Chapter 6

The Musician
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  Seulgi stares in shock when Joohyun undoes her dress and lets it fall to the floor, garments coming off one by one in rapid succession as she makes her way towards Seulgi.

    “W-What are you - .“ Joohyun puts a finger to her lips, her face red - letting Seulgi know that she’s not doing what she’s doing being she wants to. Joohyun waves urgently at Seulgi with one hand, and Seulgi obeys, scooting over on the bed.

    “Seulong? He must still be sleeping. You, go get the keys for this room.” Seulgi’s heartbeat accelerates, not from the knowledge that the king is about to barge into her room, but from Joohyun suddenly sliding under her covers almost fully . Joohyun’s laying on her back now, and she suddenly looks up to Seulgi, face still burning red.

    “G-Get over me.”

    “What?” Seulgi stares at Joohyun, wondering if the girl’s lost her mind.

    “Just - Just do it. Hurry!” Seulgi - spurred by the urgency in Joohyun’s voice - complies to her order and quickly moves to hover over the smaller girl. Joohyun pulls the blankets up higher to cover most of their bodies, and Seulgi feels her body heat spike up even higher. They’re both half under the covers, and Seulgi can’t help but let her eyes roam down Joohyun’s body - taking in smooth, porcelain skin and soft curves.

    “Here you go, Your Majesty.” Seulgi acutely hears the jingle of keys, and the voice of the king dismissing the servant. Then, the sound of the key sliding into the lock sounds, and suddenly, Joohyun’s arms are around Seulgi’s body - her nails digging into the skin of her shoulders, and she lets out a moan of unmistakable pleasure. Seulgi’s gaze immediately shoots back to Joohyun, shock pulsing through her.

    “Seulong . . . ,” Joohyun moans, her voice reverberating through the room. Joohyun’s expression is on opposite ends of the pole with her voice though, as total embarrassment is more than obvious. Russet brown eyes beg her silently to go along with it, and when Seulgi hears the sound of the door opening, she does.

    “Ugh . . . Irene. I’m almost there.” Mortification runs through Seulgi’s mind, and she feels like just jumping out of the window, but she continues with the act. Then again, it doesn’t matter, anyway, her whole life’s been built up on acting - and acting like she’s having with Joohyun shouldn’t be such a big deal. She hears the king’s footsteps falter before starting up again.

    “Seulong, are you awake - .“ Seulgi freezes, whipping her head around like she’s actually shocked.

    “U-Uncle! I did not know you were - .“ The king’s staring at her, eyes wide, before a look of amusement replaces the shock.

    “No, no, I will . . . just be at the dining room, come meet me when you are . . . done. I apologize for the intrusion.” The king gives Seulong a last look of amusement before he’s out the door in record timing. When the king’s footsteps fade away, Seulgi breathes out a sigh of relief and then rolls off of Joohyun - landing on her back and throwing an arm over her eyes.

    “I’m sorry. T-That really was the only thing that came to mind. I didn’t mean to come at you so suddenly.” Seulgi can hear the worry and apology in Joohyun’s voice, and when she takes her arm off of her face and looks over at the other girl who’s standing beside her bed now, she sees the same things etched into her expression.

    “No, It’s okay. What you did saved me. I’m not blaming you for anything.” Seulgi gets up into a sitting position before feeling her face heat up once again. “Are you just going to stand there half ?” she asks, letting amusement lilt her tone. Seulgi can’t keep back a smile when she sees Joohyun become flustered and begin to throw scattered clothes back on. “Thank you for keeping something this big a secret. You have no idea how grateful I am.” It’s apparent that Joohyun’s back to being shy as she avoids Seulgi’s gaze and smooths down creases on her clothes instead.

    “No, you’ve done a lot of things for me throughout the past few weeks . . . this was the least that I could do.” Seulgi begins to realize that Joohyun is purposefully avoiding looking at her in general, and when she looks down at herself, she feels like a completely idiot.

    “Sorry, sorry. I forgot that I wasn’t - I’ll go dress up.” Seulgi quickly gets off of the bed, glad that she hadn’t shed her pants when she had been drunk, before quickly reaching out to grab some clothes when the bloodstained pieces of cloth wrapped around her hands catches her attention again. “Wait. What happened last night?” she asks, bringing her hands closer to her face to inspect them. She then turns to look at Joohyun who looks uncomfortable.

    “Last night, you - you hit a guard.” Seulgi’s brows furrow, staring at her hands and then looking back up at Joohyun.

    “Why would I . . . why would I do that?” Joohyun’s expression turns timid, biting her lip and fiddling with her fingers.

    “Well the guard was . . . touching me, and you were drunk, and I think you got angry and you punched him.” Seulgi stands stock still, registering the information. And when she does, she immediately walks up to Joohyun, worry coursing through her.

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marestrada #1
Chapter 7: pls update more chapters athournim l enjoyed reading these stories l hope their will be part 2 with it looking forward
Llamableh #2
Chapter 9: I loved the first half of the story, i wish seulrene had more moments together before getting killed off so abruptly :’(
Chapter 9: Update please...
Chapter 9: Excuse me as I scream internally bc this fic isn't completed but at the same time ahhhhhh!! The 9 chapters were A* omg
Chapter 9: Dang, you write good.
BabyVD #6
Chapter 9: Update soon! Keep up the good work
spongebobSNSD #7
Plsss update this authornim
Chapter 9: sdkkdsfkjfsdfjkljsfklsdfkjsdf
omg that historical seulrene deserve an award,
and seulrene deserve a second chance tbh >_<,
i shivered when they said they love each other T_T
gahd so good, i will have a hard time to forget that historical part of seulrene,
they are so friggin cute, i just want them to kiss fgs huhuhuh,
thanks for this, hope you will have an inspiration to continue this hehehe,
thanks for this author nimmm <3
future_mrs_liu #9
Chapter 9: Aw, just re read this story. Hope you can update soon!
Chapter 9: I was pretty bummed when seulrene died but since they've been reincarnated... MANSAE!!! :)