Lie 4: Hee Chul's Facade

Based Upon Lies

Hee Chul was sitting silently in the library when Kang In approached him, slamming a hand on the table. "You bastard!" he screamed.

"Kim Young Woon, this is a library, meant for peace and quiet, not yelling accusations and cursing. Please leave my presence and the vicinity of the library," Hee Chul said calmly, never taking his eyes off of his book.

Kang In, annoyed yet perplexed at the intelligent words, snatched up Hee Chul's wrist and dragged him outside. "Let go!" Hee Chul hissed.

Kang In slammed him against the wall and growled, "You've changed... What the hell are you anymore?!"

"What are you going on about?" he answered, annoyed.

"You're doing things you've never done before! That Han Kyung or Han Geng guy is changing you!"

"He is not..."

"You've never studied before. You've always gotten D's and C's or lower. You've never had your natural hair color. And now? You're always hanging around Han Geng!"

Hee Chul pushed Kang In off of him and snapped, "I can do whatever I want!"

"That guy is changing you! You shouldn't follow in his footsteps! He's just going to use you!"

"How? I'm an A student now. I'm top of my class. I've always been like that... I just haven't shown it. Hannie brought it out of me and now I'm respected. I beat out Kyu Hyun. Kyu Hyun! Cho Kyu Hyun! You know how big that is?! Hannie is just looking out for me."

"Hannie?" Kang In snorted. "Well... You better come clean and say that this is all a joke before I break your precious Hannie for breaking you."

Hee Chul huffed as Kang In walked away. The first thing Hee Chul did was seek out Han Geng. He would never let Kang In get to him.


Hee Chul growled lowly at some of the passing students as he clung tighter to Han Geng's arm. "Well... Aren't you feisty today," Han Geng snickered.

"Shut it, Geng," Hee Chul snapped. "I'm protecting you."

"From what?" he snorted.

"Kim Young Woon, also known as Kang In."

"Erm... That guy? Come on, Chullie~ He can't hurt me," he laughed.

"Han Geng! It's not a joke! He says you changed me. He wants to hurt you for changing me."

"But you were already like that, jagiya."

Hee Chul blushed at the new nickname. "I-I know.. Bu-but... I just--"

"Chullie... Don't worry about it," he said, Hee Chul's hair gently. "I'll be fine. Stop worrying. Worry about the exam you have next period."

Her Chul snorted. "It's only calculus. I'll do fine."

"That's the real Chullie I know! Now, stop worrying and beat out Cho Kyu Hyun's scores!"

"Arasso!" he cheered. He paused. "Hannie?" he said softly.

Han Geng leaned down to Hee Chul's height as the older beckoned him to do so. Hee Chul quickly placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you... For bringing out the real me," he whispered.

Han Geng smiled. "Do you want to come by my house later?" he asked.

Hee Chul pouted. "I come over every day! What makes this one an exception?"

"Because today I want it to be counted as our first official date," Han Geng answered.

Hee Chul blushed. "But-But why not at a park or a restaurant?" he asked.

Han Geng chuckled. "Yeah right! You hate crowded places! My house is obviously not crowded. And besides, I cook well, and you love my Beijing fried rice!"

Hee Chul laughed to cover up the slight shock he'd gotten from Han Geng answering why the date should be at his house. How did Geng know he hated crowded places? Sure, he may have mentioned it once or twice, but he'd seriously remembered?

"Hee Chul!" Kang In suddenly called.

Hee Chul whipped around to look at Kang In. Kang In made an exaggerated move of cracking his knuckles, pointing to himself, Kyu Hyun, and Sung Min, and then pointing at Han Geng. Hee Chul gulped. He knew what that meant. Kang In was the top-notch boxer of the school. Sung Min was the captain of martial arts. And Kyu Hyun was the evil prince of the school, a hot nerd, and a vicious gamer, but he had muscles, loads of it.

Kang In was signifying that if Hee Chul didn't "come clean" by the end of the day, then Han Geng was going to get it. Hee Chul bit his lip.

"Chullie? What's wrong?" Han Geng asked.

"I... I need to make an announcement to the school..." he said silently.

After the last class period ended, Hee Chul's voice came over the PA system.

"This is Kim Hee Chul! I want to say that I've not changed. I've always been an A student, but I've never shown it. So those of you who had plans for a certain someone, call it off! If you want someone to beat up, beat me because I lied. I hid my real self because at my old schools and at home I was beat, bullied, and for my looks and grades. Don't pick on my friends, because they're wonderful, innocent people. I'm a liar and practically a . Pick on me, not them. Thank you. Oh! And shout out to Kim Young Woon! Lee Teuk slept with Si Won!!!"

Han Geng couldn't help but grin at the red face Kang In slowly rising to glare at Si Won at the back of the classroom, who was protesting, claiming it was a lie and standing by his ground that he was straight. Hee Chul was brave.

Han Geng grabbed his books and walked out to the parking lot where Hee Chul was already waiting by his car. Han Geng wrapped his strong arms around Hee Chul and said, "You are NOT a ..."

Hee Chul gazed at him and was about to say something, but Han Geng shut him up with his own lips. "You're my ," he said.

Hee Chul just snorted out a laugh and climbed into Han Geng's car. Han Geng really was something.

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thrice #1
Seems interesting!
mangafrick #2
Chapter 3: not sure how to said this the story to fast when first they arguing n then suddenly they hug each other n tell story about their life ehmm
Chapter 10: love it soooo much
i liked haw hangeng get hold oh heechul and control him ( not in a bad way i mean like wath he did in class when he was doing the drama scene whit kibum ) and heechul our diva oh my god!!!!
kyay! *squeal* I just read it all today (I swear, I only read fics so fast when I like them, otherwise it can be weeks or even months until I finish them...). Thank you! That was really a cute story!!!! I laughed so much in the first chapter with Hangeng teasing Heechul the whole time and then the real Heechul.. so cute!
it was nice
that was so awesome, and really cute. thank you! :D
Love ur fanfic
Naaaaw!!! ^^ I'm going to explode due to all the love and all the cuteness! :D
you stop lying :*)<br />
Aish, this two are precious<br />
a really cute chapter! ^^