Friendly competition: 05

Of action figures, playgrounds and first loves

Friendly Competition: 05

Summary: Somewhere between the friendly play dates and the jokingly bragging they have going on, Yifan finds himself involved in the friendly competition Luhan and Jongdae have against one another.

Length: 2,069 words


Yixing is on a hunt one Saturday evening, deciding to check out the dance studio Minseok had recommended him a few days ago when they had coffee at his home. Yixing was a bit hesitant, but Jongin's eyes had lit up in an instant at the mention of being in a dance class like he was when they lived in China. Yixing couldn't refuse his son's excitement, so he finally found a time he was free from working and decided to personally check out this dance studio. He made sure to bring both Zitao and Jongin along as well because his son's needed to feel comfortable first before he ever decided to make a choice.


The moment they arrived at the dance studio, walking past the fancy doors and towards the booming music, Yixing seen the way Jongin began to skip in excitement. Yixing could feel it too--Jongin really liked the place. He watched the way his son would linger by some classroom doors, watching in awe as all kids from all ages danced along with the teachers. Yixing beamed even brighter when Jongin began to subconsciously follow along with the teacher, moving his little body to follow the moves the teacher was showing the other kids. It always made Yixing smile proudly when he seen Jongin and Zitao both do what they loved.


That day, Yixing walked out with a subscription to the dance studio for a whole year. It was well worth the money when he seen the excitement on Jongin's pretty little face.







When Yifan dropped Jongin and Zitao off to their dance class, he bumped into Luhan who seemed to be on the way out. Yifan kissed Jongin on the check, wishing him luck and warning the boy to be on his best behavior or daddy would be upset with him. The boy looked up at him with wide eyes, nodding earnestly before shouting a high pitched "Goodbye, baba! Love you!" Yifan only smiled at Jongin's retreating figure, smiling at the teacher that welcomed the new boy into her class. Yifan didn't stick around long enough, but he did see his son run and try to poke at Sehun, who only glared at this efforts to try to talk to him.


Yifan turned around and was met with an over enthusiastic Luhan, "Minseok didn't tell me you'd be bringing Jongin and Zitao here!" He smiles as they walk out of the building, heading towards the parking lot. "It's so convenient that Jongin got to be in my little Sehunnie's class!"


"Yeah, it's great. Jongin has been bugging Yixing to find him a place where he can dance." Yifan said as they walked towards their respective car, chuckling at the same time when they realized they parked right besides one another.


"What about your other son?" Luhan asked as they lingered around their cars.


"Ah, he's out with Yixing. Zitao likes martial arts more than dancing." Yifan said in a proud tone because he is always proud at how different and determined his two children were from one another. It was good that they were their own person's.


Luhan nodded, "You should ask Jongdae, his kid is taking up martial arts." He offered with a friendly smile, and Yifan beamed back in thanks. Luhan's phone suddenly began to buzz before stopping, Yifan watched him read over the text message. "I have to go, Kyungsoo has vocal lesson in a few minutes and Chanyeol's piano lessons are in an hour."


Yifan nodded in understanding, balancing three kids must be hard, he can barely manage two. "Alright, I guess I will see you at these dance recitals." Yifan smiled.


"Yeah!" Luhan beamed, landing a gentle palm on Yifan's shoulders in some sort of sympathy. "Just don't let it get to you when Sehunnie has a solo every week, he's kind of a superstar." He brags with a smile.


Yifan splutters, "Jongin won medals from his dancing back in China." He bragged back, a proud look in his eyes.


Luhan smirked at the taller Chinese male, "Hm, alright, I guess we'll just have to wait and see." He mused and Yifan snorted at him, shaking his head, but knew the game was on.







"Well, well, well," Jongdae mused with a cat like smile when he showed up at the door, Baekhyun at his side and dressed in his white martial arts uniform. "I didn't plan on seeing you here."


Yifan turned over to look at his son, Zitao, who was proudly standing in front of his new class and telling them all about his past competitions when he was in China. Yifan was so proud of his children.  "Zitao was in martial arts when we lived in China, he wanted to take it up again."


Jongdae glanced over at the enthusiastic five year old that talked about his past experiences, "Well, that's nice." He smiled and bent down to become eye level with Baekhyun, "Hey, baby, make sure you watch after Zitao, ok?"


Baekhyun nodded his head, leaning over to place a kiss on Jongdae's cheek. "I promise I'll go easy on him, daddy!"


"That's my boy," Jongdae ruffled his hair, watching Baekhyun skip away with a smile. Yifan raised a challenging eyebrow at Jongdae, "Don't worry, Yifan, Baekhyun will take care of him."


Yifan snorted at how similar Jongdae and Luhan were, "How can you be so sure? Zitao was the top of his class when we were in China."


Jongdae shook his head, a playful snort slipping his own lips. "Baekhyunnie is really good at martial arts too."


"Zitao has been doing this since he was three," Yifan raised three fingers up to be more dramatic, which only made Jongdae even more amused.


"We'll see..."






"No way!" Luhan huffed out, shaking his head furiously when Jongdae had barged into his home the next week claiming that Baekhyun had hit the highest note in the class.


Yifan snorted at the pair, realizing that Baekhyun was also taking vocal lesson with Luhan's other child, Kyungsoo. "Yes way! The teacher even complimented my small baby on his achievement, face it Luhan--"


"Well the teacher also complimented Kyungsoo for holding the longest note," Luhan bragged back, successfully shutting Jongdae up. "What's the point of reaching the highest note if you can't hold it long?"


"Did you diss my son, again?!" Jongdae raises his tone obnoxiously, it sounds like a whine. "Hitting a higher note is so much more beautiful."


Luhan shakes his head, "Are you dissing my son now?!"


Yifan watches the two playfully glare at each other before a chuckle slips past his lips. He shakes his head and watches the way both males turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow. It's just all very humorous to Yifan, how competitive Jongdae and Luhan are with everything. It amazes him how they can stay best friends even through the competition, but he supposes it's just a friendly competition anyway. At the end of the day, this is just some sort of game both Jongdae and Luhan like to play in order to keep themselves entertained. It's all just harmless--


"What are you laughing at? Baekhyun did way better on his martial arts competition than Zitao did. He won a golden medal." Jongdae says in an instant.


Wow, ok, this is very harmful. To Yifan's pride that is.


"No way!" Now it's Yifan's turn to shake his head furiously, walking over to a shelf he has on the wall with trophies from both Jongin and Zitao. He points at one of them, "This is what Zitao brought back form his competition. A trophy."


"See!" Luhan childishly sticks out his tongue at Jongdae, which makes the Korean male scowl back at him. "If you're going to brag Jongdae, do your background check first, Jongdae. Like for instance, my Sehunnie has successfully gotten another solo thsi week and he's the only kid--"


"Jongin is really good at dancing too, he's a fast learner." Yifan cut in an instant, a smirk growing on his lips. "And Sehun isn't the only one with a solo, Jongin got one too." He said in a prideful tone and Luhan gasped at the new information.


"If you're going to brag, do your background check first, Luhan." Jongdae replied back sarcastically, choosing to use Luhan's same exact words in order to haunt the Chinese male for opening his mouth.


After that the three males got into a very civil, intellectual debate about who's kid out shined who's other kid. It was really just all a harmless competition, just for fun, but why were all three male's feelings getting hurt??





"Hey daddy," Chanyeol walked over to his father, Minseok, who was sitting down at the kitchen table with Yixing and Joonmyun. The adults were simply having a conversation about their work, life, and family over some coffee.


Minseok turned away the conversation a smile on his lips as he seen Chanyeol staring up at him, Baekhyun's hand glued to his hand. "What is it, baby?" He asks his six year old, reaching down to pat his bangs affectionately.


"Dad is arguing with Uncle Jongdae again," Chanyeol babbles, eyebrows knitted in confusion as to why his dad and uncle Jongdae were always arguing about something. "Uncle Yifan is arguing too."


Kyungsoo rushes in then, Jongin's fingers gripping the older boy's shirt as he was pulled along. "Daddy, Sehunnie woke up from all the yelling and he's upset!" Minseok watched the look of concern flash before Kyungsoo's eyes.


Joonmyun sighed, shaking his head as he beckoned Baekhyun to stop trying to kiss Chanyeol every five minutes. "It's probably about that competition thing they do. I'm not surprised Yifan has been dragged into their mess," Joonmyun has to forcefully pry Baekhyun away from kissing Chanyeol's face because the taller boy is afraid of his tiny son.


Zitao wobbles in then, the sleep clinging to his eyes as he rubs them. "Sehunnie doesn't want me to hug him to sleep anymore, daddy." He whines in a heartbreaking tone, crawling in Yixing's awaiting lap.


On cue, Sehun walks in with a very unhappy look in his eyes, fingers tightened around his blanket as he makes his way towards Minseok. "Daddy, tell dad to be quiet, Sehunnie wants to sleep." The four year old whined.


"Luhan! You woke up, Sehun!" Minseok's sudden loud voice boomed through the apartment.


Minseok waited, counted the seconds before Luhan had pushed into the kitchen with a sheepish look in his eyes. "Sorry babe, we got carried away." Yifan and Jongdae came following after Luhan as well.


Minseok raised an eyebrow and pointed at Sehun, "He was asleep and you woke him up." He says in a disapproving tone, and in an instant Luhan had Sehun in his arm, patting the younger boy's back as he walked out of the kitchen trying to get him to go back to sleep.


"Jongdae, get Baekhyun a game so he won't bug Chanyeol every minute." Joonmyun said as Baekhyun tried to kiss Chanyeol on the lips--again.


"Ha, right, come buddy." Jongdae says in a serious tone, and Baekhyun pouts, following after him.


"Yifan, Zitao was also asleep." Yixing says and it's enough for Yifan to get the memo and take the boy off his lap, shushing him back to sleep with a sheepish smile on his lips.


Kyungsoo and Jongin run away after that, choosing to go and play with Jongin's toys. Chanyeol only follows after his younger brother, wishing to join the pair and play as well. Yixing, Minseok and Joonmyun stare at the door that their significant others and children went through.


Joonmyun is the first to sigh, leaning back in his chair as he relaxes. "Ugh, husbands." He says, but there is a smile on his lips as he jokes around. Jongdae is a great husband, an amazing father and Joonmyun loves him.


"I know, right." Yixing says, his voice playful as he too smiles at the thought of Yifan and his lovely two boys.


Minseok stresses out because he has three kids and Luhan to take care of. However, regardless of that, Minseok still smiles and his heart swells as he thinks about his family. "You're telling me."  Then they all laugh, going back to their conversations from before because they all know very well that Luhan, Yifan and Jongdae won't be causing any more ruckus for the day.


haha this , I'm so sorry guys. love you though! xoxo

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Chapter 5: I really enjoyed this!!!!! Xiuhan making my day brighter! <3
sikami #2
Chapter 5: this absolutely made my day. this is so fun and entertaining. i enjoyed reading this. i'm squealing over how fluff and cute this is. and i can't stop laughing too. this is so good! :D
a_libertine #4
Chapter 5: absolutely love it!
i do not really like reading fluff but kid!au is sooooo sweet and cute
i had an idea to write about cute kids for some time but why would i when there is sooo great work?!
thank you so much!
Baeeyy #5
Chapter 5: Aww this is really cute
xiuminbae #6
Chapter 4: ah the fluff was worth the wait TT^TT♡ This story never fails to make me smile and giggle like a maniac! can't wait to read more~~
Chapter 4: so much fluffiness and cuteness ndkjsssssmvjnb <3 it's killing me!!
Chapter 4: So cutie fluffy lovely ♡♡♡ zitao reaaaally like sehunnie...
xiuminbae #9
Chapter 3: aww this was so cute^^I've been waiting TT-TT ♡♡
Chapter 3: Hehehehe, sehun why do you think jongin and tao will steal minseok? So cuuute