Chapter 2

Moon Cycling


 I wanted to laugh. Or maybe get mad. Or maybe shrug at how strange everyone was, especially me

Two weeks had passed since they've started their third year in high school. No one in the class really knew each other, except for a few people. So everything was still a little awkward at first, but after a week had passed Yi En noticed the familiarity of little groups being formed. The girls that looked the prettiest all hung out together, the more quiet ones were together, the boys that were known as class clowns and the ones who were serious about learning. And there was him. He hadn't really made any friends so far or made the effort to talk to someone. He rather avoided interacting as a method of self-protection. Some people did comment on his hair in a positive way. They probably liked the fact that school was against dyeing your hair in a bright color and that he did it anyway. Even if it was mistake. On the surface it seemed his class wasn't really different than his previous one. Except for his homeroom teacher, Park Joon Hyung. A lively, humorous person who gave off the vibe that he was still one of them. Yi En had to admit that It made the class feel less awkward. Because he wasn't like any other teacher he ever had, cracking up jokes in the middle of his lessons.

Whenever lunch break came he was the only one who stayed behind in class. It was his way of escaping the intensely high energies that were present during classes. 
He used to go to the rooftop in his previous years, but it was usually taken over by his seniors who caused trouble. Today he wasn't the only one staying behind in class. One of his classmates returned after five minutes. His name is Jia Er but his english name is Jackson, and he's Chinese just like him. He was one of the kids that often hung out with the more populair kids and the class-clowns. Of course he knew this because he often observed his classmates. This guy was often lively enough to be noticed, cracking up jokes even Yi En would quietly laugh about. It made him feel a little envious that it was so easy for some people. At the same time Yi En could see that Jia Er was always cautious. Not seeming to reveal any of his real thoughts or feelings readily. Speaking only when necessary and never really interfering or speaking his own thoughts. He didn't quite match with the others. 


Jia Er was relieved he shook of his classmates, telling them some excuse about having a headache. When he entered he was a little bummed the classroom wasn't completly empty. Somehow there was this one kid that stayed behind during lunchbreak. His name was Mark although his real name, Yi En was chinese. He had an english name because he lived in L.A before. He hadn't spoken to him besides a few greetings or when passing along some papers. But it was an easy name to remember especially when all of your classmates had korean names and even more so when he was the only blond dyed kid in class. He didn't really know what to think of him since he didn't seem to show any of his thoughts or barelly any emotions. The only thing he did notice was that he always looked quite uncomfortable in class. He took place on his seat, only offering a small smile towards the boy who awkwardly gave a nod back. His fencing practice from last evening took tole on him and he felt tired. He folded his arms on his table, resting his head on them.

His book lay open in front of him, but he didn't feel like reading anymore. He continued to stare at Jia Er's back for a while, wondering why his shoulders looked so tense and tired. Eventually his gaze wondered of to the sky, deep in his own thoughts. Dim laughter coming from the students outide, mixed with soft breathing noises from the boy in front of him who had fallen asleep. There were no words exchanged. There was no awkward tension that Yi En would usually feel. It was just a peaceful kind of quiet. 

Fall, Year 3, Rain.

A month had passed and Yi En was wondering when the blond in his hair would be completly gone. He has gotten a little used to it and after getting a few compliments from the girls in his class the first few days, he decided not to dye it back. Even his teacher said it looked good on him, and that he himself had dyed his hair blond a few times. Yi En got used to his teacher very quickly, often helping him out after classes and running erands for him. He also didn't have to do much of the talking when it was just the two of them since his teacher did most of it. He even complimented him on his essays, especially the ones when they had to write their own stories. Of course his classmates noticed he was the teachers favorite. Most of them didn't care but others huffed in annoyance or would make some rude remarks which were suppose to be '' jokes '' like calling him the teacher's pet. Yi En stayed quiet when these things happened, trying to shrug it off.

It was past five and time to head home. The sky was gloomy and it was pouring. Students with and without umbrella's were trying to get home as fast as they could. Jia Er walked down the hall towards the entrance with his classmates. He heard them make some nasty comments about someone. When he averted his gaze from the ground he noticed they were talking about the blond kid, Yi En. He was standing on the small porch of the entrance, ready to open his umbrella. One of them quickly walked towards him, wrapping an arm around the blond kid as if it was one of his close friends. Jia Er knew exactly were this was heading to. The guy had reached out for Yi En's umbrella, asking if he could borrow it with a rather nasty smirk on his face. When Jia Er got closer he saw the boy's face. They made eye contact quikcly. As nice as Yi En was, he handed over the umbrella, smiling weakly. They left him standing as they walked off through the school gates with their umbrella's. Jia Er eventually seperated his way with his classmates to get his bike, looking around once to catch a glimpse of the blond kid. He was crouched down against the wall, looking up in the sky, probably wondering when the rain would stop. It was a sad kind of view.

But he couldn't do it. He wasn't the kind of person to do such things. Now that his classmates had left it wouldn't matter anyway. He locked his bike again and walked back, his umbrella still in one hand. Yi En was still crouched down against the wall, head down as he was listening to his music.

'' Here. ''

Yi En averted his eyes from the ground towards the person who just spoke. His eyes widened slightly, a puzzled look on his face as he looked straight into Jia Er's eyes. The boy was wearing his snapback backwards like always, holding out an umbrella to him. The rain making the back of his jacket wet. Yi En had no idea what to think of this. Or why Jia Er had come back to offer him his umbrella. Maybe it was some sort of prank. It didn't seem like it was with the serious expression that he wore on his face. 

'' Here, take it. ''

Seeing how strange it must seem to hang around with '' bullies '' that took your umbrella and then to come back to offer your own must all be very confusing. So when Yi En slowly stood up, taking out his earbuds without saying anything, continueing to stare at him like a deer caught in headlights, he just offered him a kind smile. Pushing the umbrella in the other boy's hand as he walked back into the rain. Turning his head again, his eyes friendly.

'' I'm not a bully, just so you know. '' 

The next morning when Jia Er took place in his seat he found his umbrella back in his desk drawer. He thought it was thoughtful of Yi En to place it where his group of '' friends '' wouldn't see it. Knowing them that they probably would've asked questions about it. But even if they did he would've just made up some excuse. While his classmates were to busy discussing some uninteresting topic, not paying any attention to him. He rotated his upper body to face Yi En, who noticed the movement and looked up with a questioning look on his face. Jia Er smiled kindly, mouthing the words '' thank you. '' The boy gave him a timid, nervous looking smile, almost as if he weren't used to smiling a lot. It felt familiar to Jia Er, as if he had seen that smile before.

Early Winter. Year 3.

A lot of people can't stand silence. The empty space is something unfamiliar and often uncomfortable for most. So they fill it in with their loud voices, useless words and conversations. They're the ones that rarely listen or ask any thoughtful questions. This was one of the reasons why he felt more and more intrigued by Yi En. Learning that the boy's thoughts and actions spoke louder than any words. He didn't judge you for anything, and Jia Er appreciated that most of all. So when it was just the two of them, he could show the real him. Just like Yi En, this slowly became Jia Er's way of escaping. Even if it only lasted a 20 minute lunch break.

And as the beginning of winter had started and the air outside got colder, windows covered with frost and students wrapped in warm scarfs. The invisible strings attached to both of them were becoming stronger, bit by bit. Jia Er often skipped more lunchbreaks, just to join Yi En in their classroom. Still not exchanging much words, but it seemed they got used to both of them being there. They would share Yi En's desk while reading something, sharing their earbuds to listen to music. Eventually their smiles turned less awkward and more genuine. But it happened in the winter when Jia Er saw a little of Yi En's true personality hidden underneath his nervous smiles and quiet thoughts. It was awkward, heartbreaking, but oh so beautiful. 

It happened when Jia Er had to leave in the middle of class to the principal's office because he received a phone call from his father. The class continued without any interruptions. It seemed most of his classmates weren't really curious and burried their heads back into their books. But Yi En continued to stare at Jia Er's empty seat. He had noticed the way his shoulders tensed up right away after hearing he received a phone call from his father. When the class had ended and lunchbreak started he still hadn't returned. Yi En sighed a little as he stared out the window, the palm of his hand underneath his chin. He was alone again, just like in the beginning. Deep in thoughts he wondered what the phone call could've been about. Five minutes later his teacher came in, surprised that Yi En was still sitting in his seat. Yi En was the one to speak first, asking his teacher where Jackson was. Before he answered, his pitying expression said enough for the boy to know it wasn't something good.

It was the first time Yi En was actually looking for someone he wanted to find so badly. Passing the hallways and classes that were empty during the lunchbreak. His mouth dry and sweating slightly as he ran up and down the stairs. When he reached the hallway of the principal's office he saw Jia Er sitting on the bench against the wall. His snapback loosely in one hand and the other in his messed up hair, head against the wall with his eyes closed. Yi En swallowed, walking towards him.

Yi En could see that Jia Er had been crying because his eyes were red when he opened then. Dried up tears still visible on his cheeks. He had no idea if it was appropriate for him to be here. Jia Er probably didn't like the fact that someone could see he'd been crying, even if it was Yi En who wouldn't judge him for that. I guess it was a men's thing. Jackson looked a little taken a back at first, trying to find words he wanted to say but eventually closed his mouth again. They just looked at each other. Words weren't necessary, because Yi En could feel every single emotion. So he sat down next to him, putting an arm around his shoulder, lightly pulling him closer. Tears fell down again as Jia Er started crying quietly, head bend down as one of his hands covered his eyes.

'' My mother--.. '' 

'' ..I know. '' 

Jia Er couldn't speak more than a few words before he started sobbing again. So they continue to sit there. Yi En gently patting his hand on Jia Er's arm, attempting to comfort him. They both didn't return to class until the second lunchbreak to get their bags. It was the first time for Yi En to skip classes and somehow he didn't want anything more than stay by Jia Er's side. They went to the teacher's lounge and informed their homeroom teacher that they were going to visit the hospital. In the end it wasn't as bad as they both imagined. His mother had collapsed due the stress, though it had still given them both a shock. Enough to make Jia Er cry again at the sight of his mother, hugging her tightly. His father introduced himself to Yi En. Showing a warm smile, appreciation showing in his eyes. When Jia Er had finally calmed down he introduced Yi En to his mother as well. Although she was still a little weak she showed the same warm smile as her husband. They sat down and talked for a while. Jia Er next to his mother's bed as he held her hand gently until she felt tired and needed her rest. They left the room quietly.

They walked towards a vending machine a little further in the hallway. Jia Er leaned against the opposite wall, his head tilted backwards and his eyes closed again. Tears stung his eyes, but this time it was the feeling of relieve washing over him. His shoulders still tense but more relaxed. He cracked a smile as he looked into Yi En's kind eyes as he returned the smile. If it wasn't for this guy's gentle comfort he wouldn't have known what to do. He tightly wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulder as they left.

When they left the hospital Jia Er was suppose to go to his own house alone because his father was staying in the hospital. Instead Yi En had offered him to sleep over at his house. Some time ago they had found out that they both live close by in the same neighborhood anyway, so Jia Er only had to get some of his stuff for the next school day. Yi En's family was bigger, with two older sisters and a younger brother. But he had not expected a big white siberian husky to jump onto him when the front door opened.

'' Coco, no! Get down! '' 

It was Yi En's oldest sister who opened the door, pulling on Coco's collar to get him on all fours. He was still sniffing the unfamiliar boy. Yi En  smiled happily, crouching down to his dog. Jia Er carefully reached out his hand towards the dog's nose so he could sniff it, or bite it-- But Coco happily put his head underneath Jia Er's hand, lifting it up, allowing him to pat him.

'' He likes you. '' 

With an approving bright smile Yi En his dog once more before standing up from his crouched position. Jia Er politely greeted Yi En's family. His younger brother shook his hand politely. As did Yi En's father, who smiled at him kindly. The two sisters seemed surprised at the sight of Jia Er, looking at each other with a smile before calling out to their mother. 

'' Mom! Yi En brought someone home with him! '' 

Yi En threw one of the couch's pillows at them, a little annoyed that they had to embarrass him like that. But it wasn't as if he had ever brought anyone home with him before, so of course they were surprised. His mother appeared from what seemed to be the kitchen, her sleeves rolled up from preparing dinner. She seemed even more excited than Coco to see a new face because the moment she saw him she cupped Jia Er's face in her hands. Placing two kisses on each cheek. From the way she greeted him and the way their home was furnished and decorated he could tell that they had lived in Americe. It wasn't weird or awkward for him at all since he had attented an american school in China. He was used to it. He heard Yi En calling out to his mother with the same embarrassment in his voice. Jia Er smiled kindly before introducing himself with his real name. 

'' It's okay. I went to an American school in China so I'm used to it. '' 

After hearing all about Jia Er's background and nationality while they were eating dinner, Yi En's mother seemed even more fond of him. They spoke in english because it seemed the most natural for Yi En's parents. When everyone had finished eating, Yi En helped his mother clean up while Jia Er was in conversation with his father. It was the right time to explain that Jia Er was sleeping over because of what happened to his mother. As he expected, kind-hearted as his mother always was she didn't mind one bit. Instead she felt empathy for the boy.

They had gone upstairs to Yi En's room. Jia Er sat on his bed as he was told to wait a bit so Yi En could get a mattress for him to sleep on. He looked around in his room. Big posters from constelations and the moon, a globe and solar system planetarium model on his desk, old books on his shelf. These things said a lot about Yi En. There was one thing in particular which seemed almost familiar to him. It was a black snapback cap on his night stand. Jia Er reached out for it and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the white lettered word on front of the cap. His last name.

'' This can't be.. '' 

The mattress was heavier than Yi En had thought as he struggled to carry it through the hallway. When he reached his room he was barelly able to hold onto it and fell on top of it as it landed on the floor with a thud. Jia Er took his eyes off his cap and stared at Yi En, his eyes wide.

'' How did-- Where did you get this? '' 

Yi En sat up on the mattress and looked at the snapback in Jia Er's hands. He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to remember. 

'' Mmh, I found it a few years ago. I crashed into someone with my bike that night and I guess it belonged to the other person. It looked pretty new back then so I tried to look for the person. But I never found him. '' 

This was impossible. He gaped at Yi En in astonishment. His snapback that he had been looking for now belonged to the boy in front of him. 

'' That night.. was there perhaps a falling star? '' 

This time it was Yi En who looked at him wide eyed, perplexed. There was no way he could've known that. Unless-- His eyes stared from Jia Er back to the cap in his hands. 

'' That-- was you?! '' 


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cascade7 #1
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the continuation! but of course, hope all is well with you, dear writer. :) update when you have the time :D
Qiiiii #2
Chapter 4: Omg sooo good! Hope u can update soon! :)
Chapter 4: awhhhh my poor heart can't take this!!!!!!! please update soon this story is so good!!!!!!!
koreabookitty #4
Chapter 4: So good! I can't believe Jackson is gonna leave! :( I always miss this story between chapters. Thank you for another amazing update!!

Happy New Year!
Cecemin #5
Chapter 4: This is so precious! I love the way you writting!! Is so touching! I love the way the feelings are describe and growing up.
Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
illover #6
Chapter 3: you are so yi en and jia errr is love
nevr4get #7
Chapter 3: ♡♡♡ I love this so much ~~ Thank you author-nim, I'm ready for the next chapter!! :^))
nevr4get #8
Chapter 2: This gives me the chills~~ Ah my heart is swelling ♡
Chapter 2: I love it please update soon author- nim ~♡
Cecemin #10
Chapter 2: I like it, the way everything is written so slowly and beautiful! Thank you for sharing it!!