
Will You Marry Me?


Ji Young carelessly walk into the house. Usually, she will take a glance at their dorm but this time she’s so busy thinking about how to let Onew live after introducing him to Jungmin. Jungmin had always been a scary protective brother to all of her previous boyfriend. He will surely be even scarier to her husband.


Ji Young met Jungmin when she was only 5 years old. Jungmin was 9 years old at that time. Actually, Jungmin always bullied her but he never let anyone else bullied her. Jungmin said no one can ever make her cry except for himself. They’re very close to each other that Jungmin offer Ji Young to live with him when he was told about her moving out to U.S. to live with her mom. Jungmin knows basically everything about her.


When Ji Young’s father passed away, Jungmin was the one who helped them with the funeral since they were too young at that time. Jungmin take care of them for a few days before their mother take them and bring them to the States. He also knows about all of her friends, he’s ok with friends but is very strict about boyfriend. For some reason that Ji Young never know of, Jungmin dislike Seungho.


“Had you reached home?” Ji Young look at the text message received by Jungmin. Shouldn’t Onew be sending her something right now? Ji Young replied Jungmin and went to take a shower. He said he won’t be coming home for 3 days but it has been a week and she really misses him.


“ARRGGHH!! TAEMIN!!! TAEMIN!! HELP ME!! THERE’S A IN MY HOUSE!! TAEMIN!! KIBUM!! KIBUM!!” Ji Young screams loudly when someone hug her from behind right when she comes out from the toilet with towel wrap around her bodies.


“Why are you calling for someone else besides your husband? You shout out Taemin and Kibum’s name but not mine? What is this? And you thought of me as a AGAIN?” Ji Young turn around when she was released from the hug. Onew is in front of her. Instead of defending herself, she blushes and walks into the bathroom to wear her clothes again. She had never been half- in front of Onew before, so she feels really embarrassed.


Ji Young walk out of the bathroom with her head down because of the embarrassment. She look around in the room for Onew and realizes that he’s outside. She was going to go out when she suddenly hear Onew mumbling to himself and was mentioning her name.


“Why did I do that? I shouldn’t have done that! She must be more embarrassed if I feel embarrassed as well.” Ji Young smile at Onew’s thought. Well, at least Ji Young know that she’s not the only one who feel embarrassed about it.


Ji Young walk out of the room and grab Onew’s hand to sit at the dining table. Nothing is on the table since she had ate her dinner at Jung Min’s house. At first both of them was looking down because of the incident, but then they laugh as soon as their eyes met.


“But Ji Young-ah… why didn’t you call for my name? Instead you call for Taemin and Kibum?” Onew asks.


“Well, you have been missing for a week, so I thought, maybe you weren’t at the dorm?” Ji Young said truthfully. Onew nod his head. Well, at least she’s not falling for the other members, that’s what Onew thought of.


“That make sense. But next time please call my name. Ok?” Onew said. More like an order actually. Ji Young nod her head.


“Why you decide to come home today?” Ji Young asks.


“Because…” Onew try to find a good reason to answer Ji Young’s question. He would look stupid if he said he come back because he misses her. Answering that he come back because of that ‘oppa’ would make him a coward.


“Ah, the members kicked you out, is it?” Ji Young said when she sees his troubled face. She kind of guess that he misses her because Taemin seems to be complaining about how much Onew misses her.


“Yeah they did. They say I should be taking care of my wife.” Onew said. Ji Young look at him and can’t help but to smile. This funny man in front of him is so funny. Why do they say he always make failed jokes? He even make her laugh when he’s not saying something funny.


“What do you want to eat?” Ji Young asks. Onew rejected her offer since he had ate dinner with the other members. He wanted to ask her about her ‘oppa’ but for some reason, he’s nervous about it.


“Oppa… Your oppa, who is he?” Onew finally asks.


“He’s 4 years older than me. He’s cooler than you, taller than you. He’s better looking than you.” Ji Young said.


“When do I have to meet him?” Onew asks again.


“Do you really want to meet him?” Ji Young asks.


“Yes. He’s your brother, I should meet him.” Onew said again.


“You won’t regret it?” Ji Young tease. Even though she want to , she’s nervous as well.


“I won’t.” Onew said confidentally. Ji Young look at him surprised. Just from where did he get all this confidence from?


“We did told you he’ll kill you, right?” Ji Young asks again.


“Are there even any idols who are scarier than Heechul hyung? Nope, right?” Onew said. Ji Young look at him and thought at his words. He is right. Jungmin is not as scary as Heechul is, so for sure he’ll survive.


“You said it yourself. So when he kills you, trust me, I won’t even bother to help you! Mehrong!” Ji Young stuck out her tongue to Onew and went inside the room. Of course she’s worried but she believes in Onew’s choice.


“You know, I kind of see bits of the thing I’m looking for now when I stare in your eyes.” Onew said to Ji Young when he lie down next to her and stare right into her eyes.


“What are you looking for actually?” Ji Young asks smiling happily. She blushes when Onew put his hand on her waist.


“Love.” Onew said and kiss her forehead, making Ji Young smile. Onew brought Ji Young closer to him and hug her tightly.


[Ji Young’s P.O.V]


“What are you looking for actually?” I asks Onew. This guy right here, he can make my heart beat faster and faster just by staring into my eyes now. He wasn’t able to make my heart beat like that before. Why is this happening? Am I sick?


“Love.” Am I hearing the right thing? If he said he found the thing he’s searching for when he look in my eyes, and the thing is LOVE, then does that mean I’m in love right now? Am I in love with my husband?


Onew bring me closer to him and hug me tightly. I feel very safe in his arm. For the first time in my whole life, I feel like I finally feel that I can rely to someone. Even if I have a lot of people who take care of me, but I never really openly rely on them as I don’t want to be a burden to them. Lee Jin Ki, I will protect you the same way you protect me.



Next chapter... Jungmin meet Onew.





“Is he not your oppa too?” Jungmin asks pointing to Onew.


“I’m her husband.” Onew said. Onew What the hell? You’re just trying to make him angrier.


“So you think you’re so special just because you’re her husband?” 


“I am.” 

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Chapter 20: your trailer video is cute.. i like it..
Chapter 60: woahhh , , , , this story is great
love this
i like last chapter the most, it's really touching
Chapter 16: i also confused...may i know why onew qant to marry ji young on the first plce?its so sudden...

waiting for ur answer...tq...
Chapter 5: uhm I'm a new/late reader and uhmm this is just soooo random .jinki oppa proposed to a stranger and is taking really good care of her??what??is??happening here????
I finished it... again.
Ur welcome! I wanted to read it anyways ^^
@starzz aww thank you. so sweet of you to do so!!
I'm reading this again~~
Hey there!! Thank you new readers!! Thank you for liking my story!!

yes english is not my mother language, it's my second language
thank you
About MBLAQ, I read it back and I don't see any wrong with it
besides, it's just a story.
Author-ssi I really like your plot, it's interesting and realistic.
I am guessing English isn't your mother language.
You did really well, be proud of yourself^^
I stayed up reading it, keke^^
My only complaint us that when MBLAQ was introduced, you made Thunder open the door, and he was a complete jerk, don't do that author-ssi.
Mianhae, I'm a protective fan ~
Kamsahamnida for the story.