
Stay Here


"When was the first time you dated?" Bosco casually strikes a conversation with Linda.

Linda laughs recalling it. "When I was thirteen," she uncontrollably chuckles. "He was my first, you're my second," Linda continues speaking, her hands clasped together as she reminisces about the old times with her first love.

"Was it legit?" Bosco lets the conversation go on.

"It was," she answers and shakes her head while stifling her laughter. "Are you going to judge me?" she turns to face Bosco and asks.

He shakes his head nonchalantly, "No."

"We met in middle school, when I was still in Hong Kong," she somewhat comfortably tells Bosco of her story, "But we separated when I moved over to England for my studies."

Linda stands up and takes in a deep breath. "It's so good to be back in Hong Kong, is it?" she turns and smiles at Bosco.

Bosco reciprocates the smile and nods. However, the thought of Linda's past love lingers on his mind.

"If you were to meet him again, would you still love him?" he cannot help but ask.

Linda sits back down and sighs. "I don't know, but that's not really likely to happen," she answers and looks up. Not turning to Bosco, she whispers, "Actually I never stopped liking him, until I met you before he reappears."


"You can drop me off here, I want to get some food from the market before I get home," Linda smiles sweetly at her boyfriend as she requests for him to do so.

"Alright, text me later when you reach home," Bosco reciprocates the smile and pulls over at the side of the road. They both lean in for a goodbye kiss before they bid each other goodbye.

Linda alights the car to find someone looking at them from afar. As Bosco starts the engine and drives away, Linda approaches the figure to get a closer look, not failing to realise how familiar the face is.

"Ka-yan!" he holds a wide smile on his face as he calls to her. "Do you recognise me?" he asks next.

Linda blinks twice, still not believing her eyes. "Ah-Fung? Is that really you?" she breaks into a blissful smile and laughs, feeling wonderful to finally see him once again.

"Yes, it's me," Raymond laughs in his reply. "So you're back?" he asks in curiosity.

"Yes, back for good," Linda answers and giggles, her heart feeling warmed up with the familiarity of a past soulmate.

"What are you doing here?" he continues.

"I'm getting some meat and vegetables from the market before going home to make dinner," Linda reasons, "Why not you come along? My mother would be glad to see you," she suggests with a smile.

"Okay!" Raymond agrees without hesitation. He watches as the girl before her giggle in delight with her shoulders moving along, then turning around and walking into the market. His heart flutters in nostalgia as he observes her features, while she is choosing the vegetables and paying old lady at the stall.

It is good that she is back. However, he is only distressed to know that they cannot be back together.

He keeps his mind away from the matter by talking about how life has been, discovering how much the two of them has changed, yet he finds that they are still the same and his heart still remains as hers.

"Do you think of me often when you're there?" he asks a question that may come off as awkward, but Linda knows how she should make a comeback.

"You're often on my mind," Linda replies and cleverly continues, "because I never fail to forget how much I hate you."

"Hey, you think I like you? You're equally annoying and despicable!" Raymond does not stand to lose.

Linda does not continue with words, but hurls a row of beating to the man beside her.

"Stop hitting me or your vegetables will be out of shape by the time you reach home," he puts up his hands in defense and then points a finger at her to demand her to stop.

He laughs right after, and Linda follows suit. As they talk and laugh over matters, the laughter harmonise and Raymond hopes it is a sign that their life would be as just in harmony.


"Ah-Fung! It's been ages, how are you?" Linda's mother warmly welcomes him into their home. "When I saw a man behind I thought it would be Bosco, but it's you!" the woman laughs heartily.

"I've been good. Bak-mo*, what about you?" Raymond politely asks in return.

"Ah-Yan, give me the food and I'll prepare dinner. The two of you can sit down and chat while I get the meal ready," Linda immediately hands over the bags to her mother, who hurriedly leaves for the kitchen after doing so.

They settle down at the sofa and begin to catch up on each other's lives.

"So, is this Bosco guy your fifth one already? How many have you had already?" Raymond firstly heads for her relationship status.

She flings a whack at him. "What are you trying to say?" she rolls her eyes and goes on, "He's only the second one. The first one was too traumatising and scary that it took me long to recover," she laughs a little after finishing her sentences.

Raymond is left slightly agape, but does not fail to make a comeback. "You're not the only one! My first also left me traumatised and scared," he smartly responds.

"After so many years you're still so stubborn," Linda laughs and throws more hurls at him. He immediately lifts his hands to defend himself.

"Ah-Yan, stop abusing him," her mother says from the dining table, "Dinner is ready."

"See? Stop abusing me," Raymond points an index finger at Linda as he speaks.

"Let's go eat," she slaps him lightly on the arm before they stand up to go for the food.


Linda cannot stop smiling as she remembers her meeting with Raymond once again. She reminisces about their past together, and recalls that he has a blog. Immediately she gets on her computer to search for it, wondering if he still blogs.

To her excitement, he still does. His latest post is dated the day they met, which heightens her curiosity, getting her to view it instantly.

"Today, I met the person I have been wanting to meet for ages. It was a wonderful night; we finally made more happy memories again after years," Linda reads out what she sees in whispers. She smiles at its content. She continues, "So, this is how it feels to be in love with someone for so long, and see her once again. Actually, my first love was not traumatising or scary at all. It just left a deep mark in my heart, one that made me never let go."

Linda stops. She slowly slumps back down into her seat and stares blankly ahead, her body frozen. What has she just found out? What did she just read? Why was she so overly curious to cause such trouble to herself?

She shakes her head and brings her knees in, burying her face in them. She should not have invited him for dinner. She should not have went to read his blog. She should not hold such feelings for him. After all, she is already with Bosco.

The whole situation is unfair to Bosco. Linda feels her heart fall into pieces as she realises how cruel she is to Bosco. Yet, her heart has never let go of the feelings she had from the young girl she was of thirteen years of age, the love of her youth. Linda shakes her head in despair and dilemma, wishing that she has never had to make this decision to choose.


"What's wrong? Why are you so sulky today?" Bosco nudges Linda after a lack of response for the umpteenth time today.

She sighs as she ponders if she should let him know. It has been a few days by now, and her heart feels even worse with the passage of time. But she knows, that this isn't being fair to Bosco. Despite being beside him all the time, her heart has been with Raymond.

"Bosco, I met him," Linda finally admits.

Bosco keeps himself calm. "Finally?" he asks after a while.

She does not answer, but the trembling of her hands and the way she bites her lips seems of a response to Bosco's question. What he has asks isn't the actually question in his mind, but her actions reply directly to his thoughts.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" Bosco tries to smile, with genuine effort from the heart.

Linda does not understand. "Why are you doing this? Aren't you supposed to be angry at me?" Linda feels herself getting hot with frustration and tears are beginning to fall from her eyes.

"Calm down. Why are you so angry?" Bosco places his hands by her side and wills for her to cool down.

"I'm angry at you!" she says before bursting into tears.

"For what?" he is taken aback; he puts down his hands and takes a step backwards, his mouth agape.

"For not being angry at me!" she continues to cry, "This isn't fair to you at all," she goes on sobbing after she is done with her words.

"Hey, hey, listen to me," Bosco once again holds her sides to calm her down. "I was angry with you when I saw you with another man the other day after dropping you off. Somehow, I knew he was the one you were talking about. Then recently you seem like you've lost your soul, and I immediately knew the cause.

"I was furious, okay, but then again I remembered what I witnessed that day. I wasn't angry with you for loving him; I was angry with myself, for taking away that chance by being jealous and keeping you to myself, because I knew you two were meant to be," he finally says what he has always been wanting to tell her.

Linda exhales a deep breath and her shoulders relax, yet she feels too guilty to stop crying. Without stopping she apologises to Bosco, but each time Bosco nods his head and tells her that it's okay.

"Because I know he'll give you happiness," he whispers as her wraps her in his arms for a comfort hug, unsure if it is for her to hear, or for himself to know.

Linda walks home alone after a tired day, exhausted after her commotion with Bosco. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying, but she still seems to want to cry more and has to control herself hard in order to not.

And in the worse timing ever, Raymond shows up before her: another coincidence.

"Ka-yan? What happened? Why are you like this?" she immediately starts crying again after hearing his concerned voice, startling the man.

"Come, I'll take you somewhere," Raymond says and places a hand on her shoulder and leads her on, bringing her to the pier at Central.

He knows the sea will calm her down: it always had, whenever she cried in the past.

"I feel like a bad person," she speaks with the tears streaming down her face, "My heart feels so much pain, and I'm so overwhelmed with guilt," she chokes on her sobs. Raymond says nothing, but embraces her and allows her to sob into his shoulder.


"Today, I'm going to eat a huge meal. An expensive one. And you're going to eat it with me," a few days later, she says with her mobile phone pressed tightly against her ear.

"What's up with you? I know you have a huge appetite, but this?" Raymond sounds shocked over the line.

"Shut up, I'm torn by love**," Linda tries hard to control her urge to laugh. "Just come," she starts to whine, knowing that he will agree after this.

"Alright, alright," he relents, "so I'll pick you up after work?"

"Okay!" she takes effort in keeping herself from sounding too cheerful, and hangs the call up immediately.


"So, how did you end up this way? Too many suitors that line up to Tsim Sha Tsui*** that you can't choose?" he jokes.

"Yeah, I'm giving him up for another," Linda plays along and keeps her answer ambiguous.

"I presume you won't be going back to England then?" Raymond asks, "Staying here for him?"

"If he wants me too?" her lips curves into a wide smile and she looks deep into his eyes.

"Why are you asking me?" Raymond continues the game and leans closer without breaking the gaze. "Is it me that you're talking about?"

Linda's cheeks grow red and she pulls herself backwards into her seat. She looks down and her eyes dart from left to right in anxiety, caught in a situation that she knows no way out of.

Raymond smiles and decides to end his jokes. He reaches out for Linda's hand on the table and gently holds it, "Stay here, okay?"

"Okay," she replies quietly, still refusing to look up.

Raymond knows it hasn't been easy on her, he knows. After bumping into her that day, he knows, and in fact she is still that weak girl she has been back then. And he tells himself to take up the responsibility of protecting her, forever.

"I love you," he finally says.

"I love you too," Linda answers softly in a whisper. He stands up and leans over to press a kiss on her forehead, a promise to her that he will never stop loving her. He has never stopped anyway, from the start twenty-five years ago.



*Bak-mo stands for "auntie" in Cantonese.

**I really wasn't sure how to translate this, it's supposed to be 失恋 in Mandarin or Cantonese whatever it's the same.

***A common Cantonese saying for a person to have many suitors: "好多人追,排隊排到尖沙咀"



Because I finished all that I needed to do today, I've got time to write. After being busy for so long. Hahaha. Hope you like this update :)

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HottestVIPSone #1
With Raymond’s line walker 3 going to air, just thought I’d like to read some Raymond’s fic!
Chapter 2: I just saw this! The first one was so cute and sweet! The second was too, but a bit more sad. It's nice to see that Bosco was willing to let Linda be with Ray. I think I should learn to be like Bosco :/ I'll try to finish my fic soon!
ahmahs #3
Chapter 2: Really glad the whole matter resolved pretty nicely! Rayda <3 and Bosco is so understanding! his "Because I know he'll give you happiness" line...oh my
ahmahs #4
Chapter 1: Oh my this is very fluffy.. fluffier than fluff haha! Glad you didn't write angst, if not we would have missed out on this sweetness hehe