Chapter 2


Taehyung’s POV

I was scared. I don’t know what to do. Here I am at the dark alley, alone and my clothes were covered in blood.  I stared blankly at my hand. Did I just become a murderer? I feel like crying. I can feel the tears falling down on my cheeks. I can’t hold it anymore. I start sobbing so loud. I don’t care if anyone hears me. I just want let it go and let the pain go away. I look at my clothes and start scrubbing it with my hand. I just feel so dirty right now and I want all of this to disappear. I took out my phone and search for his name in the contact list. Where is he when I needed him the most? I need you right now. I pressed the call button hoping for someone to pick up. Suddenly, I can hear the sound of someone picking up the phone.

“Hyung, I’m scared. I need you right now”


Namjoon’s POV

The sound of the phone ringing brings me back to my senses. It’s not my phone because the ringtone is different. It was Jin’s phone. I’ve been keeping it with me since he passed away. I wonder who would still call him even after hearing about the bad news. I read the caller’s name and the name “Taehyung” was written on it. I pick up the phone and he starts talking.

“Taehyung, this is hyung. Where are you and what happened? Please tell me”

“Oh it’s you. I thought it was – nevermind”

“We really need to talk Taehyung. I know everyone is having a hard time getting over it. I know you’re not okay so please tell me what happened.”

I can hear him sobbing through the phone.

“I just made a big mistake. I’m scared. I don’t want to talk about it”

“I don’t think this is right. I think we need to bring everyone together again. We need to talk about it. He wouldn’t be happy to see us like this”

“I know but I don’t know how to face everyone. We went separate ways since the incident and I think it’s better if we stay like that”

“No. It’s never better to be alone after losing someone. We have to stay together and live on. I don’t think anyone want to end the friendship that was built for a few years now”

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to end it too. Maybe that’s a good idea.”

“Let’s bring everyone together again and go on a trip together. Remember the beach that we used to go? Let’s go there again even without him. Let’s build our friendship again”


Yoongi’s POV

I opened my eyes. I was covered in sweat and my heart feel like it’s about to explode. Suddenly I realize that it was just a bad dream and I am still in my room and there’s no fire. The lighter is beside me and nothing is burning. I stare at myself in the mirror and I have to admit that I look like crap. How many day has it been since I had a proper bath and meal. I need to clean myself so I decided to take a shower and wear some new clothes. I was thinking what to eat when I hear a text coming it. It was from Namjoon.

Let’s hangout like we used to.

I stare at it for a long time. After that, he sent me another text containing the address and time. I recognize that place immediately. I was thinking if I should go or not. I let out a sigh and continue what I was doing earlier. I need some time to think.


Hoseok’s POV

I woke up and look at my surrounding. This is not my house. This is a hospital. As I was looking around, a familiar face was staring at me.


“Why are you here?”

“I’m glad that you woke up. I was doing something when the hospital suddenly called me. The doctor said that you took too much pills and your body didn’t react well with it.”

“I’m sorry to disturb you. You can leave now if you want”

“Why would I leave you? Besides, you stop me from doing something that was stupid”


“It’s nothing. I’m just doing something like what you’re trying to do. Anyway, what were you thinking? I thought you’re better than this hyung. Where is the Hoseok that always makes everyone happy and never loses his smile?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t want anyone to worry about me like this and this is the only choice I have”

“Do you think everyone will be happy when you are gone? We had already lost one person and now you want us to feel the same thing again?”

“I don’t mean it like that”

“I know it’s been hard for you even for everyone and me too. I almost kill myself too but as I was waiting for you to wake up, I start to think rationally again. Losing another person won’t solve anything and it will only bring pain to everyone.”

I was speechless. The words that came out from Jimin’s lip are true. Everyone was being selfish by being alone. I start to think about my action and cry loudly. I almost let them experience the same pain again.

“Cry if it makes you feel better. Don’t make the same mistake again. We need to live on”


Jimin’s POV

I don’t deserve to say those words to Hoseok hyung after what I had done but I want him to realize that death is not an option. The phone call from the hospital save me from drowning and watching how the doctor was trying to save him make me realize that there is always people who want you to stay alive. I was relieved to see that Hoseok hyung is doing fine. He stopped crying and pulled me into his arms.

“Thank you”

The sound of the phone brings us back to reality. Both of us had received a text from someone. I read the text carefully and Hoseok hyung get the same text too and it was from Namjoon hyung.

“Should we go?”

“Let’s go together. We have to”


Jungkook’s POV

I look at the driver’s face and I was shocked to see his face. It was Jin. I closed my eyes waiting for the car to hit me but nothing happened. I can hear the sound of the horn and people shouting asking me to move. I opened my eyes and it looks like the car managed to stop before hitting me and the driver is different. I quickly walk to the other side of the road. I don’t want to be in trouble again. Suddenly, Jin’s face popped up in my head. I need to stop imagining things. I need to erase him from my mind.

I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I check to see the sender and it was Namjoon hyung. I read the text and it looks like he’s trying to bring everyone together again.


Namjoon’s POV

The day has come. I wonder who will show up today. I got a phone call from Taehyung saying that he has arrived. It was still early but I’m glad that he showed up. I arrive afterwards and I was walking to him, someone tap my shoulder. I look behind and it was Hoseok and Jimin.



“It’s been a while”

“Thank you for coming”

“We have to face this together. It will only work that way”

“I know. Let’s just forget about our sorrow and try to have fun today.”

“Look. It’s Jungkook and Suga”

Hoseok suddenly cut us off and points at Suga and Jungkook.

“Looks like everyone is here except for Taehyung”

“Taehyung arrive earlier than all of us and he’s waiting for us. But before we go, I want you all of you to promise something”

“Just act like you are happy even though it hurts. I want us to be free from sorrow today so please don’t mention about anything that will make the mood go down”

“We will try.” The others said in sync

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Qwertypie #1
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness I really like this story! I like how you put everyone's story from I need you!