Chapter 1

The Musician
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“Oh no, Your Majesty, the pleasure is all mine.” Irene stares at the newcomer. The famous newcomer. Kang Seulong. Throughout the past week, all the servants had been talking about was Kang Seulong, the famous musician. Kang Seulong, the most gorgeous and charming man in all of Korea. And now that Irene sees him, she can’t deny any of those rumours, because Kang Seulong is indeed as gorgeous and charming as they had said he was. Gorgeous, because despite being a man, Seulong has a prettier face than most women out there. Charming, because he just seemed to have a naturally charming aura about him. Irene watches as the musician looks up from his bow with a one-sided smile on his face.

“Musician Kang, how long has it been? I cannot believe that you have grown so well,” the king says, a warm smile on his face. Irene returns her attention back to Kang Seulong, who’s crooked smile has spread even wider as he flourishes another bow towards the king.

“Please, Your Majesty, call me Seulong. I feel just a tad bit uncomfortable with such a formal name coming from your lips.” Charming. Definitely charming. Irene can’t help but admit that. His voice smooth like running water, and his flawed smile only enhancing his dashing looks. Dark eyes dance with undecipherable sparks, and Irene can’t help but think that Seulong looks slightly mischievous, no matter how noble he looks. One thing that Irene hasn’t been expecting is the musician’s rather small height. From the rumours that she has heard, Irene has been expecting a tall, muscled man. But Seulong is nowhere near that. He is rather short for a man, seeming to be only two inches or so taller than Irene herself, and his figure is willowy and thin underneath beautiful silk clothes the color of gold - though his bare forearms do show lean muscle underneath unexpectedly fair skin. Irene’s observations are interrupted at the king’s boisterous laughter.

“Of course. Then you may just call me Uncle, Seulong. I do insist. Although it has been many years since our last meeting, I do still feel a bond between us.” Irene sees the young musician’s expression lift from surprise before another crooked smile takes over as he bows low.

“Thank you - Uncle. I am honored.” The king clears his throat, seemingly uncomfortable before he speaks lowly.

“When I had heard about that terrible tragedy that had befallen you all those years ago, I had immediately sent my men to look for you, but you could not be found. I am very curious about what you had been doing all those years since you disappeared.” Irene is surprised to catch an unexpected flash of sorrow in the young man’s expression before it disappears just as quickly into a blank slate. Deathly silence ensues before the musician finally speaks.

“Uncle, I did not know what to do then. I was young, I was hurt, I was confused. All that I remember after that accident is that I somehow managed to escape alive and then survive from there. I am sorry that I cannot tell you anymore. As you know, I have been playing instruments since I was young. You told me yourself that I would become a great musician. And here I am. In your palace, ready to perform at your command.” Seulong’s smile had returned after the last few sentences, and he looks up at the king. The king, who has been listening solemnly, bursts into another bout of laughter.

“Yes, yes. You are just like how I remember your father. Keeping things to yourself. I respect that. Now, I have someone that I wish to introduce to you.” Irene know what’s about to come, and she gets ready to step forward. “Irene.”


    Seulgi feels a sting in her heart at the mention of her father, but raises her brows in curiosity at the king’s last word. It was a name. A foreign name. She lets her gaze follow the king’s one-armed gesture before squinting at the shadows in the corner of the king’s throne room. She can barely make out a figure in the murky darkness before the figure moves towards them. One step. Two steps. And Seulgi is not prepared to see the sight that she sees now. A fairy. An ethereal creature. A girl. The girl continues her soft steps until she is standing bes

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marestrada #1
Chapter 7: pls update more chapters athournim l enjoyed reading these stories l hope their will be part 2 with it looking forward
Llamableh #2
Chapter 9: I loved the first half of the story, i wish seulrene had more moments together before getting killed off so abruptly :’(
Chapter 9: Update please...
Chapter 9: Excuse me as I scream internally bc this fic isn't completed but at the same time ahhhhhh!! The 9 chapters were A* omg
Chapter 9: Dang, you write good.
BabyVD #6
Chapter 9: Update soon! Keep up the good work
spongebobSNSD #7
Plsss update this authornim
Chapter 9: sdkkdsfkjfsdfjkljsfklsdfkjsdf
omg that historical seulrene deserve an award,
and seulrene deserve a second chance tbh >_<,
i shivered when they said they love each other T_T
gahd so good, i will have a hard time to forget that historical part of seulrene,
they are so friggin cute, i just want them to kiss fgs huhuhuh,
thanks for this, hope you will have an inspiration to continue this hehehe,
thanks for this author nimmm <3
future_mrs_liu #9
Chapter 9: Aw, just re read this story. Hope you can update soon!
Chapter 9: I was pretty bummed when seulrene died but since they've been reincarnated... MANSAE!!! :)