Chapter 3

「 Unexpected Babies 」





It's been five weeks since that incident, I try not to think too much in that and concentrate on my studies, since, missing just two weeks to finish college.

When I see Sehun guilt eats me and when placed romantic and try to get to another level, but I cannot and invention excuse after excuse. I do not know what more invent.


“Now I cannot, I have a headache.”

“I'm very tired.”

“I do not feel well.”

“I am on my period.”

I think the last one was the most embarrassing thing I said. I was desperate!

Jiyeon tries to make me feel good, saying that everyone makes mistakes and blah blah blah, but Sehun seems no mistakes!

Road to the kitchen to prepare cereal with milk, when I open the refrigerator door the smell of food turns my stomach and I have run to the bathroom when I feel somewhat bitter up my throat. I vomited everything he had eaten, though not much, when I stand up everything is spinning and I have to sit a few minutes. It is the third time so far of the week I feel the same, something must have made me ill.

After the little dizzy, I brush my teeth and I try not to think about anything related food. I go into the room and throw me to the bed for sleep.

Awakened by the sound of the bell, and wait to open my eyes as dish I realized that I slept at least 3 hours. I get up slowly out of bed and go to the front door, there is Jiyeon is a pizza box in his hands and a giant smile. When feeling the smell of pizza, stomach stir again and run to me bathroom to vomit, but it is useless because I have an empty stomach, I feel as Krystal gives me little pats on the back while holding my hair.

“What did you eat?” – She asks when we are in my room.

“In reality I have not eaten since last night.” - I reply wincing – “During the week I have not eaten well, all turns my stomach”

 Jiyeon thinks for a moment and then open your eyes as plate.

“When did you get your period?” - She asks slowly.

“The…” - I keep thinking and open my eyes to realize that I should have come three weeks ago – “Last month.”

“, ” - She says walking back and forth in my room – “When you had with y boy, did they use protection?”

“I don't know.” - Answer while I bite one of my index finger. Dammit.

 it quickly gets out of bed and all I hear is the door main close. I throw on the bed and close my eyes. This cannot be happening to me. 20 minutes after feel the bell again I get up from bed quickly, to do everything is spinning and I have to sit a few seconds.

I'll open the door and I find, in the hands now carries a small bag of pharmacy.

I close my eyes and let it pass straight to my room. i close the door and the follow.

Jiyeon rolls three pregnancy tests small bag and left over my desk next to my camera. Is approaching to me and hugs for a few seconds.

“Whatever happens, I'll always be beside you okay?” - It says when separated from me. I limited myself to nod nodded.

I go to the desk, took the three tests and lock myself in the bathroom of my bedroom.

I read the instructions, if they leave two lines: positive, a line: negative. I sigh and gather the courage to do this.

It's been 10 minutes and Jiyeon are sitting on my bed looking at some invisible point in my room.

Jiyeon sighs and breaks the silence.

“April, was just 5 minutes.”

“I know, but I'm not ready.”

I look at the three pregnancy tests that are on my desk, and when left them there, the difference is that we now have two lines or one.

 Gets up, takes the three tests without looking and returns to the bed, placed in front of me and let the test in the middle of both. We both are looking into his eyes and know that she is equal to or more nervous than me.

“At the count of three we look at the same time right?”-  She says sighing.

“Okay.” - I reply in a whisper.



“Three” - say both and look down.

My eyes are crystallized and the first tear falls. Three of three. Positive.  pouncing on me and hugs me, she is crying.

I'm pregnant.






even i don't know who will be the "y guy".



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I really hope the y boy can be Myungsoo
Chapter 2: *IF IT'S NOT TOO LATE
eighteens #3
Chapter 2: Who is the Y GUY ? hehehegehehdhgd
eighteens #4
Chapter 1: Best friend Suzy : Sulli o Jiyeon?
Boyfriend: Kai or Baekhyun
y boy : Myungsoo *¬*
Suzy opponent: Hani or Seolhyun
Suzy Brother : Taecyeon :3
y boy brother: Hoya