
I'll be your man Noona

Amber arrived at the court to see Kris her boyfriend holding Jessica waist and them kissing. She was in shock, she didn't know what to do, she just cried and ran away from the horrible scene. Kris saw Amber and knew his had misunderstood him and his ex. He shoved her with all his strength and ran after his girlfriend.

Exo and Victoria decided to follow Amber. They were curious what they did on a date. It's been 2 weeks since they started dating and know one knows how the date goes. When they saw Amber stop they stopped and saw the scene. They were mad and angry especially the Kyungsoo.

Suho: how could he do this to Amber!!

Kai: I'm so gonna kill him later.

Victoria: wait guys Amber's running let's follow her! 

So they followed Amber and Kris. They didn't expect that to happen.

Amber POV

I thought he said he loved me? How could he do this to me?? Pabo Amber you would never replace his first love. 

Amber cried and didn't know anywhere else to go so she crossed the road then SCREECH!! BAM!!

Kris: Amber! No!

EXO and Victoria ran to Amber lying on the ground. Blood every where 

Kyungsoo: someone call 911!! Now!! 

Victoria started crying and trying to wake Amber up but she played there pale and cold.

Soon the ambulance came and so did reporters. They flooded the street with cameras and mic. They put her on a stretcher and driver her off to the nearest hospital. Victoria and Kyungsoo boarded the van as Amber was closest to them.

The other boys drove off in their car. They were speeding but no one gave a crap. Amber was in danger.

Kris POV

This is all fault. Please be okay Amber. Please.

Suho POV

I look around car and saw all the boys face were pale then Tao and Sehun started to cry. I was holding back my tears and I knew that's what everyone else was doing too.

In the hospital

They sat and some walked around waiting for her.It has been 3 hours since the accident and she was still in surgery. Victoria cried as she leaned on Luhan shoulder. The others prayed and prayed.

Kyungsoo POV

Please God spare Amber. Please give her another chance to live. I'm begging you please. I could taste the salty water coming out of my eyes. I couldn't care less.

Victoria POV

Why did it have to be her? Why? Kris you monster!! Amber my little sister please hold on. I know your strong enough.

Victoria: why were you kissing Jessica when you already have Amber??

That question came out of surprise for everyone but they had to agree with it.

Kris: it's not what you think

Lay: then what is it?

Kris: she was slipping so I helped her then that's when she kissed me as soon as Amber came. It was just a misunderstanding. I swear I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Chen: this isn't right

Kai: what do you mean?

Chen: it's like she planned it all along. First tripping incident then kissing you the exact time Amber came then the car. It doesn't add up if you ask me.

Xiumin: that evil witch. No wonder I never liked her even though she buys me food.

Chanyeol: but Amber is innocent why would she want this to happen?

EXO: Kris.

Kris: what?!

Kai: isn't it obvious? The way she flirted with you this morning, and moving back to Korea all if a sudden? Don't tell me it's just a coincidence.

Victoria: she's dangerous

30 minutes later doctor Hwang came out. They all wanted to know how she was. Doctor Hwang told them that Amber condition was really serious. The car hit her skull and that was very serious. Deadly even. They have a chance of saving her through brain surgery but there's also a chance she won't survive. It's 40% chance of making it and 60% death. 

Victoria hand trembled as she signed the contract. Her tears wouldn't stop of the thought that her sister might die. 60% chance of death. 

The reporters were everywhere. The news was already on t.v. news of Amber in the hospital caused an uproar. Fans every where posted comments messaged saying to get well. Many cried as they saw the news. They started a trend on Twitter saying #llamagetwell. 

It was the most horrifying 5hours of anyone's lives. So when the doctors came out saying she made it everyone jumped in happiness. Again the news spread quickly. Their llama was alive!! EXO and Victoria cried in happiness. The whole hospital was crying from happiness. Even patients that were injured leaped in happiness.

Kyungsoo POV

Thank you God for giving her another chance! Thank you. *Sobs sobs sobs*

They have her time to rest. They were exhausted. Yet they never left the hospital. Only when they got kicked out by the nurses and doctors. All went home except for Victoria Luhan and Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo: Victoria you should rest now. It's been a really long day. Go home and take a nice shower.

Luhan agreed. He never saw his girlfriend look so miserable before and it worried him. But he could understand the situation.

Victoria: you should rest too.

Kyungsoo: no I'll stay. Someone has to keep her company.

Victoria: alright if you say so.

Kyungsoo bent down and caressed her hair. He looked at her pale soft face. So angelic.

In the car

Luhan: Kyungsoo really cares about her a lot.

Victoria: I can see now.

Luhan: Vic remember when you guys went to America?

Victoria: yes

Luhan: Kyungsoo was the one that always reminded us to call you guys. He was also the one who sent Amber the gift.

Victoria: he was?

Luhan: yeah. He knew that Amber loved ddokbokki and they might have it in America but it doesn't taste the same so he sent her that to energize her.

Victoria: wow we thought it was a fan. Hehe that boy really knows our Amber. She cheered up right away.


Ding ding. 

Amber: eunnie there's someone at the door. I'm too tired.

Victoria went and opens the door. She comes back with a package. 

Victoria: for you Amber.

Amber opens the package and her grumpy face becomes a cheerful face.

Amber: ddokbokki!!!

Victoria: who sent it?

Amber: I don't know. Probably a fan from Korea.

End of flashback

Victoria: luLu do you think Kyungsoo likes Amber?

Luhan: umm I don't know why do you ask?

Victoria: I feel like he does. He knows Amber better than anyone without anyone knowing. I can see it in his eyes. When Kris asked Amber time be his girlfriend and she said yes he looked happy but his eyes were full of sadness. By the way where did he go after that? Amber was trying to find him all day. She asked everyone and even Kris got jealous and annoyed by that.

Luhan: he probably had to go some where. Oh. We're here.

They get off and enter the house

Jessica POV

Aishh why didn't she die?? I thought I told him to kill her! Anyways I have to change my plan but it won't stop me. Nothing can stop me. Mwah hahahahha!!!


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Hellohellohellobaby #1
Chapter 19: Somehow I still want Amber to end up with Kris, but Kyungber is nice too! It's nice how put Yiyun with Chen haha! I suddenly love EXO more!
BeepBeep1234 #2
Chapter 11: Is it weird that I think Jessica's evil laugh was funny?
Chapter 19: Yay! Vic and luhan are married to each other~
Thank you, author-nim :)
AmberBiased23 #4
The ending was soooo cute
Ambers a lucky girl she got both Chen and kyungsoo
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update ^^
Mich517 #6
Chapter 17: Omg poor Amber T^T
Chapter 16: KyungBer! ^^
Mich517 #8
Chapter 16: Still rooting for Chenber >~< because they seem the most realistic to me
Chapter 15: KyungBer and KaiToria please.......
krisber_1806 #10
Chapter 15: so not krisber...
i think this is krisber.