
I'll be your man Noona

As time flew by Victoria and Amber were missed by their fans and they wanted to do something about it. So they decided to make a music video. They wanted it to include the EXO boys so they asked them to be in it. Of course they agreed. The concept of the video was romance. It tells a story of two girls falling in love with two befriends. Everything was perfect at first till one of the boy took ill. Later he died. His girlfriend was heartbroken and cried everyday. Being the boys best friend the boy wanted his friend to take care of his girlfriend. The boy promised his friend. He would do anything to help his even if it meant giving up his girlfriend. Of course the girl didn't know and.felt betrayed. She finds learn the truth till he the day he died. The girl wanted to see her boyfriend so bad she.killed her self. That tells the story of how far people would go to see and help their loved one.

Victoria would be playing the girl who lost her boyfriend. And Amber would be playing the girl who lost her boyfriend due to sickness. Victoria boyfriend will be Luhan and Amber will be Kai. The rest of they guys will be the people at their funeral singing the chorus.

I'll do anything

Victoria: blue Amber: green EXO: red

I thank the Lord every single day for giving me you

Your the best thing that happened to me. 

I remember when I met you your smile still in my head

We were the perfect two

Then you left me all alone

What am I supposed to do??

I'll do anything just to have you back

I'll do anything just to kiss you

I'll do anything just to have you in my arms

I loved you with all my heart then one day you left me crying

After you left me without any words 

My world is falling apart

The other half of me is gone

Then I see you with her kissing her hugging her loving her

This I can never forget

no one can replace you 

Your kisses your hugs your warmth and your smile forever in my heart

No.One can replace you

I'll do anything just to get you back

I'll do anything just to kiss you

I'll do anything just to have you in my arms again

I'll do anything just to see your face

Kris was really jealous when Kai got to be Ambers boyfriend even though he died in the end. He was especially jealous when Kai was hugging Amber and was really close to her. But what can he do acting is acting.

Kris wasnt the only one jealous. Victoria was too.

Victoria POV 

I mean I'm supposed to be happy that the director chose Luhan to be my boyfriend right? Yeah I was happy till I saw how close they were and how normal they were around each other. I was mad or sad? Jealous?? But then my mood was lifted again when the director told Luhan to kiss me. Kekeke

Luhan POV

Being Victoria boyfriend even if it's fake is really fun. Even though we are only acting I feel's for.real. When I.first heard the song I really could relate somehow and was really happy to be a part of the video. I was even.happier when the director put me as Vic boyfriend. Yay!!


I was so excited for the I was really glad to be a part of it. Although I can sense some jealousy going on between Kris when Kai and Amber noona were close. Then I saw Victoria noona pouty face when Kai was hugging Amber noona. Jealous? I asked my hyung and they said the same as me . Huh


I.was super happy to play one of the boyfriend. Even though I wants noonas boyfriend. Of course her boyfriend was Luhan hyung. Tbh they looked so cute and happy together. I can see why Victoria likes him. I admit I was a bit jealous but I didn't want my feelings to take over.

Amber POV

I was upset Kris wasn't my boyfriend but I just wanted to get it over with. And I was too tired to say anything. But when we.we're.shooting I could see my eunnie jealousy at me and Kai. Does she finally have feelings for.Kai? Oh wait she looks so happy with Luhan Oppa never mind.



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Hellohellohellobaby #1
Chapter 19: Somehow I still want Amber to end up with Kris, but Kyungber is nice too! It's nice how put Yiyun with Chen haha! I suddenly love EXO more!
BeepBeep1234 #2
Chapter 11: Is it weird that I think Jessica's evil laugh was funny?
Chapter 19: Yay! Vic and luhan are married to each other~
Thank you, author-nim :)
AmberBiased23 #4
The ending was soooo cute
Ambers a lucky girl she got both Chen and kyungsoo
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update ^^
Mich517 #6
Chapter 17: Omg poor Amber T^T
Chapter 16: KyungBer! ^^
Mich517 #8
Chapter 16: Still rooting for Chenber >~< because they seem the most realistic to me
Chapter 15: KyungBer and KaiToria please.......
krisber_1806 #10
Chapter 15: so not krisber...
i think this is krisber.