What Is This?

Will You Marry Me?



Ji Young enter her house lifelessly. The question Seungho asks when they were hanging out together really hit her. That question should have an easy answer since they’re married but she can’t seem to answer him. She’s supposed to love the guy name Lee Jin Ki, her husband but she just can’t seem to say it. Does she even have any special feelings for Onew?


Ji Young walk to the living room and lie down on the sofa. She look at the ceiling and wonder, wasn’t being a fan means she loves him enough? Why does it feel that he loves her but she doesn’t? She never realize this until being asks by Seungho. They never love each other. Then, their marriage… what is it based on?


Ji Young then walk into the bedroom and stare at their wedding pictures. No, she’s not having any doubt about marrying Onew. She knows she made the right decision but she’s now thinking why does it happen in the first place anyway? Onew looks way happier than Ji Young is in their wedding picture. It can’t be that Onew wants to marry her just because she bumped into him. Onew is a klutz, he must have bumped into way more people before bumping into her.


“You look so pretty.” Ji Young startled when she feels a hand s around her waist from behind. She turns around to see Onew with his panda eyes. He must have washed off his makeup before coming home.


“You look happier though. Why is it so?” Ji Young asks.


“Because I’m with Jung Ji Young and she’s going to be mine after that.” Onew said and walk to the bathroom.


[Ji Young’s P.O.V]


“Because I’m with Jung Ji Young and she’s going to be mine after that.” Onew said and walk to the bathroom. Lee Jin Ki, what exactly do you mean?


I seriously wanna slap myself right now. Why am I thinking too much right now? Lee Jin Ki is a great husband, even though he has some kind of dual personality. I feel like there’s more about him that I still don’t know yet. How can he feel happy marrying a stranger?


“Where were you today?” Onew asks coming out from the bathroom.


“I went to MBLAQ’s dorm. I thought of helping them cleaning their dorm but it’s cleaner than I thought it would be.” I said truthfully. Does Onew even know me well?


“I’m not allowed to be jealous, so let’s sleep. I’m so tired today.” Onew said and drag me to the bed. Lee Jin Ki, I need help but I don’t want to trouble you anymore. I don’t want you to be sad knowing that I’m doubting you. It’s not that I’m doubting you Onew, I just need some confirmation.


[End of Ji Young’s P.O.V]




Ji Young walks to the library to find Lee Soo Young. She wants to know more about Lee Jin Ki and she believes that his cousin would know a lot about him. As she thought so, the mysterious and quiet Soo Young is in the library.


“Hello there.” Ji Young approach Soo Young and Soo Young smile to her.


“Can you help me with something?” Ji Young straightly asks.


“With what?” Soo Young asks finally talking.


“Can you tell me more about the person name Lee Jin Ki?” Ji Young asks.


“Jin Ki, he’s famous for one attitude. Everyone in our family loves this attitude of his. That is, he never doubt his decision. He’s always confident with whatever he choose and if people don’t believe him, he will prove to them that he’s right.” Soo Young said as if she knows what Ji Young is thinking.


“Does he have dual personality?” Ji Young suddenly asks making Soo Young laugh. Ji Young notice how pretty Soo Young looks when she laugh.


“You should laugh more. You look really pretty.” Ji Young said.


“Well, Onew is the weirdest cousin I have anyway. But he is a nice guy. You don’t have to worry much about him. He won’t do things that he’s not confident in.” Soo Young said.


“Thanks Soo Young-ssi.” Ji Young said.


“Maybe I should say one more thing. He said, marrying you is the best decision he ever made. Being a celebrity is not as great as marrying you. He said he’s proud to be your husband.” Soo Young said.


“I hope I can be like him.” Ji Young said and walk away. Soo Young too has class, so right after Ji Young left, Soo Young left the library too.


“I like your wife.” Soo Young send a simple text message to Onew not really expecting a reply from him.


“I like my wife too.” Yeah, that’s her weird cousin. 




Onew's reply is cute!!

Yeah, sometimes I write my A/N as if this is not even my story..


Soo Young actually complained about why there are no more updates..

hahahaha I think torturing her is enough. So I update.





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Chapter 20: your trailer video is cute.. i like it..
Chapter 60: woahhh , , , , this story is great
love this
i like last chapter the most, it's really touching
Chapter 16: i also confused...may i know why onew qant to marry ji young on the first plce?its so sudden...

waiting for ur answer...tq...
Chapter 5: uhm I'm a new/late reader and uhmm this is just soooo random .jinki oppa proposed to a stranger and is taking really good care of her??what??is??happening here????
I finished it... again.
Ur welcome! I wanted to read it anyways ^^
@starzz aww thank you. so sweet of you to do so!!
I'm reading this again~~
Hey there!! Thank you new readers!! Thank you for liking my story!!

yes english is not my mother language, it's my second language
thank you
About MBLAQ, I read it back and I don't see any wrong with it
besides, it's just a story.
Author-ssi I really like your plot, it's interesting and realistic.
I am guessing English isn't your mother language.
You did really well, be proud of yourself^^
I stayed up reading it, keke^^
My only complaint us that when MBLAQ was introduced, you made Thunder open the door, and he was a complete jerk, don't do that author-ssi.
Mianhae, I'm a protective fan ~
Kamsahamnida for the story.