Chapter 2

「 Unexpected Babies 」


 Imagen de love, couple, and feet



Awake by the rays of sunlight coming through the window. Why the not I closed the blinds?, I try to go back to sleep settling down somewhere where not arrive sunlight, but when trying to move me,   I feel an arm around my waist. I jump up, bad idea, the head hurts like me were drilling. I sit back on the bed and close my eyes for a moment, damn, i have fear of opening, I open slowly and the first thing I see is a blue wall, Turn my head a little and see a damn y guy just covered with a black sheet, from the waist down, , ¿how much  I drank last night?

“¡ Ah!” - shout as loud as possible, but it's a damn bad idea because 1) head hurts me too and 2) the y guy was asleep are startled and falls out of bed. I take the bed sheet and placed in my body, at least I'm not .

“Don’t Scream.” - groan from the floor. Oh my god, his voice is damn y.

“¿ What the am I doing here?” - wonder ignoring my thoughts.

“Well, last night we wanted to be in a more intimate place, you know.” - He says wiggling his eyebrows up and down and smiling. ¿How the hell can smile?.

When I'm going to answer something sarcastic, to my mind comes a picture of one boy smiling. I put on pale, I get out of bed with the bed sheet wrapped in my body, I gather my things are on thrown throughout the room - that wild - I shake my head and lock myself in the bathroom.

When I leave the bathroom dressed, I see that "y guy" wearing only a boxer shorts. I looked for my bag, when I find it way thither and then I go to the bedroom door to get out.

"y boy" has not said anything since we left the bathroom and hopefully not say...

“¿You leave?”

“No, I will prepare breakfast.” - I reply with all the sarcasm of the world.

“That would be a perfect idea.”- Responds seductively. I just ignore him and prepare myself to go there.

When I'm in the door, i feel that takes my arm and I cornered against the wall. His face is a few centimeters from mine and accidentally my eyes down to her lips.

“Bye, it has been a pleasure.” - Whispers so low that if it were not so close to me I would not have listened. Put together your lips to mine a few seconds .- I think very few - and it separates, goes to the kitchen and made as if I were not here, I stay still for a few seconds, then I react and get out of there.

When I'm in the parking lot I see that my car is there, ¿I drove drunk? I hope no. I get into the driver's seat and leaned her head on the steering wheel, I have a head full of questions.  What the I took? ¿Where is Jiyeon? ¿ Why did not prevent me out with "y guy"? ¿Why I did not stay in my apartment? ¿What I say to Sehun? . The last question is the most difficult of all, it is the first time I am unfaithful. I feel like , he doesn't deserve this. Away all questions in my head and Jiyeon management department. I hope to be there.





When I arrived and rang the bell is delayed at least 10 minutes to open up the door. The first thing I notice is that you have a hangover worse than mine.

“Where the did you get last night?”  - It's the first thing that question – “I had to call a taxi to bring me.”

I Step into the room and throw myself on the couch. I begin to narrate all of this morning and not remember anything that happened last night. When I finish she thought a moment, then speaks.

“Are you telling me you had with a y guy and not you remember?” - Incredulous question.

“I tell you, I tricked Sehun and you do just think about it?” -  Angry spat.

“Already, don’t get mad. I did not remember much. But I think the best is that Sehun do not tell your little mistake, we all make mistakes, Suzy-ha.”

I think not sound bad, I know it's wrong, but I can’t return to the past.

“It's okay.” - I close my eyes and I slowly fell asleep.




I hope you like it ! :D

I not yet decided who was the hot guy, Kai o Myungsoo :l

It is a difficult decision T---T

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I really hope the y boy can be Myungsoo
Chapter 2: *IF IT'S NOT TOO LATE
eighteens #3
Chapter 2: Who is the Y GUY ? hehehegehehdhgd
eighteens #4
Chapter 1: Best friend Suzy : Sulli o Jiyeon?
Boyfriend: Kai or Baekhyun
y boy : Myungsoo *¬*
Suzy opponent: Hani or Seolhyun
Suzy Brother : Taecyeon :3
y boy brother: Hoya