Introducing Kai...

Buy me with RM, if you can !

"And the three, and the two, and the GOAL !!!"

The moment MC makes the announcement of the goal, everyone in the stadium scream.

GOAL !!! 

Everyone in the stadium jumps in excitement. All could not hide they joy in seeing that lanky guy scores the goal with his powerful bicycle kick. That goal gives them the away win which ultimately crown them the champion. And all his fans start chanting his name.

"Kai, we love you !"

So yea, his name is Kai, the lanky striker. He is the only child of property tycoon in the city. Standing at 180cm and having a body which every men on this earth yearn to have, it's no secret that all girls go crazy for him. Not to mention his dashing and attractive looks that make every female's heart flutter. 

'Oh my, he is so hot !'

"Oh no, he is so handsome. How I wish I've a boyfriend like him !'

Those are common comments left on his fanspage, KawaiiKai. There are over a million fans and the number is increasing everyday. All these will not interest Kai. He doesn't want such attention. All he wants is the attention of one particular girl. And that girl is Han Min Young.

Many didn't understand why he shows his interest on her, when there are so many pretty girls out there.

Well, the reason is very simple. It is the work of cupid.

Kai got to know her when he was 10 years old during a high tea hold by his mother. He didn't fall for her at their first meeting, but after a few meeting with her.

What make her so special ? You may ask, and below are the answer :-

# she is open-minded

# she is cheerful and bubbly

# she is strong and independent 

# she is warm and caring

# she is not materialistic, she befriended him without any bad intention

# she is not a fake, she doesn't pretend to be somebody else, she has full confident about herself

Kai is very grateful that Min Young in helping him from letting go of his nightmare. No, this is not the remake of 'She Was Pretty'. He is no fatty when he was young. He is as handsome as he is now.

In school, it is a well known fact that Kai is every teacher's favourite. He scores well not only on football field but also on paper. For five years in a roll, he has been no.1 and breaking all the records for every subjects. No wonder others call him 'Teacher's Pet'. Beside that, he get 'Nerd' a lot too. All thanks to his reading hobby. For Kai, reading let him explore the world he doesn't know, open his eyes on the cultures of other countries and make him a better person by following values hold by those successful people. And hence, whenecer he goes, he will have a book either in his bag or on his hand.

At home, he is very much a 'Mommy's Boy'. Having a businness father means Kai spend most of his time with his mother. For him, his mother is not merely a mother, but as a sister as well as a friend.  So, he will do anything for her to make her happy. And one of such acts is, marry Min Young when the day arrived.

Erm, most of the time Kai would protest and says, "I'll surely do it, mommy, even if you didn't instruct me to do so."

Kai is a fanboy for Rain. Rain is his inspiration to be a better man. Kai doesn't see Rain solely as an idol, a singer. a singer or a huminitarian, but as a all-rounded person he admires. All he wants now is to be able to emulate Rain in the future. Not in the entertainment industry but in his own way.

"You are so dumb, don't you know ?"

"Why can;t you stop being a 'Mommy's Boy' ?"

Kai is relatively slow in understanding what Min Young says. And worse, sometimes he would suddenly act, do and say stupid things in front of her. It happens so fast that he couldn't control it. But, didn't they say it's okay to look stupid in front of your loves one ? Even though it is emberassing, Kai still loves it. After all, his romantics side is purely reserved for her. He won't mind accompany her shopping when she is down. She is everything to him after his parents. And he will everything tp please her. Then, he has one problem, that is - being rejected by Min Young. No matter how hard he tries, he will always get a 'no' for his confession.

Ermmm, what should he do in exchange for her love and attention ?



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hey guys, i've edited this chapter, hope you guys like it...

i would like to thanks my friends Ika and Anis for helping me in editing this chapter...thank you guys...for your ideas and suggestions...

thx for reading...


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Update please author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Aw, this is really cute ~ I will say to watch out for using lists in prose, since it's a little awkward. You aren't writing for a meeting, you're writing creatively! Something that's really good to do in writing is to "show not tell." This means that you shouldn't have to tell the audience these things (like what Kai likes about Min Young) but that they will be able to see it in how he reacts to her. :)