Taekwoon, Trailer 6, Garage 1

The Trailer Park

Jung Taekwoon sold his single wide trailer for a garage a little over two years ago. Ever since then, he's lived with Hakyeon in his single wide. Since both boys own the lots at the dead end of the trailer park, Hakyeon was able to angle his single wide so it would stretch both lots, giving Taekwoon's garage the privacy he needs.


Not that Taekwoon is doing anything bad in his garage, but he's by no means a certified mechanic or detailer. So when angry shop owners catch wind of a boy running a personal garage out of his trailer park finding the actual garage is all said owners need. With Hakyeon's trailer acting as the first line of defense and Hakyeon's mouth acting as the second, there's no way Taekwoon will be found out.


But that won't matter in a few months, anyway.


“What about these?” Hakyeon pokes his head into the garage, holding a pair of Taekwoon's jeans.




“And these?” Another pair of jeans, same wash.




“These?” Another pair of jeans, same wash.




Anyone else would have complained, would have questioned Taekwoon's thinking, but Hakyeon just nods and walks back into their trailer.


That's how things have always been between the two friends.


“You should pack a few more shirts, I hear in the city a single white t-shirt is the same as our lot rent.” Hakyeon is sitting at the kitchen table when Taekwoon walks in.


“I don't believe you.” Taekwoon says, walking towards the coffee pot.


“Ah, hands.” Hakyeon doesn't have to watch the younger boy to know what his intentions are.


Taekwoon rolls his eyes and walks towards the sink. As he washes his hands Hakyeon continues with his outrageous rumors.


“And don't even think about buying a pair of jeans there, Woonie. I hear those will cost you two months rent!”


“I don't believe you.” Taekwoon says again, topping off Hakyeon's cup.


Hakyeon tilts his head in thanks and offers Taekwoon the sugar, “it's true.”


“Says who.”


“Jaehwan told me.”


That got him.


“No he didn't.”


Taekwoon doesn't care about much. He makes enough money to support himself and Hakyeon and knows enough about computers and the internet to make bill payments online, but that's about it. He doesn't care about the newest fashion trend in the city or even what the next big super food is to eat. He hardly thinks about the task at hand, let alone any future tasks.


Until he met Jaehwan.


He has never met someone with so much ambition, so much life, so much...future. When Jaehwan and his father moved into the trailer park it's like they brought hope with them. Jaehwan's dad has always held an upright job, sometimes working two when things got tough. And unlike most adults in the park, the only reason he'd miss a night home with Jaehwan is because he's doing something in Jaehwan's best interest.


And then Jaehwan started hanging out around the garage. He started asking Taekwoon things, pushing him to work his mind a little more and not just his hands. And then he gave Taekwoon the stupid idea to go to a technical college.


What a stupid idea.


“When do your classes start?”


“The fall.”


“So you'll have enough time to get settled and find a part time job somewhere? I wonder if there are garages in the city.”


“Of course there are.”


“Have you looked?”


“No, but Jaehwan told me.”


“How does he know?”


“He does his research.”


It's true. Jaehwan was more than prepared to answer any questions Taekwoon could have thought of. Not that he really had any questions. All he needed to know was that Jaehwan wanted him to move to the city with him. There was no hesitation.


The hesitation came when Jaehwan gave the stipulation that Taekwoon has to enroll in technical college if he wants to move to the city.


“So I'm supposed to believe there are garages in the city for you to work at, but you won't believe that he told me white t-shirts in the city cost an arm and a leg?”




“That's unfair.”


When he told Hakyeon about the move he expected his trailer mate to be more than upset. He expected Hakyeon to feel betrayed, demoted.


Instead the older boy was relieved.


“Well, don't come running to me when we get to the city and you don't have enough money to buy white t-shirts.”


“Since you will.”


“I will, thank you!”


The silly conversation dies and is resurrected into more serious matters.


“But really, you guys will be okay?” Hakyeon asks.


“Of course.” Taekwoon pinches Hakyeon's neck for effect, “will you?”


“I think so.”


“You think so or you hope so?”


“I know we'll be fine.”


“How do you know.”


“Wonsik told me.”

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Chapter 6: I...don't think Hongbin is gonna take this all that well.
Castrenia #2
Chapter 5: This chapter is so cute!
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 4: Something tells me that Hongbin will be in some trouble.Hope you update soon.
Chapter 4: oh dear, Hongbin is......he's in for a nasty shock in the future, isn't he? like, a really, really nasty one?
shizwow #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait to see where this will go! It has been good so far and I have no doubt it'll get better. Your writing is simple and easy on the eyes to read and understand. I think I might have a new favorite ;)