Wonsik, Trailer 3, Lots 3 and 4

The Trailer Park

Kim Wonsik lives in the only double wide trailer in the park. That's more than enough space for just Wonsik and his mother. Hell, even when his sister was living with them the double wide served its purpose well.


His sister took the first chance she had to move out of their house on wheels. Wonsik always told himself he was sticking around until his sister graduated school. Then the two of them would leave together. His mother, at the time, would have never noticed. She probably won't notice, now.


It took her a few weeks to notice his sister hadn't come home. At first she blamed the move. Acting as if her new position as property manager for the trailer park had driven a wedge between the two females, but Wonsik knew his sister saw an out. His sister didn't ask him if he wanted to go with her at all. And at the time, he thought he'd be upset. But he waited for his emotions to come, tears to fall, but he realized then that he just doesn't care about a lot of things.


He must take after his mother.


When Wonik's mother moved their double wide to the park it sits in now she had tried to shake the small trailer community with fear. There are only a few lots available and almost none open next to each other. The only option were lots 3 and 4. The two best lots, lots 6 and 7, were already occupied and Wonsik's mother had it in her mind to start off her reign with eviction.


The two best lots sit at the dead end of the park. Wonsik's mother is convinced that they have more space even though the blue prints read otherwise. Wonsik tried to talk his mother out of the rash gesture, knowing that she wouldn't be in the double wide on said lots half of the time anyway, but she would pat his cheek (borderline slap) and tell him she was just a 'woman in a man's world'. She needed to assert her dominance.


So she set her jaw and walked towards the single wide trailer with the small garage occupying the second lot. Wonsik had wanted to go with her, to ease any tensions she might cause, but she, of course, told him she needed to do this alone.


And really, when he really thought about it, Wonsik didn't care. He didn't know the tenants at the time, why should he worry? So he didn't.


Wonsik expected his mother to return red faced, angry, but victorious. He waited to hear the command to call the moving truck that he had on speed dial, tell him to come and hook up their trailer again, but the command never came.


Instead she came back with two cups of coffee and two muffins, still warm from the oven.


“Those two boys are so nice. The quiet one is going to fix the leak on my pontiac. And Hakyeonie said he'd bring over breakfast tomorrow!”






So now, just Wonsik and his mother live in the double wide. Hongbin might as well claim residence since he's there more than both occupants.


He's there when Wonsik leaves to run his... errands, and there when he gets back. Sometimes he'll want to tag along with Wonsik, and sometimes he lets him (When they're legitimate errands). Other times, he'll make the younger boy focus on his school work, even though Hongbin said it's too late into the year to get a passing grade.


Jaehwan tells Wonsik that Hongbin has a crush on him, but Wonsik doesn't think so. Since they're both the same age (Wonsik older by just a few months) Wonsik thinks their bond comes a little more naturally than others. Hongbin was the first to welcome Wonsik and have an actual conversation, other neighbors too afraid to talk to the property manager's son.


“What do you want to do tonight?” Hongbin asks Wonsik, emerging from the bathroom door, steam rushing out. Wonsik's double wide has the best water tank in the park and on more than one occasion Wonsik has let the tenants of the park use one of their two showers. For a price of course. His mother would be furious. But again, he doesn't care.


With Hongbin, though, there is no fee. Wonsik's never had a brother before, but he feels like Hongbin is the exact type of brother any guy could ask for. He's always down to go anywhere, do anything. Not afraid to speak his mind. And when some high school kids ran their mouths at the pair walking home from the store one day Hongbin didn't mind getting his hands a little dirty. He's also a great listener when Wonsik needs it. Not that he needs it much.


If it wasn't for Hongbin he'd probably be a recluse. A shut in. Only known as the property manager's son to the park like the last trailer park his mother managed. Well, at least to those in the trailer park. Wonsik has never really kept connections in the trailer parks he's lived at. The other guys in the park are nice, but it wasn't until Hongbin convinced Wonsik to go with him to a party at Hakyeon and Taekwoon's that he stepped out of his shell (bedroom). Normally he'd be content laying on his bed, pen in hand, writing away.


Or running his errands.


“don't you have homework to do?” Wonsik asks Hongbin. He knows every Wednesday night Hongbin has a ton of homework to catch up on. Thursday is the only day Hongbin has classes (or at least the only ones he talks to Wonsik about).


Hongbin, in typical brother fashion Wonsik assumes, drops his towel as if he were the only person in he room. He rummages around the pile of his clothes that is steadily growing for a clean pair of anything to put on. “I do, but that won't take me long. We can go out after.”


“And do what?”


“That's what I'm asking you!”


Wonsik shakes his head, “you'll be asleep before you even finish your first chapter.”


“No I won't.”


“Just start on your homework,” Wonsik says, trying to ignore Hongbin's pout. It's less of a pout and more of a look of disbelief. Not in the shocked sense, but more like his facial expressions are calling bull for him. Straightened eyebrows, lips to match. Eyes shifted so far to the side of the room it's almost all whites. He stands up and reaches for his only jacket hanging on his desk chair.


“You won't need that, it's getting warmer out.”


Wonsik pulls the jacket on and shakes a little to let the jacket settle on his body, “I don't care.”


Hongbin sighs, knowing it's better to just shut up and start his work so he can get his way later than try to fight it now. Why Wonsik cares so much about his studies he has no idea. He doesn't seem to care about anything else.


“Let me guess, errands.”


Wonsik pulls a random beanie out of his top drawer, “Errands.”


“Why can't I just go with you.”


“Because you have to learn about,” Wonsik looks down at the opened page in Hongbin's book, “The economic crisis in Burma, and what we should do about it.” Wonsik shivers at the thought.


“Will you come back in an hour?”


“Yes,” Wonsik tries to hide his groan, feeling like he's talking to a worried mother. Not his own mother, but one that actually worries about him.


“I'm starting the timer now, so better run.” Hongbin spins his wrist watch, making sure Wonsik knows he's being serious.




There are two different types of errands Wonsik runs. Normally, the only time to really do his errands is after dark, at least if you want to be safe about it. Something he hasn't brought up to Hongbin or anyone in the park for that matter, but especially not Hongbin. He doesn't want to taint the poor boys innocence. And they aren't long errands, just a lot more running around than necessary.


It's just best if he avoids any conversations about his errands. Most of the time when the topic is brought up it's easy to deflect. Either it's just him and Hongbin hanging out, or he uses the excuse that Sanghyuk is too young to hear about such things. Which pisses Sanghyuk off, but Wonsik doesn't care.


His errand tonight, though, has been becoming more frequent.


Another errand that, for some reason, Wonsik feels like Hongbin shouldn't know about either.


He glances behind his shoulder to make sure he doesn't see Hongbin's head peering out the window. He ducks into the darkness, hoping his dark jacket and beanie camouflage him enough. There's a sensor light on the front door and the light in the garage is almost always on, so he opts for the window facing the woods.


Wonsik taps on the window gently, knowing he's heard.


“Ah, Wonsikkie, just in time for coffee, I'll let you in the back.”


“Thanks, Hakyeonie.”  

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Chapter 6: I...don't think Hongbin is gonna take this all that well.
Castrenia #2
Chapter 5: This chapter is so cute!
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 4: Something tells me that Hongbin will be in some trouble.Hope you update soon.
Chapter 4: oh dear, Hongbin is......he's in for a nasty shock in the future, isn't he? like, a really, really nasty one?
shizwow #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait to see where this will go! It has been good so far and I have no doubt it'll get better. Your writing is simple and easy on the eyes to read and understand. I think I might have a new favorite ;)