Love Me

Love Me [One-Shot]

I actually cried while writing this which surprises me, I don't think it helps that I was listening Error by VIXX either..TT^TT 

Shaky breaths and sobs were the only things that could be heard from the hospital room as Jiyong held tightly onto Seunghyun's hand while desperately trying to wipe away his tears. 

"You can't do this to me Seunghyun." He whispered as the other looked at him with a sad smile and tried to squeeze his hand in return. 

"I thought you didn't want me..." 



"I just think we should go on a break." Jiyong said while still putting some clothes in a suitcase, Seunghyun had been distant lately and no matter how hard he would try the other would just keep pushing him away and he was sick of it. He needed a break, needed someone who actually appreciated him. 

"Wait Jiyong, let's talk about this." 

"Funny since everytime I want to talk you always say you don't want to." Jiyong snapped back while zipping the suitcase closed. 

Seunghyun sighed and ran a hand through his hair then grabbed Jiyong's hand tightly. 

"I know I've been busy with work and everything and that I have neglected you but please let me show you...that I love you." 

Jiyong stayed silent as he looked at the ground, he didn't know what to say, his heart wanted to stay, wanted to see how much he really meant to Seunghyun but another part of him kept telling him that it was to late.

That if Seunghyun really did love him like he says he wouldn't have neglected him in the first place, he would've made time for them, yet his heart keeps butting in saying that would be unrealistic compared to their hectic work hours. 

He was torn in two and Seunghyun could sense it, he tilted Jiyong's chin and pressed a soft kiss to his lips and all of Jiyong's restraint crumbled down. Oh how weak he was when it came to Seunghyun. 




Seunghyun was really trying, Jiyong could see that much as now Seunghyun wouldn't let him leave the house unless they had breakfast together and shared a goodbye kiss. 

Soon all of Seunghyun's caring and adorable small and sometimes big gestures slowly started coming back. They were spending more time with each other and Seunghyun would occasionally buy him gifts.

It wasn't a regular thing as he know Jiyong valued their time spent together more than materialistic items, one of the thing that he loved about him. 

"I think we should watch this one." Jiyong said a bit muffled from all the popcorn in his mouth as he held up a movie and Seunghyun shrugged. 

He really didn't care for the movie but he knew Jiyong really liked it so he decided not to say anything and put it in. 

It had been two weeks since their near breakup and Seunghyun was still on edge, not wanting to wake up one day and see Jiyong gone, therefore even though he was still being his true self he was certainly making sure he stayed on Jiyong's good side. 

After the movie was over Seunghyun really needed to know where he Jiyong were in their relantionship, so gathering his courage he looked Jiyong straight in the eyes and truthfully told him.

"I love you." Jiyong was shocked from the sudden confession but smiled. 

Before he could respond however Seunghyun got a phone call and he apologized about a thousand times before he left the house, something urgent for a friend was all that Jiyong heard. 




Jiyong was taken from dreamland when a loud ring started sounding in the room, he groaned but smiled sleepily as he though maybe it was Seunghyun so he quickly picked it up

"Seunghyunnie?" He frowned instantly as a unfamiliar female voice answered instead. 

"Hello is this Kwon Jiyong?" Jiyong sat upright in bed with a start, he had feeling this wasn't good. 

"Y-yes....where's Seunghyun?" 




He knew he was a mess, after learning that Seunghyun was in the hospital he had only slipped on some sweatpants and a random sweater over his head before rushing out of his house, he didn't have any make-up on and his hair was a complete disaster. 

After learning that Seunghyun was just getting out of surgery he sat down and decided to wait until he could see him. 

A couple minutes later the same woman from earlier on the phone came by with a slightly sad expression which Jiyong knew didn't bode well for him or Seunghyun.

"Hello you must be Jiyong right?" He nodded and she smiled softly while sticking her hand out. 

"Not to sound rude but can I please just see Seunghyun?" She looked like she wanted to say something but instead lead him to his room. 

Before he entered Seunghyun's room he could've sworn her say "His injuries were too severe."

Jiyong covered his mouth with his hand as he walked further in the room wanting this all to be a bad dream. 

There on the bed was Seunghyun with gauze wrapped around his head and torso, the blankets pulled up to his chin, he was wearing a oxygen mask, and had some tubes sticking out which Jiyong figured was connected to his arm. 

He sighed as he took a seat next to his bed and looked at his heart monitor. It was very weak but at least his heart was still beating. 

He jumped from shock when he saw Seunghyun slowly to open his eyes then send him a sad smile, but there was something off, it was as off Seunghyun knew he was going to go.

Seeing that smile Jiyong couldn't the tears at bay anymore as it just started with a small quiver of his lips, then a small tear rolling down his cheek until he was crying hysterically at Seunghyun's side who was trying to calm him down. 

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Seunghyun felt sleepier and he knew that couldn't be good. 




Shaky breaths and sobs were the only things that could be heard from the hospital room as Jiyong held tightly onto Seunghyun's hand while desperately trying to wipe away his tears. 

"You can't do this to me Seunghyun." He whispered as the other looked at him with a sad smile and tried to squeeze his hand in return.

"I thought you didn't want me..." 

Jiyong sniffed and wiped his eyes once more, which proved to be useless once again as more tears just kept falling down. 

"That's not true, I have never not wanted you Seunghyun."

Seunghyun smiled and reached up to touch Jiyong's cheek, and somehow Jiyong knew what was coming. 

"Please....don't.....don't leave me! You promised me you wouldn't ever leave!" Jiyong screamed, not wanting to accept that the love of his life was about to leave him...forever. 

"Jiyong.....find love again, and don't do anything dumb..o-okay?" Seunghyun gasped out as his hand dropped. 

"And Jiyong I love you...with all my heart." Jiyong shook his head rapidly seeing Seunghyun slowly start to close his eyes. 

"Don't! P-Please keep talking to me, don't close your eyes, I need you, S-Seunghyun I-I lov--"

His screams and cries were cut off as Seunghyun closed his eyes and gave his hand a final squeeze before whispering. 

"I'm sorry."

All that was heard now was the deafening sound of the heart monitor flat-lining, Jiyong stood up shakily and gently kissed Seunghyun's head and whispered, praying that Seunghyun would hear him.  

"I love you too." 

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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Oh no! At least before seunghyun go, they are in good condition.
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 1: i cant stop crying!!!! this was a tragic story, but it was flawless!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you!!!
Chapter 1: OMG! It was so much sadder than I thought! I'm crying! OMG! *sobs forever*