and trying his best to be more than annoyed since Jinyoung didn’t like it either.

                “You alright?” Junho asked, deciding to take pity on his boyfriend when he saw the look of utter helplessness on his face.

                Immediately, Chansung turned to look at Junho with an expression that screamed, ‘Help.’  “He peed on me,” was all he said, making sure to hold the diaper down so the toddler wouldn’t do it again.

                “I noticed,” Junho laughed, shooing the taller man away with a quick hand gesture.  Chansung was only too happy to oblige.  Putting on a brave face, Junho took his spot and tickled Jinyoung’s exposed belly when the toddler started to kick and fuss.  “It’s alright,” he cooed, making goofy faces that nearly turned green when he caught a whiff of the smell too.  “We’ll just fix you right up,” he grinned, breathing through his mouth as he accepted a clean diaper from Chansung who was still trying to be helpful, at least.

                “Princess,” Chansung warned, moving to chase the kitten away when she wanted to play with Jinyoung’s hair.  “Not helpful,” he added, seeing the toddler squirm to try and reach her, making Junho’s job more difficult.

                “Oh that is gross,” the shorter man agreed, hastily pulling the used diaper away and cleaning up the mess as best he could.  Either Jinyoung cried in weak agreement or he just didn’t like it when Junho had to pick his bum up to put the new diaper down, but both men were relieved when the boy was redressed and happy again.

                “Pepper!  Stop trying to bury it,” Chansung moved in to shoo the other cat away from the dirty diaper, laughing at the cat’s offended expression.

                “Silly cat,” Junho shook his head, reaching out to push Pepper over with a light shove.  The older cat flopped onto his side and then looked back at Junho with a mild glare, his tail flicking against the ground.  “Yes, I pushed you over,” he snorted, turning to look at Chansung.  “Will you throw that away while I get back to dinner?”

                “I’ve got it,” Chansung agreed, picking the bundle up with a long arm held away from his body.

                “And make sure you change your shirt,” Junho added, picking Jinyoung up to head into the kitchen.

                “I know.”

                “And don’t forget to wash your hands,” the other man called over his shoulder.

                “I know,” Chansung nodded again, walking off to deal with his problem.  “You too.”

                “Already on it!” Junho responded over the sound of running water.  Chansung smiled to himself and shook his head, rushing off to dispose his trash.

                Dinner was an interesting affair for both of them.  Many food carrying airplanes later, Jinyoung was partially covered in his dinner, a portion of which he’d managed to get on the floor to, “’eed kitty,” as he put it.  Encouraging him further was Princess who continued to try and sniff at the goupy stuff that fell on the floor.

                “Don’t eat that,” Junho frowned at her, nudging the kitten away with his foot, only to watch her come right back again.  “You have your food.”  She ignored him again.  “I swear.  No one listens to me today,” he blinked with a slightly cross expression.

                Quietly, Chansung got up, squeezed Junho’s shoulder with his hand once, and then bent down to retrieve Princess.  She tried to back away at the last minute but was unable to escape from his large, swift hands.  “Come here, you,” he shook his head, holding her close while he got a paper towel to clean up the mess on the floor.

                “Thank you,” Junho murmured gratefully, trying to clean up Jinyoung as best he could since the toddler seemed like he was done.  “I’m pretty sure you ate your fill,” he smiled, noting the spots of semi-solid food all over Jinyoung’s face and hands; some spattered his clothes too and it was obvious he’d need a bath soon.  “Alright, Jinyoungie,” Junho sighed, adjusting the high chair so he could get him out.

                Both of them were briefly confused when he immediately started crying, waving his arms in obvious frustration.  “What happened?” Chansung asked, thinking he’d missed something.

                Junho shrugged and shook his head.  “I tried to take him out.”  He frowned thoughtfully and then noticed the way Jinyoung was rubbing at his face with one fist, the other determinedly flailing.  “Maybe he’s tired?”  Chansung shrugged, unsure what else to say.  “Bath then bed it is!” he chirped, standing up and pulling Jinyoung with him, making shushing and cooing sounds to try and stem the tears.

                “What can I do?” Chansung winced, ears ringing from the high pitched sound.

                “Um, make sure Jinyoung’s bed is ready?” Junho offered, bouncing the boy on his hip as he started walking towards the downstairs bathroom.

                “Got it!” his boyfriend saluted, retreating from the crying toddler quickly.

                Junho chuckled and turned his waning energy to Jinyoung again.  “It’s alright.  It’s okay.  You’re almost done, Jinyoungie,” he promised, disappearing into the bathroom, though he left the door open just in case he needed to call Chansung.  It wasn’t the best idea exactly.

                The bath was uneventful but as soon as Junho got him out and partially dried off, Jinyoung made a beeline for the unbarred doorway.  “Yah!” Junho yelped, slipping on the slick floor when he tried to stand up too fast.  “Channie!  baby!” he cried, scrambling after the giggling, bouncing boy with his towel in hand.

                He stepped out of the bathroom just in time to see Chansung appear in the hallway.  Grinning like a child himself, he scooped Jinyoung off the ground with a delighted shriek.  “Gotcha!” the taller man laughed, settling Jinyoung against his torso carefully as he delivered him back to Junho.  “I think you lost this,” he teased mildly, eyes crinkling in amusement.

                “I was just keeping you on your toes,” Junho responded instead, wrapping the giggling, squirming Jinyoung in the towel again so he could take him back to the bathroom and finish changing him.

                “Sure you were,” Chansung laughed low in the back of his throat.

                “I was,” Junho retorted matter of factly without looking back, laughing beside himself at the damp bundle of waning energy.

                Fed, washed, dried, and changed, Jinyoung’s bed didn’t actually happen as hoped.  Neither could bear it when he kept crying, the sound echoing through the house, that they eventually gave up and brought him back out, keeping him attached to Junho’s hip with his head nodding on the man’s shoulder, fighting sleep for all he was worth.  “I’m so tired,” Junho blinked sleepily, wiping at aching eyes with his free hand.

                “Here.  I’ll take him,” Chansung offered uncertainly.  It was obvious he wasn’t super comfortable with the boy but he knew Junho really was exhausted and it was the least he could do.

                “You sure?” Junho asked, eager enough to hand him over if he was.  When Chansung nodded, he smiled and eased Jinyoung over to the taller man’s shoulder.  “Easy,” he urged as the toddler started whimpering at the upset.

                “I’ve got him,” Chansung promised, shifting in place until Jinyoung settled where it felt right.  His head nodded against the shoulder like a pillow and his one hand curled up, lightly gripping Chansung’s clean shirt.  He looked back up to see Junho smiling at him warmly, arms crossed loosely over his chest and a content air about him.  “What?” Chansung smiled hesitantly.

                “You just look so cute,” he explained, gesturing in the air between them with one hand.  “Both of you,” he clarified with a wink.  “I’m gonna take a quick shower,” Junho murmured, coming close to steal a quick kiss from Chansung, careful not to disturb Jinyoung.  “You gonna be alright?”

                “Of course,” his boyfriend responded at once with a nod towards the sleeping toddler.  “I’m apparently the baby whisperer.”

                “So I noticed,” Junho chuckled, running his hand down Chansung’s arm.  He nearly tripped over Pepper who came lazing into the living room like he owned the place though.  “Careful, old man,” he snorted, reaching down to pick up the older cat and cradle him close.  “I know.  You’ve been so ignored today,” he murmured, scratching Pepper under the chin and earning a throaty, continuous purr for his efforts.  “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow,” he promised, heading off towards the shower again, contentedly cuddling the cat until he got there.

                The shower was glorious and it helped rejuvenate him just enough to face the rest of the evening.  Ensconced in his warm, fluffy pajamas, Junho trudged back into the living room and couldn’t help but smile at the sight that awaited him.  Passed out on the couch, Chansung was sitting upright with his head nodding off on his chest.  Sequestered in the crook of his arm, anchored against his side, Jinyoung slept on, tiny fists curled into the fabric of his shirt.  And on his other side, Princess was curled in the half-open palm of his hand, her nose hidden under the tip of her tail.

                Unable to pass up the opportunity, Junho snuck off to get his phone so he could snap a picture.  In the dim lighting, there was just enough illumination and the flash didn’t go off either.  “Perfect,” Junho sighed, glancing between the image on the screen and the real thing.  Something was missing though.  A blanket.  Quickly, he stole up into their master bedroom to drag the top cover off their bed before he snuck back downstairs.

                “Good job today, baby,” he encouraged, smoothing Chansung’s bangs down before he kissed the sleeping man gently on the side of the head.  A brush of warmth against his ankle let him know the cat had returned.  “There you are, old man,” he smiled, reaching out to carefully tuck the blanket around the pair on the couch.  He completely covered Princess for a second, but then reached down to pick up Pepper and slipped under the covers himself.

                With the cat purring in his lap under the covers, and Princess resettled on Junho’s other side so he could scoot closer, Junho was more than content.  Taking a deep breath, he reached over to smooth Jinyoung’s hair down.  The boy chewed something in his sleep and shifted just a touch.  “Night, Jinyoungie,” Junho sighed, resting his hand against Chansung’s chest and then using his shoulder as a pillow.  He felt the hand under the covers shift up to rest against his thigh, a gentle reminder Chansung knew he was there, mostly asleep or not.  “Night baby,” Junho mumbled sleepily, finally closing his eyes and drifting off into blessed rest himself.

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Soulkissers #1
Chapter 1: Awe so sweet!!
Soulkissers #2
Chapter 1: Awe so sweet!!
Jazmin8Sarina #3
Chapter 1: That was so cute!!!!!!
Chapter 1: YAH this is so freaking cute. Like, I know that's not necessarily the most often heard thing for you but it was so CUTE!!!! Junho with the baby at first is totally me and so I very much felt for him, and then it just went into super cuteness that is just <3<3<3 I really loved how you mixed the two prompts instead of choosing one or the other, that's just so clever! And yeah, babys+cats is an interesting mix. =D
The baby escape made me laugh out loud, and then the couch moment, my goodness. My smile was splitting my face with the fluff!!!! <3 I loved this!