Cinta Upahan

Assalamualaikum... And hye! Awak semua.. Wana nak tanya sikit.. Cerita ni nak buat sequel tak?? Sbb adalah bbrp org yg massage mintak sequel.. So macam mana.. Bkn apa sy takut kalau buat kan tk dpt sambutan..


Dekat komen Pn ad jgk org mntak.. So how? How?? 


Kalau rasa CINTA UPAHAN ni perlu di'sequel'kan.. Tolong komen... Takpun massage takpe!! 


I need ur opinions and I need to know!,,

Kalau tknak takpe! Bleh sy fokuskan on my new story.. 😋😋 bye👯









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Chapter 7: Good job..daebaklah cerita ni..mmg best sangat2..><
Shiqah_minseok #2
Chapter 6: Yeayy best. Keep it up !!!
nisa25 #3
Chapter 6: best, update soon awk ><
iamcutegegirl #4
Chapter 3: good.. I like chorong character.. :)
kimchinana #5
Chapter 3: Waiting for your update :)